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How Lord Shiva Killed Jalandhar Demon

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How Lord Shiva Killed Jalandhar

The story of Lord Shiva killing Jalandhar is so captivating that anyone who reads or hears from a self-realized devotee of Vishnu or Shiva, he at once becomes spiritually nourished. All of his past karmas gradually dwindle, making him humble.

The legend of Shiva slaying Jalandhar appears in the Shiva Purana. Once, Lord Shiva disguised as a naked yogi stopped Indra and Brihaspati on the way to Mount Kailasha in order to test their knowledge and behavior with a yogi. Failing the test, Indra who wanted the yogi out of their way threatened Him with his Thunderbolt. However, Indra’s right arm got instantly paralyzed as Shiva nullified the effect of the Thunderbolt. This infuriated Shiva who rose to open His Third Eye. Brihaspati immediately knelt down and asked Him to forgive Indra.

Before the divine Fire from His Third Eye falls on Indra, Shiva turned His head around toward the ocean. The Fire hit the ocean, generating a giant wave of the waters that turned into a boy. Upon hearing the boy cry loudly, Lord Brahma appeared on the scene and wondered seeing the luminous boy. Vivid visuals appeared to Brahma when he looked closely at him. Brahma predicted that he would be the greatest King of all the demons. He would only be killed by Shiva!The boy grew up to be called Jalandhar, one of the highly powerful kings of demons. When Sage Bhrigu told him how Indira had taken away his father’s treasure, he became angry and declared a war against the King of Heaven Indra and other gods.

The Great War ensued, leading to the conquest of the Gods. They all prayed to Vishnu for help. The Lord agreed but not to slay Jalandhar because Goddess Lakshmi considered him to be Her brother. Impressed by Jalandhar’s fighting skills, Lord Vishnu blessed him with Ocean of Milk as he desired. This made the Gods angry as Jalandhar emerged as the King of the three worlds.

Sage Narada once visited the crowned King Jalandhara. The Sage narrated to him the beauty of Kalisha Hill (Shiva’s abode) and His charming wife, Parvati. Shocked to find this out, the King called Shiva a number one hypocrite; how can a yogi in a renounced spirit have a beautiful wife? He asked Shiva to give His wife to him which infuriated Him!

As Shiva entered the war field, engaging in the fight against Jalandhar’s men, the King Jalandhar disguised himself as Shambhu (Shiva) and approached Pravati. However, his strategy failed as she found it out and became violently angry only to show her Kali form. Frightened, Jalandhar left.Parvati knew Jalandhar’s wife Vrinda who was a pious devotee of Lord Vishnu. She went to the Lord and asked Him to do what Jalandhar did to her. Later, Lord Vishnu disguised as Jalandhar went to his wife in order to break her chastity because her husband thrived on her chastity. Vrinda unaware of Vishnu’s illusion embraced her husband Jalandhar (who was Vishnu Himself), spoiling her own chastity.

Upon finding out that it was not her husband but Lord Vishnu, she got incensed and cursed Him that His will also be abducted once (Sita being kidnapped by Ravana in future). When Jalandhara found out that his wife killed herself after falling for an illusion created by Vishnu, he at once marched toward Vishnu and His assistants. However, Lord Shiva appeared on the scene with an extremely fierce look on His face and slew Jalandhara with His Trident by beheading him. As the body collapsed onto the ground, the luminous soul entered the Third Eye of Shiva as it was predicted by Brahma.

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  • Rakesh Gupta


    July 16, 2024

    Very enlightening

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