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Ganesh: The God of Root Chakra

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How is Lord Ganpati/Ganesha Associated with Muladhara Chakra

As per Kundalini Yoga Sutra, the human body receives its subtle cosmic energies from seven chakras that are ruled by different gods. Muladhara considered the 'root' or 'foundation' chakra indicating 'support” is one of the seven main chakras, located near the base end of the spinal column, primarily associated with the action of excretion. Muladhara Chakra is associated with survival and safety and teaches us the life lesson of standing up for ourselves.

An individual with a healthy Muladhara Chakra can be spotted out for a strong sense of security and practicality with a healthy physique. On the other hand, if this First Chakra is blocked, a person may lose the sense of belonging; have weak physical structure, problematic bones, weight issues and a fearful outlook towards life in general.

Lord Ganesha rules Muladhara Chakra, the Root Chakra associated with family, stability and wealth. Mula means ‘main, root or original’ and adhara means ‘base’, meaning that Lord Ganesha is the root cause of our familial happiness and domestic peace that are absent without his blessings. Also in Ganapati Atharvashirsa it is given that 'Lord Ganesha continually dwells in the sacral plexus at the base of the spine, Mūlādhāra Chakra. He resides permanently in every living being at the Muladhara. He guides all other chakras, thereby leading the forces that propel the wheel of life”.

Therefore, Lord Ganesha is the primal force that supports the foundation of every aspect of your life. He removes all the obstacles in all your undertakings. One should meditate on Him every day in the morning. One can also use Ganesha Yantras or Rudraksha beads ruled by Lord Ganesha to strengthen your Root Chakra.

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    February 14, 2025

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