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Rudraksha Collector Beads

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The Beauty of Collector Rudraksha Beads
Rudraksha Collector Beads

Rudraksha beads are highly revered for their divine and powerful healing properties. These have been worn since times immemorial for health, spirituality, peace and for mantra japa.

Rudraksha beads are seeds of the fruit that grows on Rudraksha trees , found commonly in the Southern Asian islands of Nepal, Java, Sumatra, Bali, Iran, Timor and Borneo. When it comes to rudraksha beads, around 70% come from Indonesia and only 25% come from Nepal, while the remaining 5% come from India. Nepal beads come in average sizes of 14mm-24mm, while Java beads come in sizes from 4mm- 12mm. Large sizes in these beads are very rare and well-developed ones with good symmetry and luster and called Collector beads.

Rudra Centre has a collection of collector-grade giant Rudraksha beads. These are distinguished from normal-sized beads as they are giant in size, heavy, lustrous and emit high energy. These rare rudraksh beads are produced in limited quantities in each season. They may be worn or placed at the puja altar for worship or kept in safe boxes and also passed on to generations. These are highly sought after by Rudraksha lovers. Rudra Centre is the largest collector of collector beads from the Gauda land in Nepal. We pay the farmers before season starts to get us the choicest beads of the season for our clients You would find the rarest of the beads from us at reasonable prices

Difference between Nepal and Java Collector beads

Types of Rudraksha Collector Beads

Large-sized Rudraksha beads from Nepal are beautifully formed and come from 1 Mukhi to 21 Mukhi. “Mukhi’ means the number of seeds present inside each bead. The Rudraksha beads from Nepal are larger, well thorny with several projections, and clearly grooved faces. They have well-formed, clear mukhis lines embedded deep in the outer surface, and their size can vary from 28mm and above to about 40mm. On the other hand, Java beads are much smaller in size with a smoother surface and mukhi lines visible as white lines from one hole to the other, very close to the surface and not etched deep. Their sizes vary from 20mm and above. Due to the large surface area, the time of the effect of Nepal beads is faster than Java beads. As far as Chakra balancing is concerned, both varieties work on Chakras and align with them through resonance. Nepal beads take about 3-4 days, and Java beads take about 10-12 days to align to the body. A combination of both Nepal and Java Collector beads is very popular.

Size of Rudraksha Collector Beads

Are There Any Special Benefits Of These Big Size Rudraksha Beads?

Are these beads very expensive?

Collector beads are more potent and act faster due to the large surface area. Due to the presence of large thorny surfaces in Nepal beads, the effects are felt almost instantaneously. Java Collector beads are heavy and symmetrical with clear mukhis and are a delight to own and wear. They are ideal to be handed to generations to come. They may be worn or kept at the altar.

Would these beads be very expensive then?

The price of these collector beads varies from 1.5 times to 3 times the price of regular-size beads. The rarity of these beads makes them a potent collectors’ item and their price increases year after year. Due to environmental hazards, the bead quantity and size are reducing every year. So those with an eye for beauty collect them as and when they get the opportunity.

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