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Lord Brahma is one of the supreme Trinity of Gods, apart from Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. He is known as the creator of the universe. He created the earth and everything that flourishes on it. His divine consort Goddess Saraswati provides him with the knowledge to run the universe, which is necessary for the process of creation.

Lord Brahma is known as the father of Manu, from whom all beings came into existence. Lord Brahma is often perceived as Prajapati, a Vedic divine being. He is also considered the Lord of speech and sound. Although he is not worshipped as customarily and widely as other Gods, he is a prominent divine figure in Hindu mythology. Lord Brahma is depicted as the ruler of Brahmaloka, the greatest heaven, where only the supreme resides. In the temples of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu, the walls in the north have a place where he is worshipped. Goddess Saraswati is the consort. of Lord Vishnu. Hence, their worship blesses us with knowledge, wisdom and intellect.

Lord Brahma's vahana is the swan, a symbol of grace. The swan is blessed with Neera-Ksheera Viveka, a virtue that enlightens us to detach the good from the evil and recognize that which is valuable and abandon everything evil.

Origin of Lord Bramha

Lord Bramha is said to be the son of God. It is said that first Brahmand, the universe created the water where the seed of life was placed. The seed eventually grew and transformed into a golden egg, out of which Hiranyagarbha, also known as Lord Bramha, was born. There is another tale which depicts the origin of Lord Brahma as a self-born God who emerged from a lotus flower which grew out of Lord Vishnu's navel. He was born to create the whole universe and devise the grand plan for its existence.

Later, Lord Bramha created Manas Putras in the form of Prajapatis to become the father of the human race. Even dharma and adharma, krodha and lobha are said to exist due to Lord Bramha.


Lord Brahma is always clad in red clothes and is depicted as having four heads, four faces and four arms. Since he is the Creator of all beings, he does not carry any weapons. He is often cited as having a white beard that symbolizes the nature of his existence. He holds a rosary in the upper right hand and carries a book in the left hand.

He also holds a kamandalu or waterpot in his right hand. The book signifies knowledge and the waterpot symbolizes nature and the essence of life. He bestows blessings on everyone who seeks refuge. Each of his hands has its own representation. The four faces which continuously chant each Veda “ Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva represent sacred knowledge. The arms represent the four directions of creation, depicting Lord Brahma to be the one omnipresent Lord of the universe.


Lord Brahma is said to be less prominent when it comes to worship amongst other deities but has symbolic temples associated with him that are hugely worshipped by his followers. In Hindu religion, Lord Brahma is considered to be the most important deity, since the entire universe came into existence because of him.

There are certain mantras which can be used to praise and worship Lord Brahma.

Brahma Stuti Mantra
'Gurubrahma Guruvishnu Gurudevo Maheswarah,
Guru saakshaat Param Brahma Tasmai shri guravey Namah.'


Lord Brahma, the creator is the teacher and supreme amongst all other Gods. He is verily Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva himself. I offer my salutations to such a guru.

Brahma Bija Mantra

'Aum Satchit Ekam Brahma'
'Om Eim Hrim Shrim Klim Sauh Satchid Ekam Brahma'


I offer my prayers to Lord Bramha, who is one with the universe

Brahma Gayatri Mantra

'Om Chathur mukhaya Vidmahe Hamasaroodaya Dheemahe
Thanno Brahma Prachodayath'

'Om Vedathmanaya vidmahe, Hiranya Garbhaya Dheemahi,
Thanno Brahma prachodayath'


I offer my prayers to Lord Bramha, the Creator of Vedas, who holds the world within himself. Bless me with intelligence and knowledge.


Mantra 1

॥ ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं सौह सतचिद एकं ब्रह्माे ॥
“Om Aim Hrim Shrim Klim Sauh Satchid Ekam Brahma”


' Brahma is the one supreme and absolute consciousness.'

Mantra 2
॥ ऊँ चतुर-मुखाया विद्महे हंसा-रूड़ाये धीमही तन्नो ब्रह्मा प्रचोदयात् ॥
“Om Chathur Mukhaya Vidhmahe Hamasaroodaya Dheemahe Thanno Brahma Prachodayat”


'Om, Let me meditate on the God with four faces,
The One who rides on the Swan, give me higher intellect,
And let Lord Brahma illuminate my mind '

Mantra 3

॥ ओम ब्रह्मा जज्ञानाम् प्रथम् पुरश्च देवि माता माता पुरुषो अवहा ॥
“Om Brahma Jajnyanam Prarthamam Purastat Dvihi Mata Purushoven Avaha'

Mantra 4

॥ गुरुर ब्रह्मा गुरुर विष्णु गुरु देवो महेश्वरःगुरु साक्षात परब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः ॥
“Gurubrahma Guruvishnu Gurudevo Maheswarah,Guru saakshaat Param Brahma Tasmai shri guravey Namaha”


' Guru is verily the representative of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. (He creates, sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance). He is the living Supreme reality. I salute such a Guru. '

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