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How to Clean & Maintain Rudraksha?

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Rudraksha divine beads

Rudraksha divine beads are considered a divine gift from Bhagwan Shiva and holds great significance, and hence it is important to take care & regularly clean your Rudrakshas. If proper care is taken, Rudraksha can last for generations. In this article we will explain how to properly clean your Rudraksha so it can be healthy.

How to clean your Rudraksha?

How to clean your Rudraksha

Cleaning and maintenance of Rudraksha beads is simple and straightforward, they do not require any special conditioning or products. Follow the steps below to regularly clean your Rudraksha beads

  • Soak your Rudraksha in lukewarm water overnight.
  • If they feel oily, mix little mild soap in the water
  • Scrub the surface to remove any grease or dust particles caught in the grooves using a hard plastic brush.  Don’t worry about beads breaking as they are strong.
  • Rinse under running water.
  • Use the shade of the Sun (indirect sunlight) or a hairdryer to dry the beads.
  • Apply any natural and unscented oil like Olive oil, Almond oil or Sandal Oil using a soft brush
  • If you are planning to not wear beads for a long duration, it is advisable to keep them in the fridge and check them back after one week.
  • Do not use any harsh chemicals like soaps, detergents, shampoos, insecticide, or pesticide to clean or treat your Rudraksha.
Do not use any harsh chemicals

Things You Should Avoid

Using very hot or boiling water with Rudraksha.

Using very hot or boiling water with Rudraksha.

Wearing the beads during bath as the soap enters the pores of beads and is difficult to clean.

Wearing the beads while undertaking any physical effort such as workout in a gym, practicing sports or swimming as they can get damaged

Avoid application of Talcum powder on body while wearing beads as it enters the pores.

Leaving the beads dry for long as they may develop cracks.

Leaving your Rudraksha in Damp Moist Dirty area as it can get infected with Molds, Pests & Insects

Avoid applying harsh chemicals or detergent to clean your Rudraksha.

Conditioning Rudraksha

Conditioning Rudraksha beads by soaking them in ghee or milk before wearing them is unnecessary and may dull the natural luster of the beads. It also promotes the growth of insects, pests, and bacteria that deteriorate the bead. This method of consecration is not mentioned in any Shastra, despite its recent promotion by some internet gurus. Rudraksha is a natural agricultural product that must be properly cleaned when needed only, with no unnecessary extra procedures.
Read More: Why should you avoid “Rudraksha Conditioning”

Weekly Maintenance

Each Rudraksha bead is associated with a particular deity and day of the week. Although it is not required to make the most of your rudraksha, consider devoting more time to cleaning and focusing on your bead this day.


  • Take an early morning bath.
  • Wash the beads with water or water mixed with Ganges water this morning.
  • Chant ‘Om Namah Shivay’ 9/21/108 times.
  • Chant the beeja mantra of your Rudraksha beads 9/21/108 times. (The beeja mantra is given in the booklet along with the bead)
  • After this mantra chanting, wear it remembering all-auspicious Bhagawan Shiva.
  • Wear the beads and follow some form of spiritual practice such as daily meditation to align you well to the positive energy and direction they give to you in life.

General Maintenance

Rudrakshas are holy beads. Not maintaining them is like not maintaining or cleaning the altar or puja room to remove negative energies.
It's essential to practice cleaning the rudraksha beads by washing, drying thoroughly, and following the above directions once a month.

If you are on a long trip and would not be able to wear your rudraksha for a long period, keep them in refrigerator. Note that beads tend to go in slumber mode if not worn for a period of about one week at a stretch. Then they need regular wearing for another one week to awaken again.
If you wish to start wearing your beads after a long gap, wash them with water, offer incense, flowers, chant “Om Namah Shivay” 9/21/108 times and wear them again.
Try to wear the Rudraksha beads on your body as much as possible even during the night.  If they feel uncomfortable, then you may choose to remove them at night.

use a proper herbal polisher to clean rudraksha

A Rudraksha mala, bracelet, or pendant can be made from gold, silver, copper, or simple thread. If you use these metals, use a proper herbal polisher to clean them.
Keep Rudraksha clean, if not wearing make sure they are kept in a dry and clean area.

Rules for Wearing Rudraksha

Rules for Wearing Rudraksha

The original meaning of the ancient texts has been misunderstood over time, leading to the creation of numerous restrictions. This has caused confusion among people. However, the real meaning was that these beads work on the mind and not on the body. Or in other words, they are effective in the subtle energetic field of the individual. People who practice meditation find instant results on wearing them as they attune with their vibrational frequencies faster.
Authentic ancient texts do not mention any taboos on wearing Rudraksha beads. You can wear them when consuming non-vegetarian foods, beverages, using the restroom, or during a woman's menstrual cycle, as long as you maintain the beads' cleanliness and avoid touching them with dirty fingers.
Children may also wear Rudraksha, depending on the nature of their emotional and health concerns. They respond to Rudraksha faster than adults, and it makes their growing years smoother.
A person can wear more than one Rudraksha bead of the same mukhi. Also, he can wear a mala or bracelet with a combination of various mukhi Rudrakshas.
Wearing beads according to Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy is important for harnessing their benefits.

You Should Avoid

Avoid Wearing the rudraksha during the death
  • It is advised to remove Rudraksha while visiting a cemetery or during the death of a family member or while performing Shraadh rituals (Last Rites)
  • You may remove Rudraksha during sexual intercourse or while being intimate with your partner
  • Do not share your Rudraksha beads with others. If you wish to donate it to someone else, make sure to not wear it for at least 2 weeks before giving it.
  • Do not desecrate or intentionally disrespect Rudraksha.
  • Do not condition in ghee or milk your Rudraksha.

Read More: Rules to Wear Rudraksha

Wearing Rudraksha for the First Time

Wearing Rudraksha for the First Time

You can wear Rudraksha beads from Rudra Centre right away without any prior procedure. Our Rudraksha beads are shipped blessed and energized.
When you hold the Rudraksha beads in your hand for the first time, you can feel their vibrations right away. Rudraksha pulses and vibrates with energy like a living thing. It has so much miraculous energy that it can give you almost anything. For this reason, we recommend that you hold your rudraksha in the palm of your hand after receiving it and think about the intention for which you are wearing it, emphasizing this moment as a key turning point in your life.
You can chant the beej mantra of your rudraksha’s mukhi or “Om Namah Shivay”, to tune yourself to receiving the blessings of the beads. Note that chanting mantras is not compulsory for the beads to show their effect on you, but this process brings about change in your vibrations so that you draw in their energy more effectively in your aura chakra system and become more calmer and resonate deeply with them.
As the Rudraksha beads establish its connection with your energy centers or chakras you will observe changes in various aspects of your life. This could include improvements in relationships, advancements in your career, and the attraction of favorable outcomes.
Note: Some people are sensitive to the energies of Rudraksha and can feel its divine vibrations immediately after wearing while for others this sensation is very subtle however they are able to experience positive changes in their life over months of continuous wearing of Rudraksha beads.

How to derive maximum benefits from Rudraksha?

benefits from Rudraksha

Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy (RRCT) provides a personalized wearing method to suit individual necessities. This methodology considers the emotional, physical, and energetic aspects of each individual. Wearing the Rudraksha and gemstone combinations in this method allows individuals to fully harness the potential of these natural gemstones and rudraksha, effectively balancing the body's energy centers. The RRCT combinations are designed to address Chakra blockages effectively, leading to improvements in physical and mental health, spiritual growth, and overall success in life. By aligning with the natural laws of life, individuals can experience greater harmony and fulfillment.
We recommend wearing Rudraksha according to RRCT, day and night, including while sleeping, and incorporating healthy habits like a sattvic diet and engaging in practices like yoga, mantra chanting, meditation, or other holistic activities that encourage introspection to maximize the benefits of Rudraksha.
Once you begin wearing Rudraksha according to Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy (RRCT), you will notice its effects on your chakras in a relatively short period, typically within 3 to 8 days. Once the Rudraksha beads establishes its connection with your energy centers, you will observe changes in various aspects of your life.  Within the first 10 days of wearing it, you may experience a noticeable difference in both your emotional and physical well-being.
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Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy (RRCT) maximizes the healing properties and overall benefits of wearing Rudraksha by effectively healing the energy centers, allowing the individual to reach their full potential in terms of mental and physical health, and material and spiritual expansion.
Rudraksha beads are very strong, and if proper care and cleaning are done and they are protected from getting physically damaged, they can be passed on from one generation to another.

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