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Shani Jayanti (Shani Amavasya) 2025

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As per Vedic astrology, Shani or Shanidev is the ruling deity of planet Saturn. Shanidev, the son of Surya Dev (Sun) and Devi Chayya (Shadow) was born on the Amavasya of Vaishakh month, which this year, falls on Monday, May 26, 2025. The mother of Shani Dev was an ardent devotee of Bhagwan Shiva, which automatically made Shani Dev the recipient of the eternal blessings of Bhagwan Shiva even while he was in his mother’s womb.

Shani Jayanti

Shani Jayanti or Shani's birthday anniversary is a powerful day to offer prayers the Shani (Saturn). He is revered as the Lord of Karma and Justice, the one who gives results to everyone exactly as per their speech, deeds/actions, and even thoughts. Everything about Shanidev’s iconography has a symbolic meaning; he is depicted wearing blue or black robes, having a dark complexion, and riding on his vahan (vehicle) a crow, that follows Shanidev wherever he goes. Shanidev is also seen in a chariot drawn by eight horses, carrying a sword, danda (sceptre) and a Trishul (like Bhagwan Shiva).

If Shani is malefic in one’s horoscope, he/she experiences delays, struggles, tough situations, and challenges. Particularly Sadhe Saati (7 ½ years) period or when in conjunction with other malefic planets or during Shani Dasha (if malefic in the horoscope) or Shani Panauti (cursed) period can cause extreme delays and hardships. Therefore, worshipping and seeking Shanidev’s blessings particularly on Shani Jayanti is highly fruitful in addition to the 6th day (Saturday) of the week named after Shanidev’s name (Shanivaar/Saturday).

Astronomers have calculated Saturn to be the slowest planet of all, which explains the delays why natives face slow progress and delays under Shanidev’s influence. Saturn’s intention and influence makes the natives disciplined, propels them to overcome hurdles, become orderly & structured, achieve perfection & work hard. Shanidev in essence is a taskmaster, observer of Karma, and giver of results accordingly. But know this, whenever you face struggles and delays, constant disappointments, failures, know that this all is Shanidev’s influence (think of it as blessings) working in the background to mould you for better and preparing you for your next level in life. He can be likened to a strict schoolteacher who wishes that his students achieve excellence. With Shanidev’s blessings, difficult times change for the better and the natives are blessed with valuable opportunities miraculous results in varied areas of life.
Several devotees pray to Shani Dev on Saturday and on the auspicious Shani Jayanti to secure his grace and blessings of better times, great luck and fortune.
Rudra Centre is performing Shani Jayanti Mahapuja on May 26, 2025

Shani Jayanti Mahapuja

Click Here to Participate in Shani Jayanti Mahapuja

Shani Jayanti Tithi & Muhurat (Date & Time):

Shani Jayanti on Tuesday, May 27, 2025
Amavasya Tithi Begins - 12:11 PM on May 26, 2025
Amavasya Tithi Ends - 08:31 AM on May 27, 2025

Importance & Significance of Shani Dev and Jayanti:

Astronomically, Saturn is the second-largest planet in the Solar system and the sixth planet, as per distance from the Sun. The ancient Hindu texts of astronomy, like, Aryabhatta's (a well-known astronomer and mathematician) book “Aryabhatiya”, written in the 5th century, and some other texts have described planet Saturn (Lord of the planet – Shanidev)’s apogee, revolution, epicycles, nodal longitudes and data of other parameters. However, the texts have data, which do not match with each other and have gone through revisions down the ages. For example, Varaha's book “Surya Siddhanta” previously stated that Saturn completes 146,564 revolutions on its own axis every 43,20,000 Earth years, which is a later version of the book was revised to 146,568 revolutions with added changes in apogee, axis, and other parameters. Twentieth-century calculations present Saturn/Shani's estimated time per sidereal revolution to be 10,759 days in 5 hours, 16 minutes, 32.2 seconds.

Astrologically, Saturn has immense significance in Vedic astrology. Shanidev, born to Surya Dev (Lord Sun) and Devi Chayya (Shadow), is highly misunderstood; most people fear the presence of Saturn, its Saadhe Saati, Dasha or Transit in their horoscope. In the birth chart, Shani is the Kaaraka (doer) or ruler of the sixth, eighth and tenth house and also teaches us how to detach from situations/conditions/people, etc. Depending on the placement of Shani/Saturn in the birth chart and the degree of placement, it is considered auspicious or inauspicious and affects the native accordingly. For example, if Shani is placed in Libra between 0-20 degrees, then it is considered exalted. As per Vedic astrology, the relationship between various planets also matters, and the relationship can be either neutral, of an enemy, or friendly. Shani is friends with Mercury and Venus, whereas is an enemy of the Sun, Moon, and Mars planet. Shani or Saturn transits from one house to the other also have their own importance and effects accordingly with positive or negative results. Regardless of how Shani is placed in your chart, if you align with the lessons of Shani it will give you positive effects. Shani tries to teach the Native to accept & bring order, structure and perform right Karma’s in the Bhava or house they are placed in.

Importance & Significance of Shani Dev and Jayanti:

What is 7 ½ years (Saadhe Saati) period of Shani: For anyone who believes in Vedic astrology, the Shani Saadhe-Saati, a period of seven and half years, is dreaded as it is a period of many challenges and learning the hard way. However, it is said that it is not as bad as some astrologers project it to be, and there are many examples of celebrities and leaders who have achieved great success during the Saadhe-Saati of Shani. This testing phase is about how an individual reacts and behaves in situations. This phase also signifies spiritual asceticism, penance, discipline, and hard work, which refines the native for the next level.

Why do people Fear Shani Dev?

Those who believe in astrology have a general perception of Shani’s aggressive and wrathful influence on the natives’ life. He indeed brings havoc in life, but one must understand his position; the Vedas confirm that deities that are empowered to execute cosmic tasks can even harm or annihilate the existence of living beings because they are divine by nature. It is true that Saturn’s (Shani) malefic position in the horoscope of individuals can causes delays, endless struggles, and give disappointments but it is the result of one’s karma. People are afraid of Lord Shani, the ruler of the planet Saturn (takes about thirty years to orbit around the Sun), indicating that Shani casting his eyes on you slows your progress of everything in your life. Then why is Shani so aggressive? Being one of the nine planets, planet Saturn personifies Lord Shani that means Śanayē Kramati Saḥ; “the one who moves slowly”.

As per Vedic scriptures, he is the elder son of Surya (Sun god) with Yama (the god of death) being the younger; Shani was born of Chhaya (Shadow), who was created by Lord Sun’s first wife Saranyu, as she was unable to bear her husband’s radiance. Lord Shani is the God of punishment, deliverance of justice, and hardships. He gives the results of your actions throughout your life whereas his younger brother Yama gives the results of your actions after death. Vedic scriptures call Shanidev the greatest teacher, well doer, punishment giver, and manager of justice. He teaches hard lessons by putting you in the loops of struggles, hardships, and at times frustrations, just to keep you grounded so that you refrain from daydreaming, being overambitious, and creating inner fantasies. Once you learn these lessons, Shani rewards you to your heart’s contentment. With his blessings, the rich lose everything (if they were wrong), and the poor gain everything overnight (if they have proved themselves).

Hence, observing Shani Jayanti is believed to alleviate the malefic effects of Saturn and bring blessings of prosperity, discipline, and spiritual growth. Devotees perform rituals, prayers, and charitable acts to honor Lord Shani and seek his divine protection and guidance.

Shani Dev History, Story and Vahan (Vehicle):

Shani Dev History, Story and Vahan (Vehicle):

As per the Skanda Purana, which is the most accepted story about Lord Shani, the father and mother of Shanidev are Surya Dev (Lord Sun) and Chayya Devi (Goddess of Shadows). Surya’s wife is Sandhya who couldn’t bear his brilliant radiance. The story narrates that Sandhya did penance and created a Chayya or shadow self, which was a clone of her. She named this shadow self ‘Suvarna’ giving her the responsibilities of her children namely Vaivastahva Manu, Yama Raj, and Yamuna. Sandhya went off to her parents' house.

Surya Dev was not aware that he was living with Sandhya’s Shadow Self Chaya. When Sandhya’s parents learnt about this, they were upset and rebuked her behaviour. They asked her to return to her husband but she went off to the forest & became a mare to protect herself. Surya Dev had three children with Chaaya namely Manu, Shani and Putri Bhadra (Tapti).

Another version of Lord Shani's birth is that Maharishi Kashyap's “Yagna” created Lord Shani. It is said that Chayya (Suvarna) was a great devotee of Bhagwan Shiva and her penance resulted in the birth of Lord Shani who was blessed with immense power. So much so that when Surya Dev insulted his Mother Chaaya, he got burnt to black and the horses of his chariot refused to move. Surya Dev then prayed to Bhagwan Shiva to help him, who explained the reason for Shani's behaviour. Lord Sun admitted His fault and regained His original self and glory. Shanidev became an obedient son to his father and mother. Shanidev married twice, Manda and Neelima, and had two sons, Maandhi and Kulingan.

Shani Dev's Vahan (vehicle) is the crow. Once, when Shani Dev was pleased with the devotion of a humble crow, he granted it the honor of being his vahana (vehicle). In return, the crow pledged unwavering loyalty to Shani Dev. Since then, the crow has been revered as a symbol of wisdom and messenger of Shani Dev's justice, reminding devotees to embrace humility and uphold righteousness.

Shani Jayanti Puja Vidhi and Shani Jayanti Remedies/rituals (Applicable Every Saturday)

A visit to Shani temples is the best way to contact the atmosphere that is energised by the constant energy and recitation of the main Shani mantra and other mantras.
Visit Shani temple: Best if the temple has all Navgraha (9 planets), Lord Hanuman, and a Peepal (Sacred Fig) tree. Offer oil mixed with sesame to the Shani Dev.

Best Time for Shani Worship:

  • Evening: Light up a Diya (mustard oil or sesame oil lamp) at Peepal (sacred fig) tree in the evening and circumambulate it seven times. Once done, offer seven laddoos and other food to a black dog or other colour dogs if you cannot find a black dog.
  • Recitation of mantras and Shani Dosha Nivaran Puja: Recite the Shani Mantra (as shared below) and Shani Chalisa throughout the day and in the evening. It is also the most auspicious day for performing Shani Puja to appease Lord Shani. Shani Dosha Nirvana puja can be performed to minimize the effects of Shani.

Shani Dev’s Mantra Jaap and its Benefits:

Chant Below Mantras:
On Shani Jayanti and on all Saturdays (a day dedicated and named after Shanidev):
Chant Hanuman Chalisa and offer oil to Lord Hanuman on Saturdays during your hardships. Also, you can chant the following Shani's mantra after sunset every day.

Shani Beej Mantra

Om Pram Prim Praum Sah Shanaye Namah

ऊँ प्रां प्रीं प्रौं सः शनये नमः।

Meaning - “I meditate upon Shani Dev to take away all my sorrows and bestow upon me calmness and contentment.”


Shani Stotra
Nilanjana Sama Bhasam Raviputram Yama Grajam ||
Chhaya Martanda Sambhootam Tam Namami Shanaishcharam ||

“I bow to Lord Shani, who is black in colour and the divine son of Sun and born to Chhaya and brother of Lord Yama, who moves very slowly.”

Recall and chant the powerful Names of Shanidev on Shani Jayanti and on all Saturdays: Lord Shani is endowed with 108 names based on His attributes. Given below are some of His names with meanings.

  1. Sanaischara - One Who Is Slow, Slow in Motion
  2. Shanta - Peaceful and calm
  3. Sarvabhishta-praday in - One who fulfils desires
  4. Sharanya - Who provides shelter and protection from enemies
  5. Varenya - Brilliant, Excellent; the one who is admirable
  6. Sarvesha - The one who controls all
  7. Saumya - Gentle, soft, mild
  8. Suravandhaya - On who is worshipped by Suras, Gods and divine bodies
  9. Suralokaviharin - One who walks among the Gods and divine
  10. Sukhasanopavishta - One who sits on riches, opulence, and bliss

Shani Mantra Jaap Benefits:

  • Relief from malefic Saturn or Saturn cycle in the native’s astrology chart/horoscopes such as Saadhe Saati, Shani Dosha , Panauti period, and other malefic planets that conjoin with Shani.
  • Reduced bad luck and misfortunes.
  • Increased resilience to mitigate the effects of Karma.
  • Receive favourable results from good deeds.
  • Success in business and ability to reach great heights.

Shani Jayanti Fasting Rules (Vrat Vidhi):

Apart from performing Shani Puja, chanting Shani Mantras it is very auspicious to observe a Shani Jayanti Vrat or Fast. It is recommended to observe a fast from Sunrise to Sunset, perform Shani Puja in the evening as per the Vidhi mentioned above and then break the fast with Sattvic Food.

Shani Donation (Daan) Items List (Saturn Donation)

On Shani Jayanti puja, devotees often donate items such as:

  1. Black sesame seeds
  2. Black clothes
  3. Mustard oil
  4. Iron
  5. Black gram
  6. Black lentils
  7. Blue or black-colour items.

These offerings symbolize reverence to Lord Shani (Saturn) and seek blessings for protection from malefic influences and obstacles.

Shani Jayanti Special Products & Services from Rudra Centre

The Most Rudraksha for Shani is 17 Mukhi Rudraksha which improves connection to our intuitive mind and enables us to manifest our desires. It enables manifestation, success, and accomplishments, and facilitates effective decision-making perspectives. This rudraksha destroys an individual's limiting beliefs and, by extension, their past Karma

17 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha
Click Here to Buy 17 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha

To balance Saturn in one’s horoscope it is recommended to wear Blue Sapphire (Neelam). Blue Sapphire is ruled by Planet Saturn and it enhances decision making skills, intuitive foresight and status in life and brings luck and prosperity. As healing stone, it unblocks Ajna Chakra and helps heal sinus and neurological ailments.

Blue Sapphire 
Click Here to Buy Blue Sapphire

Rudra Centre has a team of 250+ Karmakandi Pandits from Kashi who have been curated by Sakhashree Neeta. You can perform Shani Grah Puja & Yagna on the auspicious occasion of Shani Jayanti

Shani Graha Puja & Yagna
Click Here to Book Shani Graha Puja & Yagna

One can also install & worship Shani Yantra to pacify the Malefics of Shani in their Horoscope

Shani Yantra
Click Here to buy Shani Yantra

Lord Shani And Shinganapur (Maharashtra)

Lord Shani And Shinganapur (Maharashtra)

Shanishignapur is a village located on the Aurangabad-Ahmednagar highway, 6 km from Ghodegaon. The Shani temple in Shanishignapur is famous worldwide and is considered to be very powerful. Here Shanidev's idol form is established in the open air, even though the temple is there. It symbolizes that Shanidev does not want to live under anyone's shadow. It is said that Lord Shani appeared in the dreams of the villagers and told them that He wants His idol to be installed in the open. The temple does not have any doors, so it is open all through the day and night.

There are some interesting facts about Shanisignapur, which are connected to Lord Shani, who blesses and protects the village and villagers, like, the houses in Shanisignapur have no doors and everyone is carefree and sleeps peacefully. If there are doors, there are no locks. There has been no theft in this village. No complaint has ever been lodged with the police here. There is no fraud/cheating, murder or rape and many such other facts, which are astounding in today's age and time.

There was a neem tree on the Northside of the idol of Shanidev but whenever its branches would grow to cover the top of the idol of the Shanidev, it would either get burnt or break. A story says that once, this Neem tree was burnt to the roots when lightning struck it, but miraculously, the next day, the neem tree was found lush green, all by the grace of Lord Shani.

In Shanisignapur, Lord Shani is the ruler. Thousands of devotees come each day to offer oil to the Lord and be blessed. The people of Shanisignapur trust Shanidev and know that they will be punished for their bad karma.

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