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Rahu Dosha Nivaran (Rahu)

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Rahu Dosha Nivaran (Rahu)


Rahu is the cut off head of an asura, who drank Amrit or the divine nectar by deceiving Lord Vishnu. He is said to swallow sun to cause the solar eclipse. He is said to bring chaos, mystery and cruelty in any area of life he controls. He is known to impart random, uncontrolled growth that comes without wisdom or understanding.

Book Rahu Dosh Nivaran Puja

Astrological Importance

Astrologically, Rahu is a part of the navagrahas or nine planets in Vedic astrology. He is considered the master manipulator and is counted as a specialist in scheming and plotting.

According to Hindu Astrology, one of the eight sections or pahars between Sunrise and Sunset is known as Rahu Kaal or Rahu Kalam. This time is considered inauspicious to start any new venture, as it may not yield good results, however, any work, journey or trade that is already in progress is not affected. Starting any new undertaking is prohibited during this time.

The colour associated with Rahu is black, and smoke grey, and the gemstone associated is honey-coloured Hessonite or Gomedh.

Durga Power Pendant

Powerful 9 Mukhi Rudraksha was designed as a pendant for dynamism, abundance and fulfilment of materialistic desires. 9 Mukhi Rudraksha is governed by Goddess Durga so blesses the wearer with power, energy, enthusiasm, name, fame, spiritual awakening and endurance. It alleviates all worries and destroys sin. The Rudraksha is very helpful in pacifying malefic of planet Rahu, Rahu Andardasha in Mahadasha and Rahu Dosha and strengthening its benefic effects. It also helps balance the Crown Chakra and attain enlightenment.

Calamus - Rahu

Root herb of Calamus tree strung in an adjustable thread to be worn as a planetary amulet. This herb amulet can be worn in place of an astrological gem to balance the effects of planet Rahu. Wearing it helps cure mouth, lungs or neck ailments caused due to negative effects of planet Rahu. It helps provide relief from addictions and protects from negative energies and mishaps. It also attracts wealth, materialistic comforts, fortune and happiness.

Rahu Yantra Locket - Copper

Rahu Yantra embossed in a copper locket with an antique finish to remove the malefic of planet Rahu and enhance its positive effects. The Yantra, carrying divine blessings of Rahu provides protection from hidden enemies, deceit, illness, mishaps and misfortune. It bestows worldly desires, materialistic comfort, sudden luck, prosperity and good health. Helpful for those suffering from Rahu Antardasha or Mahadasha or Rahu Dosha. It also helps overcome obstacles while completing projects or any work.

Rahu - The Dragons Head - Large

Brass idol featuring Rahu Dev, one of the nine astrological planets for blessings of planet Rahu and relief from Rahu Dosha. Rahu is worshipped for relief from the malefic effect of weakly positioned on debilitated Rahu in a natal chart. Worshipping Him brings sudden luck, fortune, materialistic comforts, good health and happiness. It also prevents any mishaps and protects from negative energies and ill intention of hidden enemies. It also brings clarity to understand one’s own mind.


The period when Rahu is in a planetary position with an individual's Nakshtra is known as Rahu Mahadasha. This period imbibes material attachment the person possesses and forces them to develop certain qualities that are lacking in them. Rahu Mahadasha can sometimes bring massive success in people's life as it brings focus and determination to the process. However, it can also bring out the feeling of being out of control and chaotic.

What is the Meaning of Rahu Dosha?

Rahu Dosha is the time when Rahu is in control of the planets in the planetary alignment of an individual. This time is said to bring inauspicious omens around the individual and things go out of control and chaotic.


Praying to Goddess Durga is a part of Rahu Dosha Puja, and is said to ward off all dangers and evils from an individual's life. People are suggested to light lemon lamps during Rahu Kalam is to restrict the influence of Rahu. One can also worship Goddess Durga by listening to Durga chalisa on Friday.

Rahu Dosha Puja is done to ward off the malefic effects of Rahu Dosha.

You can seek Free Consultation from Rudra Centre for Rahu Dosha Nivaran


As Rahu Dosha brings a challenging time in the life of the native going through the period, Vedic ways are suggested to for Rahu Dosha Nivaran. Chanting the Rahu Mantra for 18000 times is an effective way to get relief from its ill effects.

Rahu Vedic Mantra

Ardha Kaayam maha veryam chandraditya vimardhanam |
Simhika garbha sambhutam tam rahum pranamamyaham ||

By doing the Rahu Mantra Japa, a connection to the energies of Planet Rahu is established through the powerful Sanskrit Mantra. When 18000 Japas of Rahu are done to please the planet and relief are granted to the native from the malefic effects of the Rahu Dosha. The Rahu Mantra specified above is in the salutation of planet Rahu, and it is to appease him. A Goddess Durga or Chandi image can be kept in front while chanting. Offerings of Sandalwood and Blue flowers to Rahu is said to please the planet.

The Rahu Mantra Japa should be started on Saturday, and by the Vedic rules, it should be done at night. The 18000 Japas can be divided into equal amounts or as it suits the natives and done daily, for continuous days till the 18000 Japas are over. It is advised to complete the Japas as soon as possible, once it is started. The Rahu Mantra Japa should be done with full dedication and pure intention. However, it is said that we may continue doing the Japa of Rahu Mantra after the completion of the recommended amount of Japas as it is beneficial for the native. To surrender to the divine while doing the Japas gives a more benevolent outcome.

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