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The Sudarshana Chakra

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What is Sudarshan Chakra (Meaning)


Lord Vishnu

The Sudarshana Chakra is the whirling disk-like weapon used by Lord Vishnu. The Puranas state that the Sudarshana Chakra is the most powerful weapon that can annihilate the strongest of enemies. It is believed to slay the enemies of law, order and conservation in the form of asuras, rakshasas and vikrutatma.

Legends associated with Sudarshana

The word Sudarshana includes two Sanskrit words, ‘Su’ which means good or divine, and ‘Darshana’ means vision. It personifies the right intent of the soul and seeks to fulfill it. It is the cosmic weapon of the Supreme Godhead, Lord Vishnu. It is believed that Sudarshana Chakra was presented by Lord Shiva to Lord Vishnu in recognition of His devotion. The legend goes that when the atrocities that the asuras were wreaking upon the Gods became too much to bear, Lord Vishnu was consulted. The Gods wanted Him to find out the way to destroy the sufferings, but since He did possess enough power, He decided to take the help of Lord Shiva, for which He set out to meet Him.

Lord Vishnu meditating on Lord Shiva When Lord Vishnu went to Lord Shiva, He was in deep meditation. Lord Vishnu thought it inappropriate to disturb His trance, so He waited and began praying to Him earnestly. Moments turned into days and days turned into years that passed with Lord Vishnu meditating on Lord Shiva, chanting His name and waiting for Him to open His eyes. Everyday He would gather a thousand lotus blossoms and offer to Lord Shiva and chant His name.

The evil attacks of the asuras targeting the Gods were going on in full swing. Lord Vishnu felt powerless before the circumstances as there was no way that He could interrupt the meditation of Lord Shiva. His patience and efforts finally paid as one day Lord Shiva finally opened His eyes. Lord Vishnu was overjoyed. He began offering one thousand lotus blossoms to Lord Shiva but He soon realized that he was running short of one. Actually, Lord Shiva had hidden one flower to see what He'd do. Lord Vishnu devotedly plucked out one eye and offered it in place of the flower. Lord Shiva was overcome with emotions on seeing His devotion, so He told Him that He could ask for any boon and He'd grant it. Lord Vishnu appealed to be bestowed with a weapon that'd help defeat the asuras. So Lord Shiva gave the Sudarshana Chakra to Lord Vishnu and assured Him that it had the power to destroy all the enemies.

Sudarshana Chakra - the weapons of Lord Vishnu A Sudarshana Chakra legend that is recounted is the one in which Viswakarma, the architect of Gods, diminished the shine of Surya, the Sun God. Viswakarma's daughter was married to Surya, but could not go near Him as it was difficult to endure His scorching brilliance and heat. So Viswakarma had to reduce the intensity of the Sun by putting him in a cage and churning him. This created a Sun dust from which Vishvakarma created a few powerful golden objects, including the Sudarshana Chakra. Other weapons were Trishoola and Shakthi which were respectively the weapons of Lord Vishnu, Shiva and Subrahamnya. Lord Vishnu holding Sudarshana Chakra is worshipped as Chakrathazhwar, Sage of the wheel.

When Lord Krishna took incarnation, Vishnu gave him this chakra which he could immediately at any time it was his own property. Sri Chaitanya used the chakra to destroy the pride of demons Jagai and Madhaihe.

During Samudra Manthan, Lord Vishnu used the Sudarshan chakra to cut through the demon Swarbanu who then became Rahu and Ketu.

Lord Vishnu meditating on Lord Shiva

Sudarshana Chakra - the weapons of Lord Vishnu


Salient features of Sudarshana ChakraThe divine and all-powerful Chakra is not used as an ordinary weapon. It is projected by the power of the mind and traverses towards the enemy with will-power. The chakra is round and bears spikes of arrows circling its frame. It is more than just a physical instrument; it possesses the greatest spiritual authority to destroy everything that comes in way of the intent. It has tremendous occult and spiritual power to destroy everything. It revolves very fast after being sent by the mental and will not return till the task is accomplished or till the one who sent wills it to return.

Apart from destroying evil, the noble attributes of knowledge, stability, vision beyond the samsara and upholding the righteous are also associated with the powers of Sudarshana Chakra.

Invoke the goodness of the Sudarshana Chakra by a rendition of the Sudarshana Gayatri Mantra.

Om Sudarshanaya Vidmahe Maha Jwalaya Dhimahi
Tanno Chakrah Prachodayat.


Om. I meditate upon the holy discus Sudarshana that holds profound brilliance like a blazing fire. Bless me with intellect and illuminate my mind.

Chanting of this mantra disciplines and purifies the mind. It clears the karmic imprints in the mind and body and allows the soul to hold higher vibrations. Devotees also believe that the chakra clears the path to attaining salvation. It evokes the power of fire to bring about the destruction of evil forces. It is considered the protector of Dharma.

Salient features of Sudarshana Chakra

Sudarshan Homa

Sudarshan Homa

A very powerful Homa evoked Lord Sudarshan to remove the sufferings of ill health, losses and enemies from the devotee's life. It empowers you with positive energy and helps foresee dangers and perils on the pathway to success.

Benefits (as per Puranas):

  • Relief from physical and mental sufferings
  • Protection in all areas of life
  • Relief from debts, enemies and court cases
  • Relief from sudden disasters and unexpected happening

Sudarshan Gayatri Mantra Japa and Yagna

Sudarshan Gayatri mantra Japa and Yagna

A very powerful Homa for invoking Lord Sudarshan for blessings of victory, health, wealth, peace and prosperity. It has tremendous occult and spiritual power to clear everything that comes in way of obstacles, enemy or darkness.

Benefits (as per the Puranas)

  • For victory in a particular task
  • To foresee dangers and perils and be prepared
  • For relief from pain and suffering
  • For protection from obstacles, enemies or court cases

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