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ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं
भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्।

Om Bhur Bhuvah Swah,
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi,
Dhiya Yo Nah Prachodayat

Hindi Translation:

उस प्राण स्वरूप, दुःखनाशक, सुखस्वरूप, श्रेष्ठ, तेजस्वी, पापनाशक, देवस्वरूप परमात्मा को हम अंतःकरण में धारण करें। वह परमात्मा हमारी बुद्धि को सन्मार्ग में प्रेरित करे। अर्थात् 'सृष्टिकर्ता प्रकाशमान परमात्मा के प्रसिद्ध पवणीय तेज का (हम) ध्यान करते हैं, वे परमात्मा हमारी बुद्धि को (सत् की ओर) प्रेरित करें।

English Translation:

We meditate on the glory of the Creator;
Who has created the Universe;
Who is worthy of Worship;
Who is the embodiment of Knowledge and Light;
Who is the remover of all Sin and Ignorance;
May He enlighten our Intellect.


Let’s join together to invoke the light of the Gods to fight this darkness
Everyday 24 minutes dawn and dusk

Gayatri Mantra | Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha

Gayantri Mantra is one of the oldest and the most powerful mantras being the jewel of all Vedic mantras. By regular chanting of the Gayatri mantra, one firmly establishes and stabilizes the mind. It was first recorded in the Rig Veda and was written in Sanskrit about 2500 to 3500 years ago. It consists of a meter having twenty-four syllables arranged inside a triplet of eight syllables. To be initiated into this sacred mantra is a wonderful privilege. The sound or even the very thought of the Gayatri's verse sets grace in one’s life. The mantra transforms the consciousness and creates an identical vibration to the vital force in nature. Chanting the Gayatri Mantra not only purifies the chanter but the listener too.



Goddess Gayatri is known as Vedamta, the mother of all Vedas. Anyone who entirely devotes himself to the Gayatri recitation can achieve great success in the path of enlightenment. The power of Gayatri has an impact on one’s mind, intellect, heart and inner self. She is believed to enlighten our intellect by removing the darkness of negative thoughts, illusions of ignorance, temptations, and vices. Gayatri undoubtedly and miraculously transforms the mental framework of a person into a systematic, healthy, righteous and balanced one. The mantra guides your mind and takes it on a path of attaining ultimate happiness.

She is the light that illuminates your path, a light that constantly guides her devotees who truly believe in the power of the Gayatri mantra. Chanting this mantra with all your heart can remove the cobwebs of doubt, fear and hopelessness, the feelings that make you unhappy. We must always remember that darkness is nothing but the absence of light; it has no identity of its own. Similarly, the absence of knowledge is unhappiness. We can also say that the true essence of life is ever-present bliss and only the absence of knowledge blinds us from all the happiness around us. The theory of sat, chit, anand is the supreme truth.

The Gayatri is synonymous with the light of the Sun. Therefore, she is the one who throws light on knowledge and makes you aware of your true surroundings. We need Gayatri as the guiding light in our lives so that we can see the simple realities clearly and gain the right perception of life.


Gayatri is the Goddess who eliminates darkness by imparting light in our minds. She is a part of the cosmic sun and is the personification of the divine light that illuminates our thought process. One can also portray her through five faces of different colours. Each colour depicts a facet of Devi Gayatri. She sits on a red lotus and looks on with ten insightful eyes while holding carrying some items in her hands that signify different meanings.

Pearl colour – The pearl-faced avatar is symbolic of the lustrous shine of the precious pearl. This gemstone is found in the depths of the ocean when rain droplets are trapped inside shell fish like oyster, clam or mussel. If this process happens when the Swaati Nakshatra is in the sky, the oyster absorbs its radiation too and creates a pearl inside it. Pearls are considered divine as they have several healing properties.

Coral colour – The bright red gemstone – Coral is one of the nine gems. The second face of Gayatri, which is of a radiant coral shade, is the representation of Nishchal Tattwa – a calm and still state of mind.

Gold colour – The colour gold is bright, vibrant and full of charisma. The golden hue radiating from Goddess Gayatri’s face enhances health and keeps you feeling energetic at all times.

Blue colour – Blue is the colour of the sky and the sea, and Vishnu, the preserver of the cosmos. The blue-toned face of Gayatri imparts the blessings of Narayana on the worshipper.

White face – White is the symbol of purity and serenity. The white face of Maa Gayatri blesses all her worshippers with the grace of goddess Saraswati - the goddess of wisdom.


Meditating with the Gayatri Mantra has the ability to open doors that lead you to several unexplored places. You will be able to see more clearly with your mind’s eye and feel a transformation very vividly. Anyone who relentless chants this Mantra is definitely going to benefit in many ways. It is the guiding light through your spiritual journey. The mantra is so powerful that it can help you come across ways that will take you closer to the Divine. It is a liberation Mantra that energizes you from within.

The perfect time to chant the Gayatri Mantra is at dawn or during sunset. These are the time periods when a special energy crosses the planet Earth. One can also say that the Gayatri Mantra is the queen of all Mantras and the other Mantras are contained within her.


Goddess Gayatri

“Let us adore the supremacy of that divine sun, the god-head who illuminates all, who recreates all, from whom all proceed, to whom all must return, whom we invoke to direct our understandings aright in our progress toward his holy seat.”
- Sir William Jones

“Unveil, O Thou who givest sustenance to the Universe, from whom all proceed, to whom all must return, that face of the True Sun now hidden by a vase of golden light, that we may see the truth and do our whole duty on our journey to thy sacred seat.” - William Quan Judge

“We meditate on the worshipable power and glory of Him who has created the earth, the nether world and the heavens (i.e. the universe), and who directs our understanding.”
- Sivanath Sastri (Brahmo Samaj)

“We meditate on the glory of that Being who has produced this universe; may He enlighten our minds.”
- Swami Vivekananda

“We meditate on the adorable glory of the radiant sun; may he inspire our intelligence.”
- Swami Srikantananda


The word ‘Gayatri’ is a Sanskrit word that comprises of the two words ‘Gaa’ and ‘Yatree’. The word ‘Gaa’ means to sing and ‘Yatree’ means protection. This means that whoever sings praise of Mother Gayatri is protected or shielded from all negative energies. The chanting of the mantra purifies your soul as well as eliminates the ill effects of past sins.

Another theory states that Gayatri is like the light of the Sun, which is the wisdom of Purusha or cosmic consciousness. She is the healing light of wisdom and divine grace that dispels fears and the darkness of ignorance. We can also see that the Mantra is addressed to 'Tat Savitur' which translates to 'that sun of Supreme Consciousness', which lights up everything, including the physical sun.


These first nine words describe the glory of God and the second half is a prayer to God

OM Symbol of the Par Brahman
Bhur Bhu-Loka (Physical plane), Embodiment of vital spiritual energy (pran)
Bhuvah Antariksha-Loka (Astral plane), destroyer of sufferings
Swah Swarga-Loka (Celestial plane), embodiment of happiness
Tat That; Transcendent Paramatman, That
Savitur Ishawara or Creator, bright like sun
Varenyam Fit to be worshipped or adored, best choicest
Bhargo Remover of sins and ignorance; Glory Effulgence, destroyer of sins
Devasya Resplendent; Shining, divine
Dheemahi We meditate    may imbibe ; pertains to meditation
Dhiyo Buddhis; Intellects; Understandings, intellect
Yo Which; who
Nah Our
Prachodayat Enlighten; Guide; Impel, may inspire


Chanting of the Gayatri Mantra is often prefaced with either a short invocation or a long invocation and is often followed with a closing.

Short Invocation:

  • This invocation is acknowledging and joyously celebrating that Om is bhur, Om is bhuvas, and Om is suvaha, Om is everything. The terms bhur, bhuvas, suvaha (maha vyahritis) are invocations to honor the planes of our existence and to call to our aid the presiding deities of the three planes in which we live our ordinary life: the physical, astral and mental planes.
  • The three lokas (bhur, bhuvas, suvaha) are the bija (seed) mantras of the devatas called Agni, Vayu and Aditya who are being invoked to assist in our transformation. (Chandogya Upanishad (IV, xvii, 1-3) and (II, xxiii, 3)).
  • Then Prajapati reflected on the three lokas and from this reflection was born OM. As veins pervade all leaves, so Om pervades all sound. Verily all this is Om! Verily all this is Om!
  • The short preamble is simply these four words:
    • om
    • bhur
    • bhuvas
    • suvaha

Long Invocation

As with the shorter version, this invocation is recognition that there are many worlds, all empowered by the nameless, formless, birthless, deathless which is symbolized by om…. om is everything.

These seven lines of the long invocation are the seven lokas, or planes, of existence, and are used not only to recognize and honor the planes of existence, but also to call the presiding deities of those planes to aid in our transformation and realization:

om bhuhu
om bhuvaha
om suvaha
om mahaha
om janaha
om tapaha
om satyaM

The seven lokas, may be briefly described as:

  • bhuhu – earth, the physical world
  • bhuvaha – astral/desire/breath, the world of becoming
  • Suvaha – mental, the world of thinking
  • mahaha – causal, silent mind, the world of emotion
  • janaha – world of creative generation
  • tapaha – world of intuition
  • satyaM – world of Absolute Truth

This recital of the lokas begins with the gross, physical world filled with separation and differences and then each, in sequence, becomes more refined, more transcendent, more unified, more all-encompassing.

The recitation of the lokas, done with intent and clarity, prepares one for the chanting of the Gayatri Mantra by harmonizing and attuning one with all the worlds.

Short Closing:

bhur bhuvas suvar om

Long Closing:

Om apo jyoti rasamrita brahma
bhur bhuvas suvar om
This beautiful closing pays tribute to the myriad forms of the One. A simple translation is:

Om, the Water, the Light, the very Essence in which we exist, the Absolute, the physical world, the astral realm, the mental realm, all are Om.

Daily spiritual practice:

The beautiful rhythmic patterns, soothing ancient sounds and powerful intent make the Gayatri Mantra a magnificent part of daily spiritual practice.
The Gayatri Mantra combines the effects of mantric sound with the effects of a deep and profound prayer, resulting in a combination which is exceedingly potent.
As with all spiritual practices, this is a vehicle for intent. The stronger and greater the intent, the stronger and greater the results.
All Gauri Shankar Rudraksha represent this powerful Gayatri mantra.


Relentless recitation of the Gayatri Mantra illuminates your intellect and provides profound wisdom in every aspect of life. It is radiant with unlimited spiritual energy and it is also a pure and magnanimous prayer that helps in both personal and universal enlightenment. It restores health and destroys all dark energies and ignorance that covers the soul.

Worshiping Gayatri is like lighting a lamp within yourself, it illuminates your inner self, as well as you, radiate with a light that shines upon the entire cosmos. It imparts mental clarity that is essential to unveil greater knowledge.

The sacred texts of Hinduism like the Upanishads have several references to Gayatri in them. Also, in many Hindu scriptures it is endorsed that the Gayatri Mantra should be chanted at three sandhyas of the day; dawn, noon and sunset.

It influences the physical body, clears the emotional body, and lead one towards the inner heart. Our energy centers, levels and rhythms are activated by the measure of breaths that are used through the nostrils and released during the recitation of the Gayatri Mantra (even during muted repetition). This balances electromagnetic rhythm and energy currents in the body with prana (the life force). By chanting this mantra, Divine spiritual light and power is infused in much of our seven chakras and connect these to these seven great spiritual corners of one's mind and existence.


Gayatri Puja is one of the most powerful and influential Vedic rituals. It is also associated with many deities. Pujas like Sudarshan Gayatri , Brahma Gayatri , Durga Gayatri , Hanuman Gayatri and more pujas are best for your home and office. These pujas offer protection, harmony, high intellect, health and success. These rituals include mantra Japa, Yantra puja, Hawan, Aarti, Kalash stapana and Brahmin Bhoj in accordance to Vedic scriptures.

Know more about these pujas

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