Lord Kubera, also known as Kuber, Kuvera and Dhanpati, is worshipped as the God of Wealth by Hindus. He is known as the Treasurer of Gods who showers riches on those who worship Him with utmost devotion. A benevolent, fair-complexioned divine being of short stature and a pot belly is how Kubera is usually depicted. The meaning of name is believed by some to indicate 'deformed' or 'unpleasant' as His iconography reveals, but He is known to keenly shower riches on those who please Him as well as distribute wealth justly to the needy by scattering it from the magic He flies in.
Though His name is not mentioned recurrently and is chiefly conspicuous in the epic Ramayana, He is indisputably an important deity whose presence figures in several legends of Hindu mythology. His worship is also widely observed in Buddhism and Jainism. His images and figurines have also been found in lands as distant as Indonesia, Tibet and Vietnam.
Kubera is also principally revered as the God who bestows fortunes and prosperity, and yet not many are aware that He is a multi-faceted divine personality. He is deputed as the king of Yakshas (semi-divine species like Rakshasas, Guhyakas, Kinnaras, Kinnoris and Gandharvas) who assist Him in safeguarding the treasures lying in the lap of the earth and in the roots of the trees.
He is also deputed as one of the Dikpala and Lokpalas (custodians of the directions). He has been accorded exclusive authority over the north direction (Uttara disha). On Dhanteras during Diwali, Kubera is worshipped with Goddess Lakshmi as it is known to bless one with wealth and prosperity.
Crores of devotees throng the world-famous Tirupati temple in South India. Kubera is a prominent entity in the temple, as the donation ritual is connected to him. It is believed that Kubera lent some money to the god Venkateshwara (a form of Lord Vishnu) for his marriage with Padmavati. In commemoration of this, devotees donate money in Venkateshwara's Hundi (donation pot) in the temple on behalf of Lord Venkateshwara as an act of repaying the loan to Kubera.
Much is said of the peculiarities and uniqueness of the appearance of the Gods in Hinduism. The discussion of the manifestation of Lord Kubera is no different. He is seen bedecked with a lot of jewellery, carrying a bag of gold coins, a mace, a mongoose and occasionally fruit like pomegranate. As mentioned earlier, Kubera has been blessed with wealth and abundance. However, the same cannot be said about His appearance. He is portrayed as a dwarf who looks unattractive and deformed with uncharacteristically white skin. He is often shown with only one eye (believed to be lost due to an angry reaction from Goddess Parvati, who once mistook Him to be winking at Her lustily), three legs and a set of only eight teeth. The depiction may conjure up a picture of ghastly repulsiveness, but the serene expression of the Lord wears all negativities; He does not need good looks but carries forth focusing on His responsibility of looking after and discharging wealth and abundance in the world.
Several beliefs propounded by various ancient scriptures depict Kubera in different ways. Some state that Kubera was the ruler of evil spirits. He has also been portrayed as the chief of spirits of darkness or even the Lord of criminals and thieves. Kubera has also been described as one born from a cow.
Kubera is basically believed to be the son of Sage Vishrava, who also fathered Ravana, Kumbhakarna, Vibhishana and Soorpankha to render them His step-siblings. According to some mythological beliefs, Kubera was also Lord Brahma's grandson who deserted His father Vishrava and went to live with His grandfather. Pleased with His act, Lord Brahma conferred immortality upon Him and also the all the riches of the world (Nidhis). Lord Brahma also awarded Him Pushpaka, a spectacular gigantic aerial vehicle that would transport Him anywhere at a speed willed by Him.
Kubera was originally the ruler of Lanka, but His scheming step-brother Ravana supplanted Him by performing severe austerities to obtain powers for that. He also seized Kubera's magic vehicle Pushpaka and banished Him from Lanka. Vishwakarma, the builder of the Gods created a new abode for him called Alaka or Alakapuri in the Himalayas. Alakapuri was in close proximity to Mount Kailash, the abode of Lord Shiva. His new kingdom was splendid and opulent beyond imagination. He also owned a beautiful garden called Chaitrarath on Mount Mandara. Since it was located in the North, the direction Kubera rules, it was ideal for Him to dwell in and discharge His duties of safeguarding treasures of gold, silver, jewels, pearls and the nine Nidhis (special treasures) on the earth.
Although there are specific Vedic mantras, including the beeja or the seed mantra, to invoke the grace of Lord Kuber, Shree Kuber Chalisa is one of the simplest and the best devotional hymns to glorify him. It contains forty (challis) hymns along with the dohas (introductory and conclusive texts). The core benefits of chanting or reciting Kuber Chalisa are peace, prosperity and favorable circumstances to generate wealth.
In the Chalisa, Lord Kuber is described as one of the Dikpals guarding the northern direction and the portal of Swarga (heaven) headed by King Indra. He is regarded as ‘Bhandari’, meaning the lord of anna (food), water and other essentials and the ruling deity of wealth as the treasurer. Just like Parasurama is the chief among Rishis, Hanuman among the gods, Bhima among humans, Kubera is the chief among Yakshas, serving his spiritual master, Lord Shiva. It is stressfully said in the Chalisa that anyone who meditates on Kubera with determination emerges victorious, has all of his stalled work or tasks untied and never faces the shortage of food grains.
One may recite Kuber Chalisa every day in the early morning hours and in the evening hours (between 6 and 7) and meditate on the benevolent Lord Kubera. You may read the entire Kuber Chalisa here.
Kubera is one of the ‘Yakshas’. In fact, he is their king. Yakshas are basically guardians of treasure. And, being their King, Kubera is the treasurer of the Gods. He is the ruler of Alakapuri, a city situated in the north close to Mount Kailas in the Himalayas. It is believed that he had two wives, Riddhi and Nidhi. Riddhi is the Goddess of Growth and Nidhi is the Goddess of Accumulation.
Lord Kubera is often worshipped along with Goddess Lakshmi. Most of us consider both equally, but there is a difference. Lakshmi, in a sense, is not the goddess of wealth and material opulence. In the Rig Veda, it is said that Lakshmi is associated with ‘auspiciousness’ or ‘divinity’, not material wealth or riches. She personifies absolute divinity and auspiciousness because She is the divine energy of Lord Vishnu and commands the presence of Kubera. In the following hymn (Sri Suktam), it is made clear.
upaitu māṁ devasakhaḥ kīrtiśca maṇinā saha
prādurbhūto’smi rāṣṭre’smin kīrtimṛddhiṁ dadātu me.
‘O Sri (Lakshmi)! I am born in this land with a heritage of wealth. May the friend of Lord Siva (Kubera) and Kirti (fame) come to me.’
‘Kubera’ or ‘Kuvera’ derives from Kumba, meaning ‘to hide’. There are suggested meanings. ‘Ku’ means ‘earth’, and ‘vira’ means ‘hero’; the one who rules the earth (with wealth and opulence). He is connected with material opulence in the form of wealth, whereas Lakshmi denotes divinity, fortune, auspiciousness and spiritual bliss. Lord Kubera is material personified, being the treasurer of wealth, whereas the wealth, opulence, spiritual strength and everything else come from Sri (Lakshmi).
There are rare Kuber temples in India. One of the prominent temples is there in Gujarat is Kuber Bhandari temple, and the other is Shri Lakshmi Kumberar temple in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
The Kuber Bhandari temple located in Karnali, near Chanod (Vadodara/Baroda) is one of the tourist attractions in Gujarat. Being about 36 miles away from Vadodara, it is connected to the city via road and has buses regularly plying from the same.
A legend has it that once Lord Shiva and Parvat passed through the thick forest around the shore of river Narmada. Hungry and thirsty, Goddess Parvati requested Him to fetch some food and water. After bringing food and water with His mystic powers, Lord Shiva thought that it would be appropriate if He himself stays there food and water personified so pilgrims, tired and thirsty, may enjoy having food and the holy waters of river Narmada. It has been said that Lord Shiva stayed there as Kuber Bhandari. In this temple, one gets to see Lord Shiva and Lord Kuber as well.
Another prominent temple is Sri Lakshi Kuberar temple, managed by the Rajalakshmi Kubera Trust in Chennai, wherein Lakshmi Kubera is the main Deity in this temple.
Kubera was a devotee of Lord Shiva. He once performed extreme penance and won the blessings of Lord Shiva. His immense devotion and efforts impressed Lord Shiva, and he gave him a ‘darshan’. He appeared before him with his wife, Goddess Parvati, to give him blessings. Kubera was amazed to see the beauty of Goddess Parvati, and was almost blinded by it. He regretted not having worshipped her earlier. However, she thought that he was looking at her with evil intentions, and in anger, she made his eye burst.
Kubera’s eye was destroyed. So he begged Lord Shiva to forgive him and said that he was not looking at Goddess Parvathi with any kind of evil intentions. Lord Shiva had pity on him and urged his wife to finally decide (by reconsidering his plea). Goddess Parvathi decided to forgive Kubera and let his one eye grow back, though in a smaller size. Hence, one of his eyes is smaller than the other.
Kubera was also rewarded by Lord Shiva, who appointed him as one of the guards of the eight ‘Disas’ (directions). He was appointed to guard the northern direction. Goddess Parvathi also made him the Lord of materials and wealth.
In fact, it is said that Kubera built the golden city of Lanka in the southern sea. Vaishnava, the father of Kubera, had two wives. One of his wives gave birth to the Yakshas, and the other wife, to the ‘Rakshasas’ (demons). Ravana, who was the king of the Rakshasas, was very jealous of the prosperity of Kubera. So he forcefully drove him to the north and captured the golden Lanka. As a result, Kubera went further north and set up A-Lanka. This city came to be known as Alaka-Puri.
Numerous legends are associated with Kubera. The Feast of Kubera is worth mentioning here as the moral it conveys is an important one that materialistic beings in possession of great wealth certainly need to learn. The legend is recounted and narrated many a times teaches us that pride comes before a fall, and inspires us to accept that we should never assume arrogance for material possessions.
Once Kubera, to show off his wealth, organized a grand feast and so invited Shiva and Parvati The invitation was rejected, citing their inability to attend, but it was promised that Ganesha would represent them. Kubera made light of it and proclaimed that he could feed thousands of children like Ganesha.
The day of the feast arrived, and Ganesha went to Kubera's palace. When He sat down to dine, He finished off all the food offered to Him. More food was offered to Ganesha as His hunger wasn't satiated. Kubera kept offering food to Ganesha, who would ask for more. In some time, all the food at the palace was exhausted where even the guests hadn't eaten and Ganesha was still very hungry. In order to satisfy His hunger, He began eating the dishes and even the furniture around. Kubera was frightened on seeing the turn of events, more so when He noticed that even His kingdom could be devoured by Ganesha.
Kubera ran to Lord Shiva and told Him what was happening. He implored Lord Shiva to provide a solution. He simply smiled and gave a handful of rice to Kubera for Ganesha and told Him to serve it with humility. Kubera realised His folly and fell at the feet of Lord Shiva, begging for forgiveness. When the bowl of rice was offered to Ganesha with humbleness, His hunger was satisfied.
Kubera, the great God of wealth and extraordinary Siddhis, is also known as Iccha vasu (who can attain wealth at will). He is also known as Ratna-garbha (womb of jewels) who is in supreme command of all the riches in the world.
If you wish to invoke and please the great giver of wealth to shower upon you cosmic riches and amplify cash flow in business and at home, chant the divine Kubera Gayatri mantra given below facing the north direction:
'Om Yaksha Rajaya Vidmahe,
Vaishravanaya Dimahi,
Tanno Kuberah Prachodayat'
We pay obeisance to Kubera, the king of the Yakshas and son of Vishrava.. We request the great Lord of wealth and fortune to bless us'.
You can also keep the Kubera Yantra at home to attract wealth, open new avenues of income and boost business. Rudra Centre offers a range of Kubera Yantra that you can obtain and ensure your treasury overflows with wealth and abundance always.
Mantra 1
॥ ॐ यक्षाय कुबेराय वैश्रवणाय धनधान्याधिपतये
धन धन्यादि समृद्धि मे देहि दाप्य स्वाहा ॥
“Om Yakshaya Kuberaya Vaishravanaya Dhana-Dhanyadi, Pataye
Dhana Dhanyadi Samruddhim Me,Dehi Dapaya Swaha”
' I offer my humble obeisance to Lord Kuber who is the custodian
of all the wealth in the world and the Lord of success '
Mantra 2
ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं श्रीं क्लीं वित्तेश्वराय नमः ॥
“Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Kleem Vitteshvaraya Namah”
' We offer obeisance to Lord Kuber, who chastises the evil and blesses fame and wealth. '
Mantra 3
॥ ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं क्रीं श्रीं कुबेराय अष्ट-लक्ष्मी मम गृहे धनं पुरय पुरय नमः॥ ॥
“Om Hreem Shreem Kreem Shreem Kuberaya Ashta-Lakshmi
Mama Grihe Dhanam Puraya Puraya Namah”
' Ode to the Superior Lord Kuber, the partner of Goddess Laxmi, to bestow upon me all the wealth and happiness of the world.'
Mantra 4
ॐ यक्षा राजाया विद्महे, वैशरावनाया धीमहि, तन्नो कुबेराह प्रचोदयात्॥
“Om Yaksha Rajaya Vidhmaya Vaishravnaayaa Deemahe Tanna Kubera Prechodayath”
' We meditate on Lord Kuber, who is the king of Yakshas and the son of Vishravana.
May the God of wealth illumine our intellect and inspire us '
Mantra 5
॥ ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं ऐं कुबेराय लक्ष्म्यै कमला धारिणयै धन आकर्षिण्यै स्वाहा ॥
“Om Shreem Hreem Aim Kubera Lakshmiyai Kamala
Dhaarinyai Dhana Aakarshinyai Swaha”
' We offer obeisance to Lord Kuber and Goddess Lakshmi.
May we be blessed by them to have desires fulfilled and attract wealth. '
Mantra 6
॥ ॐ राजाधिराजाय प्रसह्ये साहिने | नमो वयं वैश्रवणाय कुर्महे स मे कामान्कामकामाय मह्यम्| कामेश्वरो वैश्रवणो ददातु | कुबेराय वैश्रवणाय | महाराजाय नम: ॥
“Om Rajaadhi Raajaaya Prassya Saahine Namo Vyam VaiSravanaaya Kur mahe Sa Me kamaan kama Kaamaaya Mahyam Kaameshwaro Vai Sravanothadathu Kuberaaya Vai Sravanaaya Maha Raajaaya Namaha”
' We bow down to Rajadhiraja Vaishravana Lord Kubera, who turns everything (circumstances, time or place) in our favour. May our desires be fulfilled by his grace and blessings! '
Worshipping Lakshmi Kubera has been an integral Vedic custom. Goddess of Fortune Lakshmi fulfils our lives with abundance, and Kuber bestows wealth and luxury on us. How to worship and do Laxmi Kuber Puja? One can simply install Lakshmi Kuber statue or idol at the altar, and offer sacred items like flowers, oil lamps, incense sticks and the like. One can meditate and chant mantras of the deities. For elaborate puja, you can contact us as we perform these pujas online.
Kubera Puja Mantra Japa and Yajna
Kubera is the Lord of Wealth and the god-king of the semi-divine Yakshas. He is regarded as the ruler of the North direction and a protector of the world or Lokpal. He is extolled as the owner of the treasures of the world. Kubera is often depicted as a dwarf with a big belly, adorned with jewels, and carrying a money-pot and a club and riding a mongoos. Kuber is a devotee of Lord Shiva and after severe penance, pleased with his devotion; Lord Shiva made him the Lord of wealth. Kuber is not the originator but the distributor of wealth. The originator of wealth is Goddess Laxmi.
Benefits of Kubera Puja Mantra Japa and Yajna
- To attract wealth, money and richness
- For wisdom, intelligence and prosperity
- For success in business and career
- For blessings of Lord Kuber
Laxmi Kuber Puja and Yajna
Goddess Lakshmi is invoked for wealth and new opportunities. Lord Kubera is the heavenly treasurer who blesses the devotees with comforts and luxuries. This Puja is performed to invoke the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Kubera to acquire material growth and prosperity.
Benefits of Laxmi Kuber Puja and Yajna
- To attract abundance and new opportunities for growth
- To remove obstacles in the way of financial freedom
- For success in business and career
- For the divine grace of Lord Kuber and Goddess Laxmi
Venkateswara Laxmi Kuber puja
A powerful puja glorifying Lord Venkateswara, also known as Venkata, Balaji or Srinivasan, His consort Maa Mahalaxmi, the Goddess of wealth and riches and Lord Kuber, the custodian of Maa Laxmi’s wealth. The deities are worshipped together for all round prosperity, good fortune, comforts, growth and success. Tirumala Venkateswara temple, which is located in Tirupathi, Andhra Pradesh in Southern India, is considered the abode of Lord Venkateswara. Legends say that Lord Vishnu took a large loan from Lord Kubera on the condition that Lord Vishnu cannot return to Vaikunta (heavenly abode) without paying off the debt. Thus till today, Lord Vishnu resides at Tirumala as Tirupati Venkateswara, and devotees offer wealth to Lord Venkateswara so that he can pay off his debt and in return Lord Vishnu fulfils his devotee’s prayers.
Benefits of Venkateswara Laxmi Kuber puja
- Blesses wealth, money and richness
- Bestows wisdom, intelligence, prosperity and materialistic comforts
- Gives success in business and career
We at Rudra Centre offer Kuber Yantras of all types, sizes and designs. Yantras, by nature, attract cosmic energies associated with the mantra and deity engraved on the surface of that Yantra. Kuber Yantra attracts the divine energy of Lord Kuber. Worshipping or meditating on this Yantra brings about a distinct change in one's prosperity and fortune.
How does a Kuber Yantra work?
The centre of Kuber Yantra has “shape energy' / 'form energy'. Every shape in the universe emits a particular frequency and energy pattern. When you focus or meditate on the Kuber Yantra, your mind is tuned in by resonance into that form/ manifesting energy of Kubera.
Benefits of Kuber Yantra
- Blesses fortune, creates favourable circumstances and attracts prosperity, riches, luck and luxury.
- Those seeking growth in business and success in careers must use this.
- Best for attracting multiple sources of generating income and building wealth.
Kenneth Okonkwo
|December 13, 2024
Please I need Lord kuber most powerful ring for wealth promotion, and protection please how much in naira