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Rudraksha Wearing Rules For Females

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Rudraksha Wearing Rules For Females

Rudraksha beads have been revered for their spiritual & healing properties for many centuries. However, there are a lot of misconceptions regarding their usage especially for Women. These spiritual beads are a manifestation of Bhagwan Shiva, hence there is no restriction for anyone irrespective of gender, caste, religion or ethnicity. In this article we will debunk all the myths related to Women wearing Rudraksha

Can Women/Ladies Wear Rudraksha?

Can Women/Ladies Wear Rudraksha

Yes! Women can wear Rudraksha. Rudraksha is a Holy bead formed by the tears of Lord Shiva, and this can be worn by all regardless of gender, caste, religion, color. To support this statement, you can go through Shiva Mahapurana Chapter 25, Vidyesvara Samhita:
सर्वाश्रमाणां वर्णानां स्त्री शूद्राणां शिवाज्ञया।
धार्याः सदैव रुद्राक्षा यतीनां प्रणवेन हि॥ ४७॥
Translation: People of all the Varnas, Ashramas and the women should wear Rudraksha as it is Lord Shiva’s command.
The ascetics also must wear the Rudraksha while reciting the Omkara Mantra.
Many ancient Holy Scriptures and our Vedas mention about women wearing Rudrakshas. Mata Parvati, who is Lord Shiva’s consort, also wore Rudraksha beads. In the Purvaardha-chapter 4 Arunachala Mahatmya of Skanda Mahapurana it is mentioned that, once Maa Gauri (Mata Parvati) and Lord Shiva were indulged in fun activities, when playfully, Maa Gauri closed Lord Shiva’s eyes. At the very moment the entire world turned pitch black and there was darkness everywhere. This situation led to panic in the whole world. As Goddess Gauri learnt about it, she felt sorry for Her unintentional inconsiderate action. She felt it is Her moral duty to repent for the same and went to Kanchi and performed meditation for a long period of time. It is mentioned that the Goddess set aside all Her precious ornaments including gemstones, her divine garments and removed rosaries of Rudraksha beads from her neck, head, arms and wrists. She further made garments of two auspicious tree barks and wore them as clothes. This story illustrates that women have worn and can wear Rudraksha.

Can Women Wear Rudraksha During Periods/Menses/Menstrual Cycle

Can Women Wear Rudraksha During Periods/Menses/Menstrual Cycle

Yes! women can wear Rudrakshas during periods or their menstrual cycle. Well, let us begin by understanding that Rudrakshas are divine natural seeds, which hold immense energy. These Holy beads can heal, rejuvenate, uplift and change our lives for the better. Rudrakshas are gift from Lord Shiva and if we look back into the History, none of the Vedic Scripture's mention that ‘Rudrakshas cannot be worn during periods or the Menstrual cycle’. In fact, our Holy Scriptures say that everyone (both men and women) can wear Rudrakshas at all times. It is our belief and faith along with the divine energies of the Rudrakshas which amplify and help us manifest what we desire with a pure heart.
The birth of a human is biologically possible because of the monthly menses or periods that women get. Understand that menstrual cycle is a natural process, and it is not at all related to being unholy. Let us take the example of Kamakhya Devi temple, in Guwahati, Assam. Kamakhya devi, a tantric goddess is known to menstruate in the month of Ashaad (June) and devotees are given red wet cloth as prasad. During this period, the river Brahmaputra, located near the Kamakhya temple, is known to bleed. If we as devotees treat the menstrual liquid from Kamakhya temple as Holy, then how does wearing a Rudraksha become unholy during periods? According to Brahma Purana Universe, Lord Brahma made it at the behest of Maa Durga.
Many Sects may argue on this point and suggest that Women should not perform household chores or visit a temple or wear Rudraksha during their menstrual cycle however there are many sects which do not believe that Women should abstain from anything or be limited in anyway during their periods. They do not taboo this natural occurring biological phenomena and celebrate when girls get their 1st period.
None of text specifically mention that Women should avoid wearing Rudraksha beads during their menstrual cycle, they encourage individuals to wear Rudraksha beads 24*7 all the time.
Srimad Devi Bhagvatam, Book – 11, Chapter – 7
सुप्ते पीते सदाकालं रुद्राक्षं धारयेन्नरः | 19

Translation: “सोते समय, पीते समय अर्थात् सभी कालों में मनुष्य को रुद्राक्ष धारण करना चाहिए.”

“One should be wearing Rudraksha even while sleeping, eating, or drinking,
meaning that one should wear Rudraksha all the time (meaning Rudraksha can be worn 24x7).”
The above proves that women can wear the Rudraksha 24*7 even when they are menstruating.
There are no rules related to wearing Rudraksha. People can eat what they want, drink what they want, and they will still receive benefits of the Rudraksha Beads. Rudraksha are beyond what our society or culture holds to be “pure” or “impure” and will bless they women devotees with its benefits even when they are on their periods. We, at Rudra Centre have so many women clientele who wear Rudrakshas on daily basis even during their periods, we reject the narrative that periods are impure we firmly believe that the menstrual cycle is gift to humankind and is the basis of all creation and should be celebrated as such. We encourage our clients to wear Rudraksha beads 24*7 even while sleeping for the best results.
Rudraksha work on chakras, and we have designed Rudraksha combination which works on the Swadhisthana or Sacral Chakra and provides relief in period related/menstrual issues like PCOD, PCOS, cramps, period pain, irregular periods.

Can a Pregnant Woman Wear Rudraksha

Can a Pregnant Woman Wear Rudraksha

Yes absolutely! A woman's emotional, psychological, and physiological well-being are all profoundly affected throughout pregnancy, and she feels an overwhelming sense of oneness with the process of life-giving. It is thought that by wearing a Rudraksha during this sacred time the mother and her unborn child would be blessed with a protective aura that is enhanced by pleasant energies. Essential for a healthy pregnancy, the spiritual energy of Rudraksha is said to assist in achieving emotional balance, reducing anxiety, and promoting a peaceful state of mind.
Also, ancient rituals have cherished the Rudraksha beads for their subtle therapeutic powers. It is claimed that they help maintain a good blood pressure level, enhance mental clarity, and cultivate a strong spiritual bond, all of which are beneficial to a healthy pregnancy. The spiritual and physical needs of a pregnant woman may be better met when she wears Rudraksha, which can help her feel grounded and at peace. Invoking divine blessings and protection, the tradition is believed to be a means to honor the spiritual journey of motherhood.

Can Married Women Wear Rudraksha

Can Married Women Wear Rudraksha

It is both permissible and recommended for married women to wear Rudraksha. For Hindus, marriage is a holy and heavenly bond that represents the perfect synergy of the masculine and feminine forces, or the union of Shiva and Shakti. Rudraksha acts as a connection between a married woman's life and the spiritual harmony it represents, just as Shiva and Shakti are inseparable and together create the cosmic force.
When a married woman wears Rudraksha, she connects with Shiva's spiritual powers, which bring harmony, safety, and prosperity into her life and marriage. The importance of Rudraksha in fostering emotional stability and spiritual growth is highlighted in Vedic texts and traditions. These qualities are crucial for a happy and spiritually fulfilling marital life. As a representation of heavenly energy, the Rudraksha beads strengthen the sacred relationship between a husband and wife by encouraging mutual understanding, respect, and love.
Additionally, according to Vedic tradition, Rudraksha is a universal symbol of spiritual purity and protection; it does not discriminate based on gender or marital status. Just as the marriage of Shiva and Shakti signifies the perfect balance in the cosmos, married women who wear Rudraksha may access Shiva's spiritual blessings, which will improve their marital relationship with peace prosperity, and spiritual fulfilment.

Spiritual Reference: Women Can Wear Rudraksha

Spiritual Reference: Women Can Wear Rudraksha

Though there are several references where most of the Devis have been seen wearing Rudrkasha, like Maa Parvati, Sita Maa, Brahmacharini etc. Not just Goddess, there have been Dakinis or Asura women who also wear Rudrkasha, following is the story.
There is a story of an Asura Women who used to drink Madera (Wine) and was an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva and used to wear Rudrakshas. There are many Scriptural references which mention Sadhvis (women saints) wearing Rudrakshas.
Wherever there is Shiva there is Shakti. The Ardhanareshwar form of Lord Shiva clearly signify that, men and women are two sides of the same coin. Our rich Hindu culture too celebrates the divine power of Shakti (feminine energy) in the form of Dus Mahavidyas, Nav Durgas and other Goddesses. Some ethnic Hindu groups also have Kul devi (Goddess of the clan) who is worshipped and revered every day. We are all the creations of the divine energy which treats us equally like our own children without any gender bias, then we believe that we as humans should not make any gender discriminations.
If one looks at the iconographies of Goddess Saraswati, Devi Parvati and many other Goddesses, you will notice them wearing Rudraksha rosaries or Rudraksha mala around their arms and wrists. Many mukhis of Rudrakshas are associated with Women Deities or Devis
2 Mukhi is ruled by Ardanareshwar who combined form of Shiva & Shakti is and is Genderless/Genderfluid
7 Mukhi is ruled by Goddess Laxmi of Wealth
9 Mukhi is ruled by Durga Mata
17 Mukhi is ruled by Katyayani Devi (6th Form of Navdurga)
18 Mukhi is ruled by Bhumidevi (Mother Earth)
Hindu culture has always been inclusive of all genders. Rudraksha is a gift to humankind which offers a wide range of physical, mental, emotional healing benefits and various scriptures prove that people of ALL GENDERS can wear Rudraksha.

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The regulations for wearing Rudraksha are universal and do not differ for males or women. It is important for anybody wearing Rudraksha to be clean, have pure thoughts, and have faith in its abilities. The most important thing is to wear the beads with reverence and dedication, and to approach them with an open mind and heart.

Wearing a Rudraksha mala is very acceptable for women. Spiritual scriptures do not forbid women from wearing Rudraksha. Wearing a Rudraksha mala may provide many advantages to everyone, regardless of gender. These include protection, serenity, and spiritual progress. Cleanliness, mental purity, and faith in the mala's abilities are the most important things to keep in mind as you wear it.

Wearing a Rudraksha during a woman's menstrual cycle is completely safe. The Vedic texts do not include any explicit prohibitions against this practice. Preserving one's physical cleanliness, mental innocence, and respect for the Rudraksha beads should be the primary goals. The spiritual advantages of wearing Rudraksha are said to last throughout a woman's menstrual cycle and beyond, according to modern spiritual traditions.

There are no rules that pertain just to married women. Nobody is excluded from the broad rules just because they are married. Some of these practices include wearing the Rudraksha with reverence and dedication, keeping one's thoughts pure, and keeping one's body clean. Married ladies may freely enjoy the spiritual and protective aspects of Rudraksha, just like everyone else.

Wearing Rudraksha by women is not restricted in any way. The rules for wearing a Rudraksha are the same for males and women alike. Purity of body and mind, together with reverence and dedication while wearing the beads, should be the primary goals. Spiritually, everyone, regardless of gender, may benefit from wearing a Rudraksha.

Sure, women can wear Rudraksha any day, anytime. Wearing it on a regular basis has no limitations for women and may help keep the spiritual and protective advantages going strong. The most important thing is to wear the Rudraksha with utmost sincerity, while also maintaining mental and physical purity.
  • Shree


    February 25, 2025

    Is these the real one ?? I hope it will gonna help me a lot. Cause I’m being trying to wear rudrakha but feel scared of some rules to wear it. Orif these gonna harm me if I don’t follow rules it has

    Saloni Prajapti  |  March 3, 2025

    Yes, Rudra Centre provides 100% authentic and energized Rudraksha beads. There is no harm in wearing them, even if all rules are not followed strictly. Rudraksha works positively, regardless. You can read more about wearing rules and benefits in this blog:

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