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Dakshinavarthi Shankh Meaning, How To Identify & Importance

4 Comments9 min Read


Shankhs (conch shells) is one of the most treasured and revered sea/ocean creations that are worshipped in Hinduism. Not all Shankhs are auspicious and used in puja rituals but a few varieties of this species are considered as highly auspicious. In the old days, Shankhs were blown before carrying out any new activity and as a signal indicating the beginning of the war. The Dakshinavarti Shankh is one of the most auspicious conch shells that are used in Pujas and Homas. It is known by many names, some of which are Lakshmi Shankh, Valampuri Shankh, Dakhinabarti Shankh, Right-handed Shankh and daxina varti shankh.

The unique feature of the Dakshinavarti conch or the Valampuri conch is that it’s the opening of this shell is in the right. Other conch shells usually have the opening on the left but it has opened on the right side. Hence it is also called as the right-handed conch shell. The Tantra Shastra considered the Dakshinavarti shankh more important than Vamavarti shankh. As the mouth of the divine Dakshinavarti Shankh is closed it is used only for worship. The Lakshmi Shankh does not emit any sound.


Dakshinavarti Shankh

Authentic Dakshinavarti is found between Myanmar (Burma) and Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean. In India, there are three prime locations from where it is sourced. These three locations are the region of the Indian Ocean that is near the Ram Setu, Rameshwaram, Sri Lanka to Tuticorin. The Lakshmi Shankh (Dakshina Shankh) are rarely found in these regions. The second location is the Arabian Sea or Western India, and the third location is the Bay of Bengal. The Whelk Shankh which are found in Pacific Ocean are not Dakshinavarti and they are mainly found in North American waters. They may look the same to an untrained eye and are also known as African Valampuri. Real Dakshinavarti Shankh is found only in Indian Ocean near Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka.

Significance of Dakshinavarti Shankh

The Dakshinavarti shankh is also known as the Lakshmi Shankh as they are associated with Goddess Lakshmi. According to the Holy Scriptures, They are the abode of Goddess Lakshmi, and hence, worshipping these pious Dakshinavarti Shells is equivalent to worshipping Goddess Lakshmi. It is believed that if one prays over and performs the Dakshinavarti Shankh Puja regularly, Goddess Lakshmi appears and blesses the individual with riches, prosperity, wealth, and financial stability.

How to identify the Original Dakshinavarti Shankh?

Dakshinavarti Shankh’s original identification is essential, as a fake conch would offer no benefits. The original Lakshmi Shank is rarely found and it comes in various sizes. It is milky white in appearance and has three to five ridges. The neck of the Dakshinavarti Shankh has brown lines that run in the right-hand side direction. Unlike the other commonly found conches, it has an opening on the right and does not have a shiny surface.


The real Dakshinavarti Shankh can be installed in the Puja altar of your house only after the Dakshinavarti Shankh Sthapana Vidhi. It is very important to know in which direction it is to be installed. You cannot keep the Valampuri Conch Shell in any position. You need to place the Valampuri Sangu on the Dakshinavarti Shankh Stand with its mouth facing the upward direction and its tip in the east direction. As mentioned in the Atharva Veda, the right-handed conch (Dakshina Shankh) has the ability to keep negative energies at bay. It can help one win over enemies and offer abundance. This auspicious conch is also associated with Lord Vishnu, Moon God, Varun God, and Soma God. Thus, one who worships the Shankh Dakshinavarti is protected, blessed, and leads a peaceful life. One can place the Lakshmi Shankh inside the treasure box.


Dakshinavarti Sankh Puja Vidhi

It is always advisable to perform the Dakshinavarti Shankh Puja under the guidance of learned pundits. You can also avail the Dakshinavarti Shankh Puja online by booking the Puja at Rudra Centre . Here the pundits perform puja in the Vedic manner. If you want to worship the Dakshinavarti Shankh,

Book Dakshinavarti Shankh Puja

How to use dakshinavarti shankh?

The auspicious Dakshinavarti Shankh, beside being worshipped and installed at home alter or offices for drawing the energy of prosperity and abundance has some unique uses.

  • Water can be filled in the Dakshinavarti Shankh and can be kept in the altar or a respectful place, covered with a cloth. After keeping it through the night, this water can be sprinkled all over the house to bring positivity in the atmosphere of the house. It can be used regularly in a similar manner.
  • Individuals who are suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes can drink the water kept in the Dakshinavarti Shankh overnight, to help in the healing process.
  • On Diwali after doing the Laxmi-Ganesh puja and worshipping the Dakshinavarti Shankh, if water is kept in it through the night and the next day when the water is sprinkled in the house, it ushers in prosperity and abundance.
  • Children who cannot focus and concentrate, can drink the water kept in Dakshinavarti Shankh overnight. It will help them to concentrate and focus on studies

How to worship Dakshinavarti Shankh at Home?

There are many fake Dakshinavarti Shankh available in the market. Make sure you identify the Shankh before purchasing as per the instructions mentioned above. Let us take a look at the Dakshinavarti Shankh Puja Vidhi at stated below:

  • Place the original Dakshinavarti Shankh on the Dakshinavarti Shankh stand
  • The Shankh’s mouth must face upward direction while its tip must face the East direction.
  • Perform the Abhishekham vidhi by pouring Holy water overt it and by chanting the Dakshinavarti mantra.
  • Now pour milk while still chanting the mentioned Mantra
  • Now do the Abhishek by pouring honey, followed by curd and thus Abhishekham is done.
  • Offer basil leaves to the Dakshinavarti Shankh
  • Now sprinkle the water from the shell on family members


  • Cleanses the aura and also cleans all the impurities present in the atmosphere.
  • Attracts prosperity, riches and offers financial stability
  • Spreads happiness and attracts positivity
  • Offers mental peace and enhances the memory of students
  • Wards off malefic effects of planets and nullify negative energies.

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    June 19, 2024

    I need original valamburi chank

  • Kavita


    March 9, 2024

    I have three valampuri shankh of different sizes (5", 4" ,& 2") can keep all three of them in the Pooja place. Thanks & regards

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    February 14, 2024

    Size, weight price of Kaxmi shanka

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    January 30, 2024

    Need original dakshinavrithi shank can u send pics details and price

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