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Guru Chandal Yog

5 Comments6 min Read


Planets play a significant role in the natal chart of one and all. The positioning of the planets impacts and influence the lives of every individual positively or negatively. Let us now understand the meaning of “Guru Chandal Yog”. Planet Jupiter is known as Guru whereas, the word “Chandal” means a person who is outcaste and “Yog” means a ‘union’ or to ‘join’.

In Astrology, planet Rahu is referred to as Chandal, and the word ‘Yoga’ refers to the inaccurate positioning of a particular planet or group of planets in the natal chart of an individual which leads to a specific impact on his/her life. This in-accurate positioning of the planets can comprise an innate linkage either between the planets only, between planets and signs and between planets and houses. Any of the above combinations is thus a linkage and thus justifies the term ‘Yoga’.

Thus, when the Guru planet comes in conjugation or a negative aspect with either Rahu or Ketu in their natal chart, it is known as the “Guru Chandal Yoga”.

Why is Guru Chandal Yog also called as “Guru Chandal Dosha”?

The word ‘Dosha’ literally means fault. Rahu is often associated with negative traits. Thus, due to its adverse effects on an individual, people often refer to Guru Chandal Yoga as Guru Chandal Dosha.

However, in several references, this Guru Chandal Dosha is found to be beneficial to people if the Guru is positioned in the correct house or sign in the natal chart of an individual.

Let us know more about the planets and their positioning to have a clear understanding of Guru Chandal Dosh also known as Chandal Dosh or Chandal Yoga. Among the nine planets, Jupiter is considered as the Guru (teacher) of all the Gods and is the most beneficial planet. Being the epitome of spirituality and Godliness, planet Guru is often considered to make an individual’s life whole and disciplined. On the other hand, Rahu is considered as inauspicious and is said to create hurdles in a person’s life. Thus, the conjunction of one of the most beneficial planet (Guru) with the planet that is (Rahu) is believed to be inauspicious in the natal chart of an individual is said to merge the two opposite forces, thus causing the Guru Chandal Yog.

Guru Chandal Yog Effect on Marriage; about the positioning of the planets in the House.

Guru Chandal Dosh or the Chandal Dosh has different impacts on each individual. The experiences of individuals who have the Guru Chandal Yoga in their birth chart differ according to the house which it occurs. One must check to check in which house the Guru Chandal Yoga exists.

Jupiter is known as the ruler of the 9th house and the 12th house. Both these houses are said to have an innate relationship with the Almighty and deal with moksha, and spirituality.

When Jupiter and Rahu are placed in the same house in the natal chart of a person, than the person finds it hard to be obedient and submissive, he/she naturally possesses the quality of being rebellious which leads in many setbacks. These people also tend to disrespect the Gurus (teacher, mentor) present in their life.

The rate of being rebellious depends upon how close Rahu and Jupiter are placed in the natal chart of an individual.

Guru Chandal Yog in the 7th House

The house of marriage is the 7th house. So when The Guru Chandal Yog occurs in the 7th house, an individual may not follow the traditional way of marriage and may divert from the traditions and customs and adopt a modern approach towards being in any kind of partnership. The Guru Chandal Yog effect on Marriage is quite adverse. If one has a Chandal Yog in kundali, He/ She must perform a Chandal Yog Shanti puja in order to curb the Chandal Yog effects on marriage. If there is a Guru Chandal Yog in 7th house, than an individual may be naturally against the age-old customs and rituals and the traditional ways of getting married. This individual would naturally divert from the pre-set customs and choose a totally different rule. When Jupiter and Rahu combine in the 7th house in an individual’s natal chart, their marriage becomes a chaos and there are chances of betrayal and cheating in the marriage due to secret affairs outside of the marriage. However, if Jupiter is benefic then the native would be inclined towards spirituality and religious activities. This individual on the other hand can handle business and other professional pressures with ease and knows exactly how to handle enemies and people who are not in their favour.

Guru Chandal Yog in 12th House.

When the Guru Chandal Yog falls in the 12th house of a native, then he/ she becomes unfortunate. He/ she is fooled, disrespected and bullied by others and generally leads a secluded life. At the same time, if the Jupiter is beneficial in the same combination and Yoga, then the native will be drawn naturally towards spirituality and religion and may undertake jobs in a similar space like that in an Ashram or temple.

Thus, if there is Guru Chandal Yoga in the birth chart of an individual need not worry; get your natal chart checked to know the positioning of Jupiter and Rahu and to examine how close they are.

Guru Chandal Yog Remedies

  • One must perform Chandal Yog Nivaran Puja to nullify the negative aspects of Guru Chandal Yog.
  • People can also perform puja to pacify Guru and Rahu.
  • In addition, one should render their services to their parents or parents-in-law, teachers, aged people and poor students
  • The native can wear a combination of 8 Mukhi, 9 Mukhi and 11 Mukhi Rudrakshas along with Jupiter Yantra Pendant.
  • Can worship Lord Ganesh
  • Can worship and pray over Lord Maha Vishnu.
  • Chant Vishnu Sahasranamam.
  • Periodically make a donation of yellow items like cloth, turmeric, yellow gems, yellow sweets, honey etc to Brahmins/teachers
  • Regularly meditate and chant the Brihaspati mantra ' Om Braam Breem Broom Sah Gurve Namah'

What are the effects of Guru Chandal Yog?

People affected by this yoga, find difficulty in clear thoughts and may take faulty decisions and have an unsuccessful life. People tend to do immoral acts and perform misdeeds. There are different effects for the conjugation placement in different houses. Depending on the house of conjugation of Jupiter and Rahu, people may suffer from colic pains or injuries near the naval, depraved and inclined to immoral and unethical behaviour.

However, the presence of other benefic planets during the Guru Chandal Yog can reduce the malignant effect of this yoga and can bring in auspicious results as well. It has been known to produce some very good philosophers, and people working for noble causes. Hence, the yoga should be studied well before reaching to any conclusions.

Chandal Yog Nivaran Puja

We at Rudra Centre conduct the Chandal Yog Nivaran Puja as per the Shastras, to help people lead a better life. If there is Rahu sitting with Guru Graha, then mantras to Rahu are performed, and for Ketu, his relevant mantras are chanted.

Our puja service includes Ganpati sthapana, Navgraha sthapana, Shoadash matrika, Kalash Sthapana, Ganpati mantra japa, Rahu Mantra jaap with 18000 recitations OR Ketu Mantra jaap with17000 recitations, Havan (Yajna), Aarti, Pushpanjaali, and donation of Rahu or Ketu shanti items (items to pacify these planets) in a Saturn temple. This puja is conducted by a group of 7 priests for 1 day.

Chandal Yog Nivaran Mantras

  • Ketu mantra: Om Shram Shreem Shroum Sah Ketave Namah
  • Jupiter: Om Graam Greem Graum Sah Gurve Namah
  • Rahu Mantra: Om Bhraam Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahave Namaha

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