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The Shiva Poetry is a book containing a collection of poems on Lord Shiva . The poems are written by Shailendra Gulati, who is a Shaivite and explorer of the mystic world. A particular poem here is a salutation and acknowledgement of that what Lord Shiva has been defined as since time immemorial. This eloquently written poetry, expresses the many powerful aspects and paradoxical characteristics of Lord Shiva, from the perspective of the writer. The poem is written with reverence and love for the unfathomable yet lovable Lord Shiva.

'Salutations to Lord Shiva'

In this Salutation to Shiva, I try to understand his varied forms. Shiva makes you fall in love with Him because of what He is. He is non dual, He is complete but seems so varied, so non comprehensible. ,

  • The vanquisher of Cupid who is also the originator of Kamasutra
  • He is the pure, changeless, attribute less, transcendental consciousness and He is also the one who is Shav without Shakti
  • Who is neither light nor darkness, Neither form nor energy, Neither sound nor matter
  • Siva alone exists - He is timeless, spaceless, birthless, deathless, decayless.
  • He is beyond the pairs of opposites
  • Somewhere he is untouched by pleasure and pain, good and evil and other places He dances the cosmic dance and shows all passions in His leela.
  • Who cannot be seen by the eyes - but can be realised within the heart
  • Somewhere He dances in supreme joy and somewhere He performs Tandav in anger.
  • He the giver of wishes, happiness and love as also He is the giver of Mukti or the final emancipation.
  • Somewhere I see him as the dweller in the cremation-ground and somewhere I see Him as the Greatest God of all
  • The Jivas and the world originate from Him, exist in Him, are sustained and rejected by Him and are ultimately merged in Him.
  • He is the fierce some, He is the ascetic, He is passionate, He is Satyam, Sivam, Sundaram
  • He is the renunciate – He is the lingam
  • He is the most awe-inspiring and terrifying deity, Rudra, with Trisul or trident in His hand – He is the most charismatic, blissful with Ganges flowing from his hair.
  • He is the most easily angered (Rudra)-  He is the most easily pleased (Asutosha).
  • He embraces beauty of Parvati and the serene Himalayas- He is surrounded by Chandals, Bhutas, pretas and Ganas .
  • He is the source of all knowledge and wisdom- He is so simple, a Bholenath.
  • He is beyond Prakriti and Purusha- He is Ardhanareshwara
  • He is the ever pervading conciousness- He is the 11 Rudras
  • He is the formless Lingam- He is the five faced pasupatinath
  • He is the Guru – He is the Jivan-mukta, the liberated one

In Me the universe had its origin,
In Me alone the whole subsists;
In Me it is lost—Siva,
The Timeless, it is I Myself,
Sivoham! Sivoham! Sivoham!
On Namah Shivaye
I am Shiva

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