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Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi

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The Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi is an important Ekadashi thithi that occurs once in three years as it falls on the 11th day of Shukla Paksha, waxing Moon phase, in the Adhik Maas or Malamaas. The Adhik Maas is an extra month or leaped month which occurs every 3 years, as per the Hindu calendar. This means the Hindu year with have 13 months, instead of 12. The Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi falls during July- August as per Gregorian calendar is also known as Shukla Paksha Adhik Maas Ekadashi. It is a very significant Ekadashi to observe fast and to appease Lord Vishnu or Purushottam on this day for fulfilment of worldly desires.

Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi

Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi Vrat (Fast) Significance

The Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi Vrat is one of the important Ekadashi Vrat, as it comes once in approximately 3 years, in the Adhik Maasa or Malmaas, which is dear to Lord Vishnu, just as the Ekadashi tithi is His favourite. Observing the Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi Vrat makes a place for the devotee in Vaikuntha(Lord Vishnu's abode), at the Lotus feet of Lord Vishnu, post death. It brings good health, prosperity, spiritual growth, enhancement of devotion, happiness in family, protection and fulfils wishes of devotees. This Ekadashi is also said to be significant for couples who wish to have an offspring and are facing challenges, as it blesses with fulfilment of desire of having a healthy child, by the grace of Lord Pusrushottama/Vishnu. The Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi Vrat bestows the fruits which are earned by performing the best of Yanjnas, taking bath in holy rivers, visiting pilgrim places.


The Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi is presided by Lord Purushottama, which is one of the names of Lord Vishnu, the preserver and protector of the Universe. The Sanskrit word Purushottama means Supreme Being. Lord Vishnu's Avatar Lord Shri Rama, the 7th Avatar of Lord Vishnu, was called Maryada Purushottama, the perfect gentleman and Lord Krishna, who is the 8th Avatar of Lord Vishnu is also known as Purushottama. Performing Puja of Lord Purushottama on Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi brings His benevolent blessings for devotees and their families. On Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi Lord Krishna and Radharaniji and Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, are traditionally worshipped too.


  • On the morning of Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi, take a bath early in the morning. The devotee should intend on keeping the fast with sincerity.
  • Worship Lord Purushottam/Vishnu with dedication. Offer Bog, flowers, etc. to Him at home. Light a Ghee Lamp in honour of Lord Vishnu. Apply Chandan or Kesar Tilak to the Divine Lord image/idol or Shaligram Shila.
  • The Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi Vrat Katha is a must, to read or hear on this day.
  • Be calm. Stay immersed in bhakti. Chant Mantras and praises of Lord Vishnu, sing Bhajans, read holy books, through the day. Visit Lord Vishnu/Krishna Mandir on Ekadashi if possible.
  • Stay awake through the night of Ekadashi, in full consciousness. Play Music for Lord Vishnu, through the night if possible. If the devotee falls asleep on Ekadashi night then the Vrat is incomplete.


The story or Vrat Katha of Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi is about a King named Kirtvirya of Mahismati kingdom, in the Treta Yug. He was known as a good King and was popular among his subjects. He had 100 wives, but he did not have any offspring. This made King Kirtvirya extremely unhappy, pained and he wondered how he would be left childless and his throne would be left without a successor. King Kirtvirya had performed the most powerful Yajnas for fulfilment of his desire of an offspring, a son, but there was no desired outcome.

King Kritvirya along with his first wife Queen Padmini decided to go through austerities together and went to the seclusion of a forest. The King and Queen went through the most severe austerities for several years, but again, there was no result. Queen Padmini felt overwhelmed, to see her husband sad and worried. Queen Padmini met Anasuya Devi(Goddess) once, who on hearing the Queen's story, advised her to observe the fast on the Shukla Paksha of the Adhik Maas/Mal Maas to get the desired blessing. Devi Anasuya explained the Vrat Vidhi and asked her to follow it with dedication.

Queen Padmini observed the Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi Vrat with devotion and followed all the rules. This pleased Lord Narayan/Vishnu and He asked the Queen to ask for a boon. But Queen Padmini reverently told Vishnuji that her boon be passed on to her husband, King Kirtvirya. The King asked for a son who would be endowed with the best qualities that a man can have and be the loved and admired in the three worlds and be undefeatable by anyone except Lord Vishnu. The King's boon was granted and a son was born to him who was exactly what he had wanted in a son. Their son was called Kartavirya Arjuna, grew up to be a valiant and powerful King who is said to have once captured the mighty demon King of Lanka, King Ravana. The name of this Ekadashi is kept on the name of Queen Padmini.

Finishing the narration of the Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi Vrat Katha, Lord Krishna told King Yudhishthira, that by just observing the Vrat on the auspicious Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi, the King and Queen were blessed with a son, with excellent qualities. Such is the glory of Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi Vrat.


The Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi Vrat Vidhi is said to have been specified by Lord Krishna to King Yudhishthira(eldest of Pandava brothers). As per the rules, devotees should have only one meal on Dashami(the day before Ekadashi) and eat before sunset. It is advised to talk minimum while observing the Vrat, spend maximum time in service of Lord Purushottam. Do not eat or cook in Bell Metal. Devotees should consume 'satvik' food. Some of the food items which are not allowed to eat include, non vegetarian food, onion, garlic, salt, urad dal(black lentil), rice, spinach, chickpeas, red lentil/massor dal, honey etc. The Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi Vrat starts from early morning on Ekadashi day and lasts till next day, Dwadashi, Prana time, when the fast can be broken.

There are rules of as per the Vrat Vidhi, includes taking bath on Ekadashi, with a special mix of mud, Cow dung, Sesame seeds, Kusha grass and Amlaki powder, for purification, by praying to Mother Earth and Lord Vishnu. However, this may not be possible for devotees in current time. Take bath with the intention of purification of body, mind and soul.

  • On the Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi , take bath at dawn and follow the rituals to take Sankalp(intension) of observing the Vrat(fast). The devotees should specify whether he/she is keeping partial or complete Vrat/fast. Fasting without drinking water or eating food, Nirjala Vrat, is the best Ekadashi Vrat to observe. One can observe partial fast by drinking water and abstaining from food. However, devotees should be aware of what their body and health can tolerate and fast accordingly. Fruit and Milk diet is also a common way to observe fast on this day.
  • Invoke Lord Purushottama/Vishnu for successful completion of the Vrat. Worship Lord Vishnu/Purushottama by following the Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi Puja Vidhi.
  • Beans and grains are prohibited to eat on Ekadashi for devotees who are fasting by eating one meal on Ekadashi. Non vegetarian food, onion, garlic is strictly not allowed on Ekadashi and Dwadashi.
  • As per the rules, sleeping during the day or night during Ekadashi Vrat is prohibited. The devotee should chant/ sing praises of Lord Vishnu, read the Bhagawat Geeta and other holy books through the day and night.
  • Reading the Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi Ekadashi Vrat Katha or hearing it is a must on this pious day.
  • Gossiping, talking/thinking ill of others or self, does not give the desired outcome of the Ekadashi Vrat.
  • Abstinence from alcohol, drugs, tobacco, other addictions, sex on Ekadashi and Dwadashi has to be observed.
  • Maintain calmness, avoid anger/aggression for the best outcome of observing the Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi Ekadashi Vrat.
  • Distribute the Prasad to family members and as many people as possible on Dwadashi.
  • The next morning, on Dwadashi, give charity to Brahmanas respectfully ask them for forgiveness for any offence. Donating to the needy is also advised which garners Lord Vishnu's blessings.
  • Devotees who observe fast should not eat food in other people's house on Dwadashi.
  • For people who observe Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi Vrat, when breaking the fast, should say the prayer - 'O Pundarikaksha, O lotus-eyed Lord, now I will eat. Please shelter me'.
  • After the prayer the devotee should offer flowers and water at the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu and request the Lord to eat by chanting the mantra of eight-syllable, thrice: Om Namoh Narayanaya.
  • On Dwadashi only one meal should be eaten and Honey and Urad-dal(black lentil) should not be consumed.
  • For devotees observing fast, if due to some unavoidable reason they are not able to break the fast on Dwadashi during Prana time, then drinking water to signify breaking of fast is advised. Later food can be eaten as per convenience.


On Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi, the presiding Deity Lord Purushottam or Vishnu. As per the ancient texts, Lord Krishna-Radharanijee and Lord Shiva-Parvatijee, images/idols are specially worshipped.

  • On Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi, after taking a bath early in the morning and wearing fresh clothes, take sankalp of Vrat/fast to put forward your intention.
  • Light a Ghee Lamp in your Puja Mandir/Alter
  • Perform Abhishek of Lord Purushottam/Vishnu with Gangajal(holy water of Ganges river) and Tulsi leaves. Devotees who have the sacred Shaligram Shila at home should perform Abhishek of Shaligram with Tulsi, Water and Panchamrit (mix of fresh Cow's milk, Honey, Curd, Ghee, Sugar), apply Chandan Tilak on the Shaligram.
  • Tulsi leaves are very important for worshipping Lord Vishnu as they are His favourite.
  • Offer fresh flowers and offer Bhog.
  • Perform Aarti of Lord Purushottam
  • A separate Chowki can be set with the idols/images of Lord Krishna- Radharanijee and Lord Shiva(Shivling) and Goddess Parvati idol/image. You can do Puja at your Puja Mandir. This can also be done at a temple of these Deities.
  • Chant Lord Vishnu/Krishna Mantras. Reciting the Vishnu Sahasranama on Ekadashi is meritorious.
  • On Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi Lord Shiva- Parvati Mantras are also chanted.
  • On this day Goddess Laxmi(consort of Lord Vishnu) and Tulsijee is worshipped too.
  • Constantly chant Lord Vishnu Mantras, sing His praises through the day and night.
  • In the evening, perform Aarti, along with your family members.
  • Stay in a spiritual mode throughout the day and night.
  • Remain awake through the day and night consciously. At night play music, sing Bhajans and be in service of Lord Purushottam.
  • Before breaking the fast on Dwadashi, offer flowers, Bhog to Lord Vishnu/Purushottam before breaking the fast.


The Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi brings benevolent grace of the Lord Purushottam, Krishna-Radharanijee, Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi is an important and auspicious day as it falls in the Malamaas or Adhik Maas. The Puja performed on this day brings peace, good health, success, good fortune, good luck, material contentment, worldly and spiritual pleasures, righteous living, harmonious relationships among family members, joy, abundance and invincible protection of Divine.


  • Observing Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi Vrat pleases Lord Purushottama(Vishnu), the presiding Deity of this Ekadashi.
  • Padmini Vishuddha Vrat when observed perfectly alleviates miseries, suffering, strife and brings abundance in all aspects of life and bestows a happy contented life.
  • Desires of devotees are fulfilled. The Padmini Vishuddha Vrat Katha shows that it is significant for fulfilling the desire to have an offspring, if there are challenges in conceiving a child.
  • Observing Ekadashi Vrat relieves devotees of sins and after death the soul of the devotee is liberated and reaches the abode of Lord Vishnu.
  • This auspicious day of Ekadashi offers an opportunity for the devotees to focus only in Lord Vishnu, chant Mantras and sing His praises, which helps to garner the blessings of the Lord and adds to the fruits earned by the devotee in his/her spiritual journey.
  • Observing complete fast on Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi detoxifies the body and rejuvenates the energies of the devotees. It also helps to have control over one's senses while performing the Vrat, especially the Nirjala Vrat.
  • It elevates the devotees to a higher consciousness.


On Padmini Vishuddha Ekadashi Lord Vishnu/Krishna Mantras are popularly chanted.


Om Namo Narayanaya
Om Namah Bhagavate Vasudevaya
Hare Krisha, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,
Hare Ram Hare Ram, Ram Ram Hare Hare

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