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Gems Vs Rudraksha

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Gems Vs Rudraksha

Rudraksha beads pacify the malefic effects of planets. For this, the beads of the malefic planets are worn to appease them. Also, Rudraksha beads effectively open up blocked chakras instantaneously. Every chakra has a different Mukhi, which work on opening it to release the fruits of that chakra. For e.g.: - Ajna chakra awakening causes manifestation to happen, Manipura chakra awakening causes a person to realize his true self-power, Swathisthana chakra opening helps a person honour himself and defend himself and Muladhara chakra opening helps a person to develop the power and courage to face challenges. The results obtained by intense meditation, and Yoga and other healing therapies for cleaning chakras is obtained instantaneously by wearing the right Rudraksha. Rudraksha do not need to necessary touch the skin but needs to be worn in specific manner to obtain results. Rudra Centre has done intensive study on effect of Rudraksha on different chakras. Thus now they are into therapies of healing even diseases with Rudraksha by just opening the affected chakra. Java beads are found to have a similar effect as Nepal beads in opening chakras. The difference is the time taken by both.

Gems, on the other hand, are worn to strengthen the effect of benefic planets. Gems do not work at all if they do not touch the skin and cause adverse results when worn incorrectly. We find that a large population wears Gems prescribed on the wrong fingers and positions. Also, most people wear treated gems unknowingly which do not give result. But when worn in the correct manner, a gem has potency to give luck, power and good health and enhance aura of the wearer. Gems strengthen the chakras which they represent. For e.g.:- Ruby for Manipura chakra, Yellow Sapphire for throat chakra, emerald for heart chakra etc.

Every Chakra has got 2 sides, front and back. The front part of the chakras is on the front side of the body. And the back of the chakras faces the back of our body. The front chakras give us the ability to give, this is what we give to the world and how we perceive the world. The back chakra points is our ability to receive. This is what we receive from the world, how the world perceives us. Here are some of the issues.

  • Unable to manifest their own goals, but can manifest other's goals
  • Feel less or low energy flow
  • Feel tired or drained after a healing
  • Feel less spiritually empowered
  • Others demand too much of their time, energy or money
  • Not feeling satisfaction/compassion after healing others
  • Not doing professionally as well as they'd like
  • The front chakras are healed by Rudraksha, and the back Chakras are healed by Gemstones. Hence the combination of Rudraksha Ratna works powerfully on chakras.

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