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Indra Mala

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Rudraksha Indra Mala Combination

An Indra Mala combination includes the combination of Rudraksha beads from 1 Mukhi to 21 Mukhi. The combination (1 to 21) is also strung with Gauri Shankar Rudraksha , Trijuti Beads, Ganesh Rudraksha , Garbha Gauri and Savar Beads. It is considered to be one of the most powerful Rudraksha combinations used for balancing all of your Chakras and pacifying all the planets and for increased spiritual strength. These combinations are prepared according to the description in Katyani Tantra for Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy® (RRCT) . It is worn as a set of neck mala and wrist malas.

Rudraksha Indra Mala Combination


7 Chakras

Indrakshi CombinationThe Indrakshi combination of Java beads - double turnAn Indra combination is prepared in the form of a Mala and a set of two Bracelets or just a set of 2 bracelets to balance all the Chakras in the body. The bracelets are worn on the wrists or upper arms. This is the most powerful way of wearing that gives many therapeutic benefits and also harnesses the full potential of the beads.

Indrakshi Combination in silver - Nepal beads - RRCT

The Indrakshi combination of Java beads - double turn

All Indra Mala Combinations can be made in Gold/Silver or in a simple thread. Gemstones can be added to them to enhance their power. In Chapter Twenty Five of Shiva Purana in the Vidyeshvara Samhita section it is mentioned that:

शिवप्रियतमो ज्ञेयो रुद्रादतः परवानः
दर्शनात्स्पर्शना जाप्या त्सर्वपापहरः स्मृतः

Meaning: Rudraksha is a favorite bead of Shiva. It is highly sanctifying. It removes all sins by sight, contact and Japas.

Dwarka peeth Shankaracharya holding Indrakshi mala prepared by Rudra Centre7 Chakras

Jagatguru Shankaracarya blessing Indrakshi mala prepared by Rudra Centre
Jagatguru Shankaracarya blessing Indrakshi mala prepared by Rudra Centre7 Chakras

Indrakshi mala adorning Shivalinga in famous Neelkanth Mahadev Temple in Varanasi
Indrakshi mala adorning Shivalinga in famous Neelkanth Mahadev Temple in Varanasi


Indra Mala

This style of wearing Indra Combination is best wearing during meditation practices and for keeping in the altar. It does not give any therapeutic benefits to the Chakras.

All Indra Mala Combinations can be made in Gold/Silver or in a simple thread. Gemstones can be added to them to enhance their power. In the Shiva Purana Book 11, Chapter 6, Verse 33-34 it is mentioned: If anybody holds Rudraksham together with pearls, Prabala, Crystal, silber, gold and Lapis Lazuli, he becomes a manifestation of Shiva. If a body, through laziness even, holds Rudraksham, the sin connot touch him as darkness cannot come near.

Indra Mala


Indra Mala

Indrakshi Mala sanctifies you with the divine blessings of Lord Shiva , Lord Vishnu, Goddess Durga, Lord Ganesha, Lord Surya and other deities. These Gods always stay with the wearer of Indrakshi Mala All the desires of the wearer of Indrakshi Mala are fulfilled

Indrakshi Mala also saves one from any kind of harm or loss or danger. Negative forces are driven away from the wearer of Indrakshi Mala.

Gayatri Devi in all Her forms resides in Indrakshi Mala. Indrakshi Mala sets equilibrium of all the Chakras governing the human body Indrakshi Mala provides riches, pleasures, comforts and all earthly desires, as well as leads one to path of righteousness and Moksha. Gayatri Devi in all Her forms resides in Indrakshi Mala

The power of Indrakshi Mala spans across generations. This mala provides riches, pleasures, comforts and all earthly desires and leads one to path of righteousness and Moksha.

Indrakshi Mala is beneficial for those aiming at visibility in terms of community leadership, heading social welfare programs and leading platforms for the well-being of others. All your Siddhis for achieving summits in these fields are influenced positively by Indrakshi Mala. Possessing an Indrakshi Mala is like having entire Universe with you. It is said that Lord Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu surrender before Indrakshi who is Parashakti Herself.


One Mukhi Rudraksha:

Ruling God - Shiva
Ruling Planet - All
Beeja Mantra - || Om Namah Shivaye ||
One Mukhi Rudraksha: For Spiritual enlightenment and divine powers of manifestation.

  • Ruled by Mahadev Himself, it enlightens the Super Consciousness.
  • Destroys all sins and leads one to liberation.
  • The wearer elevates in awareness and merges with the absolute consciousness of the divine. The person who wears this has all worldly pleasures at his feet but remains unaffected by them.
  • On a physical level this bead cures migraines and diseases of the brain.

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2 Mukhi Rudraksha

Ruling God - Ardhanareshwar
Ruling Planet - Moon
Beeja Mantra - || Om Namah ||
Two Mukhi Rudraksha: For Emotional Balance, Unity and Harmony.

  • Represents Ardhanareshwara, a joint image of the Lord Shiva and Shakti.
  • Blesses the wearer with 'UNITY' and harmony.
  • Removes the malefic effects of planet moon and cures emotional instability.
  • Releases fear, insecurity and anxiety.

3 Mukhi Rudraksha

Ruling God - Agni
Ruling Planet - Sun
Beeja Mantra - || Om Kleem Namah ||
Three Mukhi Rudraksha: For Burning of Past Karma and Stress Release.

  • Represents 'Fire' God Agnidev.
  • Wearing of this Rudraksha frees your from bondages of your past birth karma.
  • Wearer is released from past memories of hurt, shame, anger, low self-esteem.
  • Heals stomach and liver ailments.

4 Mukhi Rudraksha

Ruling God - Brahaspati
Ruling Planet - Jupiter
Beeja Mantra - || Om Hreem Namah ||
Four Mukhi Rudraksha: For Knowledge and Communication.

  • Four mukhi represents God Brahaspati who rules planet Jupiter.
  • The wearer gains power of knowledge and creativity.
  • Expands memory power, vocal power, with and intelligence. Wearer is blessed with melodious speech.

5 Mukhi Rudraksha

Ruling God - Rudra Kalagni
Ruling Planet - Jupiter
Beeja Mantra - || Om Hreem Namah ||
Five Mukhi Rudraksha: For realization of higher self, intellect and enhanced awareness.

  • Five mukhi represents Rudra Kalagni who rules planet Jupiter.
  • Best for those who wish to awaken their UpaGuru (Higher self).
  • Strengthens memory, speech, intellect and self-awareness.
  • Removes malefic effects of Jupiter.

6 Mukhi Rudraksha

Ruling God - Kartikeya
Ruling Planet - Mars
Beeja Mantra - || Om Hreem Hoom Namah ||
Six Mukhi Rudraksha: For Willpower, Courage and Focus

  • 6 mukhi rudraksha is ruled by the War God, Lord Kartikeya and pacifies planet Mars.
  • Wearer is blessed with several virtues of willpower, courage, perfection, grounding and focus.
  • Releases mental lethargy and vices of lust and ego. Increases connection with mother earth. Wearer gets luck and assets of properties and vehicles.

7 Mukhi Rudraksha

Ruling God - Laxmi
Ruling Planet - Venus
Beeja Mantra - || Om Hoom Namah ||
Seven Mukhi Rudraksha: For Wealth and New Opportunities

  • Seven mukhi Rudraksha represents the Goddess of wealth, Mahalaxmi.
  • Wearer is blessed with good health, wealth and new opportunities.
  • It should be worn by those who are suffering from miseries related to finance and luck. By wearing Seven Faced Rudraksha the person progresses steadily in life with name and fame and abundance.

8 Mukhi Rudraksha

Ruling God - Ganesh
Ruling Planet - Ketu
Beeja Mantra - || Om Hoom Namah ||
Eight Mukhi Rudraksha: For Removal of Obstacles and Success in Undertakings

  • Eight Mukhi Rudraksha represents Lord Ganesha and planet Ketu.
  • Removes obstacles in path, destroys evils and brings success in all undertakings. Wearer is blessed with knowledge, wisdom and wealth.

9 Mukhi Rudraksha

Ruling God - Durga
Ruling Planet - Rahu
Beeja Mantra - || Om Hreem Hoom Namah ||
Nine Mukhi Rudraksha bead: For Self-power, Materialistic Benefits and Spiritual Awakening

  • The wearer is blessed with lots of energy, powers, dynamism and fearlessness.
  • Gives worldly comforts and desire fulfillment and Moksha (liberation).

10 Mukhi Rudraksha

Ruling God - Krishna
Ruling Planet - All
Beeja Mantra - || Om Hreem Namah Namah ||
Ten Mukhi Rudraksha: For Peace, Protection and Pacifying Malefic Planets

  • Gives eternal peace and protection from negative energies, evil eye and psychic attacks.
  • Gives success in court cases, land deals and relieves wearer from debts and losses.
  • Pacifies all the planets.

11 Mukhi Rudraksha

Ruling God - 11 Rudras
Ruling Planet - All
Beeja Mantra - || Om Hreem Hoom Namah ||
Eleven Mukhi Rudraksha: For Wisdom, Self-confidence and Meditation

  • According to ancient texts the result of performing 1000 Ashavamedh Yagya and 100 Vajpaye Yagya is obtained by wearing this bead.
  • Blesses wearer with high level of awareness, divine consciousness and wisdom.
  • Blesses the ability to take right judgment.
  • Gives control over all senses, powerful vocabulary, adventurous life, fearlessness and success.
  • Best for meditation and sadhanas.
  • Pacifies malefic effects of all planets.

12 Mukhi Rudraksha

Ruling God - Sun
Ruling Planet - Sun
Beeja Mantra - || Om Kraum Ksaum Raum Namah ||
Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha: For Self-power, Release of Stress and Good Health

  • Wearer gets the quality of the sun - to rule and shine with brilliance, radiance and power.
  • Releases stress, anger, worries, suspicion and low self-esteem.
  • Wearer is blessed with confidence, self-power, energy, good health and motivation in life.

13 Mukhi Rudraksha

Ruling God - Kamadeva
Ruling Planet - Venus
Beeja Mantra - || Om Hreem Namah ||
Thirteen Mukhi Rudraksha: For Charisma and Attraction.

  • Fulfills worldly desires of the wearer.
  • Gives hypnotic power of attraction (Vashikaran) to the wearer and blesses him with divine charisma and immense power.
  • Awakens the Kundalini energy.


Ruling God - Hanuman
Ruling Planet - Mars
Beeja Mantra - || Om Namah ||
Fourteen Mukhi Rudraksha: For Enhanced Willpower, Balance of Mind, Strength and Courage

  • The most precious divine gem called Deva Mani.
  • Infuses a strong will, a brave heart and the courage to overcome all odds.
  • Conceptually, Hanuman is the mind. Rama is the soul; it is the surrender of mind to soul, matter to spirit. Hanuman is power personified.
  • Invokes the Hanuman Element in us, which is being fearlessness and doing what comes naturally to us, maintaining a balanced and steady approach and Identifying our latent potential.
  • Ultimate protector from the evil effects of Mars and thus pacifies Mangal Dosha.

15 Mukhi Rudraksha

Ruling God - Lord Pashupatinath
Ruling Planet - Mercury
Beeja Mantra - || Om Hreem Namah ||
Fifteen Mukhi: For fulfilment of innermost desire, success and wealth

  • This bead is form of Lord Pashupatinath.
  • This rudraksha bead heals the heart chakra.
  • The wearer gets freedom from grief, loneliness, depression and ailments related to the heart. Wearer gets fulfillment of his innermost desires, success, name and fame.
  • The wearer elevates himself from worldly attachments and can focus on knowledge, creation and wealth generation.

16 Mukhi Rudraksha

Ruling God - Mahamrityunjaya Shiva
Ruling Planet - Moon
Beeja Mantra - || Om Hreem Hoom Namah ||
Sixteen Mukhi: For: Cure of diseases, protection, release of fears and insecurities.

  • 16 Mukhi Rudraksha is Mahamrityunjaya form of Lord Shiva.
  • The wearer becomes fearless & gets victory against the most fearsome of diseases and most adverse circumstances. It protects from physical illness, negative people and negative energies. This protects from physical illness due to placement of planets.
  • Wearing this Rudraksha is equivalent to chanting the Mahamritunjaya mantra 125000 times every day.

17 Mukhi Rudraksha

Ruling God - Katyayani Devi
Ruling Planet - Saturn
Beeja Mantra - || Om Hreem Hoom Hoom Namah ||
Seventeen Mukhi: For immense fortune, sudden wealth and fulfillment of all materialistic desires.

  • 17 Mukhi Rudraksha is ruled by Vishwakarma, builder of this Universe.
  • Wearer of this Rudraksha gets fruits of Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha Wearer lives with immense power and divine magnetism.
  • Very useful for project leaders, businessmen and political leaders and people desiring growth in career and luck.
  • Gets freedom from diseases, losses, sadness and fears. Gives fulfillment of all desires related to getting a life partner, progeny, good luck and prosperity.

18 Mukhi Rudraksha

Ruling God - Bhumi Devi
Ruling Planet - Earth
Beeja Mantra - || Om Hreem Shreem Vasudhaye Swaha ||
Eighteen Mukhi: For prosperity in personal and professional endeavors.

  • This Rudraksha is form of Goddess Bhumi Devi who is the divine wife of Lord Vishnu. This is one of the most
  • powerful Rudraksha for prosperity.
  • Blesses health, intelligence and prosperity by blessings of mother earth.
  • Quickly paves way for success in business, land dealings and immense wealth.
  • This bead has power to provide relief in diseases like diabetes, arthritis and paralysis.

19 Mukhi Rudraksha

Ruling God - Lord Narayana
Ruling Planet - Mercury
Beeja Mantra - || Om Vam Vishnave Sheershayane Swaha ||
Nineteen Mukhi: For wealth, success in business, abundance in all spheres of life and good health.

  • 19 Mukhi is form of Lord Narayan the supreme of all Gods.
  • Blesses immense wealth, success in business, abundance in all spheres and good health.
  • Gives blessings of Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi and virtues, beauty and prosperity.
  • Freedom from dreaded diseases as this bead opens most of the chakras in the body.
  • The wearer attracts perfect life partner.
  • Removes obstacles in job/business/education and removes planetary afflictions. The wearer gets Moksha.

20 Mukhi Rudraksha

Ruling God - Brahma
Ruling Planet - Earth
Beeja Mantra - || Rudrarupaye Kalpante Namastubhyam Trimurtaye ||
Twenty Mukhi: For success in any venture or undertaking

  • This Rudraksha is Brahma swarupa.
  • Contains the energies of the nine planets, Eight Dikpals (Indra, Varun, Yama, Kuber, Agni, Vayu, Niriti and Ishan) and Tridevas (Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh).
  • This is highly rare Rudraksha and due to its energies the wearer gets power to achieve almost anything he desires.

21 Mukhi Rudraksha

Ruling God - Kubera
Ruling Planet - Earth
Beeja Mantra - || Om Yakshaya Kuberaya Vaishravanaya, Dhan Dhanyadhipataye, Dhan Dhanya Srimdhim mein Dapya Dapya Swaha ||
Twenty One Mukhi: For wealth, finance and fulfilment of all pleasures

  • This rare Rudraksha is represented by Kuber.
  • Best for immense prosperity and fulfilment of pleasures and materialistic desires.
  • Removes all kinds of diseases.
  • Gives the wearer immense protection from any kind of tantra.
  • The wearer never has lack of anything in life.

Gauri Shankar Rudraksha

Ruling God - Shiva & Parvati
Ruling Planet - Sun
Beeja Mantra - || Om Shree Gauri Shankaraya Namah ||
Gauri Shankar Rudraksha: For Awakening of divine love and unification

  • Unified form of Shiva and Goddess Parvati represented by two naturally joined Rudraksha.
  • It opens up the Hrit Padma Chakra and aligns oneself with Universal love.
  • Best for meditation.
  • Harmonizes relationships of the wearer.
  • Expands sphere of influence to love one and all. Attracts a suitable life partner by grace of Shiva and Shakti.

Trijuti Rudraksha

Ruling God - Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva
Ruling Planet - All
Beeja Mantra - || Om Hoom Namah ||
Trijuti: For leadership quality, influential skills and spiritual strength

  • Three naturally joined Rudrakshas is one of the rarest Rudraksha and is called Trijuti.
  • Represents Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh (Shiva).
  • Gives the immense power for great and rare achievements
  • Expands your Universal consciousness.
  • Bestfor leaders, project managers and seekers (spiritualists).

Ganesh Rudraksha

Ruling God - Ganesh
Beeja Mantra - || Om Hoom Namah ||

For perfection in personal and professional life.

  • Provides the wearer with perfection in every sphere of life.
  • Blesses the grace of a Lord Ganesh, The Ganesh Rudraksha Bead is really special due to the way it grows with the trunk on the outer surface of the bead.
  • Removes negativity and obstacles in one's path.
  • Blesses the wearer with abundance, Riddhi and Siddhi

Garbh Gauri Rudraksha

Ruling God - Parvati & Ganesh
Ruling Planet - Sun
Beeja Mantra - || Om Trimurti Devaya Namah ||
Garbh Gauri Rudraksha features the two beads naturally joined together with one being smaller than the other.

For harmony between mother and child and women having issues in conception

Two beads naturally joined together with one significantly smaller than the other, is called Garbh Gauri Rudraksha.
Represent Lord Ganesh and mother Parvati. Best for those women who suffer problem in conception.
Highly recommended for good relations between mother and child. If worn on throat region (above collar T bone) or kept near the woman, she gains pleasure of motherhood.

Savar Naag Rudraksha

Click here to buy Savar Naag Rudraksha
Click here to buy Collector Savar Naag Rudraksha

Ruling God - Lord Shiva
Ruling Planet - Venus
Beeja Mantra - || Om Namah Shivaye ||

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