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Celebrate Papmochani Ekadashi in 2025

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Ekadashi is widely followed by devotees on the 11th day of the waxing Moon phase or the Shukla Paksha and similarly in the waning Moon phase or Krishna Paksha as per the Hindu Lunar Calendar. Therefore, the Ekadashi comes two times a month when devotees observe fast throughout the day and night till the next morning. There are 24 Ekadashis every year. Lord Vishnu is ardently worshipped on this day as the Ekadashis are dedicated to Him. Devotees observe the fast to please the Lord and be liberated from sins and attain Moksha.

Observing fast or Vrat on this day means following the rules and regulations meticulously and chanting the name of Sri Hari/Lord Vishnu/Krishna. Every Ekadashi has a legend connected to it and demonstrates the power of observing Ekadashi Vrat. Anyone from 8 years to 80 years of age can observe Ekadashi fast and benefit from it. Scientifically, keeping fast on these two days detoxifies the body and has other benefits connected to it. You can keep a dry fast or a fast abstaining only from food or eat a fruit-based diet on this day. Keeping the mind clear and pure while observing the fast has significance in the successful completion of the fast.

Papmochani Ekadashi 2025: Dates, Tithi, & Parana Time

Papmochani Ekadashi on Tuesday, March 25, 2025

On 26th Mar, Parana Time - 01:41 PM to 04:08 PM

Papmochani Ekadasi is the last and one of the most significant Ekadashis falling in Chaitra month (April-May) in Krishna Paksha or waning Moon phase as per North Indian calendar and Phalgun month (March-April) as per South Indian calendar. ‘Papmochani’ is made of ‘Paap’ meaning ‘sin’ or ‘misgivings’ and ‘mochani’ meaning ‘remover’; the one who removes the misdeeds committed knowingly or unknowingly. This Ekadasi happens between Holi and Chaitra Navratri .

All Ekadashi(Gyaras) Vrat Katha


Papmochani Ekadashi Parana Time

Those who observe the fast must break it after sunrise on the next day of Ekadashi. It is to be noted that one should break the fast (Parana) within Dwadashi Tithi. Another important consideration is that one must not break the fast during Hari Vasara which is the fourth duration of Dwadashi. The best time to break the fast is pratahkala (morning).

On 26th Mar, Parana Time - 01:41 PM to 04:08 PM
On Parana Day Hari Vasara End Moment - 09:14 AM
Ekadashi Tithi Begins - 05:05 AM on Mar 25, 2025
Ekadashi Tithi Ends - 03:45 AM on Mar 26, 2025

Papmochani Ekadashi Parana
Vaishnava Papmochani Ekadashi on Wednesday, March 26, 2025
On 27th Mar, Parana Time for Vaishnava Ekadashi - 06:17 AM to 08:45 AM
On Parana Day Dwadashi would be over before Sunrise
Ekadashi Tithi Begins - 05:05 AM on Mar 25, 2025
Ekadashi Tithi Ends - 03:45 AM on Mar 26, 2025

Significance Of Papmochani Ekadashi

In the ancient Hindu text, the importance of fasting on this Ekadashi has been mentioned clearly. The old text has Lord Krishna explaining to Yudhisthira the importance of the sacrifice of Horses (Ashvamedha) or even seeing Lord Vishnu Himself. It is said that one who observes fast on this day adhering to the rules will be liberated and get a place in Lord Vishnu's abode. Papmochani Ekadas is the most divine Ekadashi for nullifying all the sins. One should observe fast on this day. The benefits of observing fast and staying awake at night are:-

  • Removes all the misgivings, misdeeds, and sins.
  • Gives clarity of thoughts and nullifies all the guilt feelings.
  • Increases spiritual, emotional, and intellectual strengths.

Papmochani Ekadashi Vrat Katha (Story)

Every Vedic custom has a reason behind its celebration, as does Papmochani Ekadashi. During the Vedic times, Rishi Chyavana lived with his son Medhvi who possessed bodily strength and beauty. Medhavi always engaged in meditation and austerities in order to keep himself pure in mind and body. As he went on performing austerities, King Indra of heaven could not bear his excellence and sent heavenly beauties such as Apsaras and other enchanting damsels. This was on purpose to break his meditation but produced no results as he was fully absorbed in spiritual bliss.

papmochani ekadashi katha

A few days later, an Apsara named Manjugosha entered a hermitage nearby Medhavi. She started singing enchanting songs in the most melodious way. He gradually found himself getting drawn to her and as his meditation came to a standstill, a Cupid shot an arrow on the order of Indra that aroused pleasure-seeking feelings in him. As a result, he fell in love with her and all the purities he attained through long meditation faded away. He was lost in her so much that he couldn’t realize the passage of time.

Years later, she told him that a lot of time had passed and he must leave her. Medhvi returned to his senses discovering that it was her illusory trick that destroyed all the fruits of his meditation. Angered by her act, he cursed her to become the ugliest woman in the universe.

He apologized to his father Rishi Chyavana for losing all the strength due to an insignificant act of chasing a woman. Chyavana pacified him and said that he must perform Papmochani Ekadashi to get rid of this sin. Also, he advised Manjugosha to do the same. As a result, both of them got cleansed of their sins due to the grace of Lord Vishnu.

Rituals: What to do on this Papmochani Ekadashi?

  • Take a bath before sunrise on the day of this Ekadashi. You may chant the mantra dedicated to Holy Rivers.
    'Ganga Cha Yamuna Chaiva Godavari Saraswati,Narmada Sindhu Kaveri Jalesmin Sannidhim Kuru'
    Meaning: 'In this water, I invoke the presence of divine waters from the rivers Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu, and Kaveri.”
  • You may visit a Vishnu temple and offer prayers. If a temple is not around, you can worship Him at your home in the early morning.
  • One can simply chant this mantra: ‘Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya’. This powerful mantra was given by Sage Narada to Dhruva Maharaja as described in the Bhagavata Purana (4.8.54).
  • You can chant the above mantra or Hare Krishna mantra on the Tulasi bead.
  • You can offer flowers and chant Vishnu Sahasranamam (Thousand names of Lord Vishnu). Chanting a thousand names of Vishnu or Vishnu Stotram has a purifying effect on the mind and the body. You can also play it in the morning while you engage in daily work.
  • You can also perform a Vishnu Sahasranama Puja under qualified Brahmins. It is a highly recommended activity on this day. The puja includes Vishnu- Lakshmi Abhishek and Pujan, Vishnu mantra Japa- 1100 times, Vishnu Sahasranama Strotra followed by Homa and Aarti.
  • You can wear a Ten Mukhi, a Seven Mukhi, or a Nineteen Mukhi Rudraksha bead as they are ruled by Lord Krishna, Goddess Lakshmi, and Narayana respectively. Wearing these Rudraksha beads on this day purifies your inner self and strengthens your will power.

papmochani ekadashi meaning

Gather puja items such as akshat, flowers, jaggery, gram lentils, sandalwood, incense sticks, and an oil lamp to worship Lord Vishnu. Start with praying to the Chaturbhuja form of Lord Vishnu and read the Vrat Katha of Papmochani Ekadashi. After that, burn a diya(lamp) with ghee in front of God and ask for forgiveness if any unintentional sin has been committed.

Other Rituals as per Papmochani Ekadashi

  1. One day before Papmochani Ekadashi which is the 10th day of the Krishna Paksha, the person should clean his/her teeth thoroughly in the afternoon and have supper at Sunset hour.
  2. On the morning of Papmochani Ekadashi, the person should intend on keeping the fast meticulously. The person should have a bath in a river (which is said to be most purifying) or a lake and in both not being available, bathe with pond water.
  3. While bathing the person should smear mud on his/her body by chanting a prayer to Mother Earth.
    The prayer - O Asvakrante! O Rathakrante! O Vishnukrante! O Vasundhara! O Mrttike! (O Mother Earth! please remove all my sins accumulated from past lives so that I may enter the abode of the Lord Vishnu the Supreme Lord)
  4. Worship Lord Govinda with complete dedication and offer an excellent 'Bhog' (food to Divine) along with flowers and other items of the offering.
  5. Light a lamp at home in honor of the Lord.
  6. Chant or sing praises of Lord Vishnu throughout the day and remain in a most blissful state during the fast.
  7. Stay awake through the night in full consciousness. If possible play musical instruments throughout the night to please the Lord.
  8. The next morning the person should give charity to Brahmanas and respectfully ask them for forgiveness for any offence.
  9. For people who keep a complete fast till the next day, one should say the prayer - 'O Pundarikaksha, O lotus-eyed Lord, now I will eat. Please shelter me'.
  10. After the prayer, the devotee should offer flowers and water at the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu and request the Lord to eat by chanting the mantra of eight-syllable thrice. To garner the full merits of the fast, the devotee should have water that has been offered to the Lord.
  11. Fire sacrifices can be performed if the devotee chooses to do so.
  12. On the day of Ekadashi till the next morning, the devotee should involve in taking baths, singing and chanting praises of the Lord Vishnu and worship Him with complete devotion, involve in activities of devotion and doing charity.

Papmochani Ekadashi Vrat Vidhi: Fasting Rules

As per specifications in the ancient texts, the person should adhere to the rules strictly to get the benefits of fasting on Ekadashi.

papmochani ekadashi parana time

  • The devotee observing fast should have a bath on the morning of Utpanna Ekadashi.
  • Beans and grains are prohibited to eat on Ekadashi.
  • The killing of any animal is prohibited on this day for the devotee.
  • Sleeping during the day is not allowed on Ekadashi and the next day that is on Dwadashi.
  • The devotee keeping fast should not meet or interact with any cheats, frauds, or people involved in any nefarious activity. The scriptures even say that if by chance the devotee comes into proximity of such a person then one should purify by standing under the sun and looking directly at it.
  • Abstinence from sex, gambling, gossiping on Ekadashi and Dwadashi.
  • On Dwadashi (the day after Ekadashi), devotees are not supposed to eat in another person's house, have only one meal, Honey and Urad-dal(black lentil) is not to be consumed, eating on Bell-metal plate or cutlery, and should not massage oil on the body.
  • As per the ancient text, if the devotee has to speak to a person from the lower cast, then he/she will have to purify himself by eating Tulsi leaves or an Amalaki fruit.
  • If due to any reason the devotee is not able to break the fast on the next day, then he/she should have water to signify the completion of the fast and later have food when convenient.

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