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Rudraksha Bracelets: Meaning, Wearing Rule

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The Rudraksha neck mala is highly important for gaining the blessings of Lord Shiva and aiding the neurophysiology of the body. However, the wrist should take precedence when one seeks Moksa or liberation. In the Srimad Devi Bhagavatam, 11th Skand, Chapter IV, Parts 1 to 21, there is a sequence of wearing mentioned that includes wearing the holy Rudraksha on the wrist specifically to gain Moksa. The sequence is as follows: 'If anybody holds Rudraksam on his head, they attain Koti times the fruit, on the ears; ten Koti times the fruit, on his neck; one hundred Koti times the fruit, on his holy thread; ayuta times the fruit, on his arm; one lakh Koti times the fruit. However, if one wears Rudraksha beads on one's wrist one attains Moksa. Whenever a Vedic injunction is performed with Rudraksha, the fruits obtained are unbounded.'

Interpreting the above verse would lead one to believe that the most important part whereon Rudraksha is worn is around the wrist for attaining Moksha. One step further would be to hold Rudraksha in the hand during meditation or Puja rituals. The hands and fingers hold great importance specific to Chakra points and Nyasa which offer empowerment to the body during meditation or Puja. Chapter IV, Part 37 of the Srimad Devi Bhagavatam mentions: 'A rosary of 26 beads, 50 beads, 16 beads and 12 beads should be worn respectively on head, chest, arms and wrists.' Wearing 12 beads of choice is best for the wrist mala.

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