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Mantra 1

॥ ॐ साईं राम ॥
“Om sai ram”


' We bow down to Sai baba whose divinity is OM and Rama personified. '

Mantra 2

“OM Shirdi Vasaya Vidamahe Sachidananda Dhimahi tanno Sai Prachodayath ”


' OM! We meditate on Sai, who dwells in Shirdi, embodying the inexplicable divine bliss. May he be my spiritual master and illuminate my intelligence '

Mantra 3

“Om Sacchidanand SadGuru SaiNath Maharaaj Ki Jai Ananat koti Brahmaand Nayak RajaDhiraaj Sai Baba Ki Jai”


' OM! We bow down to Sai, who is the truth, consciousness and bliss! May he who is eternally blissful be always victorious '

Mantra 4

“OM Shirdi Vasaya Vidamahe Sachidananda Dhimahi tanno Sai Prachodayath ”


' OM! We meditate on Sai, who dwells in Shirdi, embodying the inexplicable divine bliss. May he be my spiritual master and illuminate my intelligence. '

Mantra 5

॥ ॐ साई नमो नमः श्री साई नमो नमः जय जय साई नमो नमः सदगुरू साई नमो नमः ॥
“Om Sai Namo Namah Shree Sai Namo Namah Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah Sadguru Sai namo Namah”


' We bow down to Sai, who is the master of the surrendered again and again. '

Mantra 6

॥ ह्रीं क्लीं श्रीं ऐं हूं फट ॥
“Hreem Kleem Shreem Aim Hum Phat”

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