Silver Puja Items (Used in Hindu pujas)
We at Rudra Centre offer a wide range of sacred silver items and gifts online. In Vedic literature, metals such as silver, gold, brass etc. play an essential role. These are not just metals but are considered to be sacred items. And why are they called sacred? Because they are used in serving the deities worshipped at the altar. The Rasayan Shastra (a Vedic treatise on Chemistry) describes the hidden powers of various metals. Metals like silver have mysterious properties. Sushruta Samhita (a Vedic treatise on medicine & surgery) underlines the significance of Alkalis that helped the surgeons during the Vedic Age remove the diseased parts of the human body. The same was used in cleaning the instruments used in surgery. It means metals when treated properly act as anti-malign agents. The physical properties of metals such as copper can be influenced by the sound of Vedic mantras.
Silver is connected to the Moon. Regarded as the most adaptable metals, since ancient ages have been associated with philosophical traits, self-reflection and inner wisdom. It symbolizes purity, goddesses and spirits. In spirituality, it is connected with divination, healing, protection, emotions, wisdom and wealth.
We have silver items used exclusively in Hindu pujas. These items are made from the finest silver. A Vedic puja is not just about offering prayers but pleasing the deities with offerings of the finest quality.
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