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Kaali Mantra

Dus Mahavidya Maa Kaali

Not only the primary, but Maa Kaali is the most important of the Mahavidyas. Maa Kaali is the epitome of all the Mahavidyas. All nine Mahavidyas emanate from Kaali and share her virtues and powers in varying shades. Maa Kali is the symbol of dissolution and destruction. She destroys ignorance, maintains the world order, and blesses and frees those who strive for the knowledge of God.

Following are the two popular mantras one chant to please Maa Kaali:

Appearance & Attire

In the Vedas, Maa Kaali is associated with Agni, the god of fire. Goddess with seven flickering tongues of flame, out of those seven Kali was the black, horrible tongue; the dark assort of Shiva. Her appearance is frightening: forbidding eyes, red bulging out tongue, and four arms with a bloody sword and the severed head of a demon in two. The other two are in mudras (postures) of fearlessness and conferring benefits. Draped around her neck is a chain of human skulls and around her waist is a belt made of numerous severe arms.

Significance of Maa Kaali Mantra

Chanting Maa Kaali Mantra is mostly misunderstood. Kali is the full picture of the Universal Power. She is Mother, the Benign, and Mother, the Terrible. Chanting Maa Kaali Mantra awakens us with the reality of truth that God is neither good nor bad, nor both. God is beyond the pair of opposites which constitute this relative existence. She creates and nourishes and she kills and destroys. By Her magic we see good and bad, but in reality there is neither. The whole world and all we see is the play of Maya, the veiling power of the Divine Mother. When one regularly recitates Maa Kaali Mantra he lets his identities dissolve in the submission to her out of absolute faith and love, for them she appears as the very fountain of joy.

Astrological Significance

Maa Kaali Mantra helps individual get immediate relief from the suffering and agony created during malefic period of shani(mahadasa or antardasa). Period of shani sade sati & shani dhaiya are also cut down by regular & guided chanting of Maa Kaali Mantra. It helps mitigate evil effects of shani dosha and protects one from evil spirit, jaadu-tona and untimely demise (akaal mrityu)


Maa Kaali is the very essence of every existence. All the dualities of life, the light and the dark, the beautiful and the fearsome, are united and reconciled in Kali. Maa kali Mantra chants protects a person from the following:

  • Black Magic & Evil spirits
  • Incurable diseases & Prolonged illness
  • Enormous debts leading to extreme poverty
  • Betrayals, Losses & Obstructions in personal & professional life
  • Defamation originating through unknown causes
  • Unfortunate & traumatic events

Recitation of Maa Kaali Mantra is believed to have tremendous powers to turn all wrongs into rights. In the hierarchy of manifestations, Kali stands at the highest, the most abstract aspect of divinity. To attain Maa Kaali's divine blessings one has to abandon all prejudices, inhibitions; and discard all attachments, even the attachments to ideas and concepts.

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