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Mangal Dosha Remedy

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Mangal Dosha

Whenever Mars is situated in the 1st, 2nd,4th,7th,8th, or 12th house of a Rashi or lunar chart (Moon chart), it is known as ' Manglik Dosha, Kuja Dosha, Bhom Dosha or Angaraka Dosha, or Manglik Dosh ' as per Vedic astrology.

This results in instability, struggles and delays in settling down in marital and professional life. Also, the native suffers from frequent health issues.

In matchmaking, the most famous and vicious problem is Mangal Dosh. In reality, it is not Mangal Dosh, but it is called Sumanglik dosha, which means problems in auspicious events of marriage life. In other words, a stoppage in auspicious or good work is known as Mangal Dosh.

This dosha affects both married and unmarried people.

  • A girl is considered to be a  Mangalik, if Mars is placed either in the first, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house of her horoscope.
  • A girl having a  Mangalik dosha or  Vishakanya Yoga present in her horoscope has a threat of becoming a widow. A Kumbha Vivah is a must for such a girl.


  • The way out of Kuja Dosha is for a person with Kuja Dosha to marry another person with Kuja Dosha. If the first house is Aries or Mesha and Mars is in Aries, the Kuja Dosha is not effective as Aries is the own House of Mars.
  • One may wear Rudraksha for planet Mars, and gemstone Coral and pray to Lord Hanuman and Lord Kartikeya for relief.
    Fast on Tuesdays and chant Mangal Graha mantra 108 times.

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