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Animal Vastu Directions

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Vastu Shastra meaning the science of architecture, has various methods and norms according to which a residential structure must be constructed. This is because every dwelling has Vastu Purush present and the house must be structured in such a manner that its energies are balanced. The four major directions and the other four intermediate directions play an extremely important role in the placement of all the elements in the house.

Constructing the house as per Vastu Shastra has a good impact on the life of the residents. There can be Vastu defects as well, and there are effective Vastu remedies to rectify them. Remedies like Metallic studs, energy transfer strips, vinyl tapes in different colours are applied to correct the Vastu defects without breaking any part of the house or reconstructing. These solutions help in attracting the positive energies in a dwelling and remove the negative influence of the affected zone.



One such remedy is placing Brass idols of animals in your home and balancing the energies in every direction. Each animal symbolizes the inherent quality of a particular zone or direction and thus, placing them according to the instructions of a Vastu expert brings excellent results.

There are Panchkoshas (Panch is five and Kosha is layer), namely Annamaya Kosha, Pranmaya Kosha, Manomaya Kosha, Vigyanmaya Kosha and Anandmaya Kosha. These layers have to be examined in order to understand what the actual problem is and issues related to the higher level of Manomaya Kosha and Vigyanmaya Kosha can be resolved by using the animal idol remedy.

Various animals, their importance as well as their direction of placement and how they affect the life of the occupants are explained below.


Vastu Direction: North East

Lion symbolises grandeur and magnificence and is one of the best Vastu remedies for the North East direction. Brass Lion can be placed on the floor facing the centre of the building as it develops your personality traits and helps you to influence & inspire the masses.

This remedy is used if you want to become powerful and interact fearlessly in matters related to government organizations. Additionally, it also brings in money and wealth through the influence of your personality, business, and organization that you work in. Politicians and administrative officers can use this remedy to acquire growth in their field.



Vastu Direction: South, South East, North West
Brass Peacock eliminates the negative energies and increases the flow of positivity in the dwelling. Placing it in different directions has different benefits.

If you keep it in the South direction, it will draw wealth and bring prosperity to you.

In your bedroom, you can place it in the South East corner to acquire the best kind of education, ensure continuity in your work and for good health.

Peacock is the natural enemy of poisonous creatures like snakes therefore placing a brass Peacock in the North West direction of your home protects one from negative/evil people, energies, and diseases. It enhances the beauty, charm and personality of the members of the dwelling. It is an auspicious bird that is used as a Vehicle/Vaahan by many Gods and Goddesses like Lakshmi (Goddess of Wealth), Saraswati (Goddess of Creativity, Music, knowledge) & Kartikeya/Murugan (God of War).



Vastu Direction: South West
Eagle, the Vahana of Lord Vishnu represents the ability that is required to control and operate a system. It signifies the ability to quickly learn a new skill.

If you place the brass eagle in the South West corner of your home, it helps you gain expertise in your field as South West is the zone of skills. It can be placed on a table or on the floor in such a manner that it faces the North East direction.

The brass eagle brings growth in business and happens to be beneficial for professional advisors, government officers and shopkeepers to increase their sales. Overall, it helps you raise the bar that you set for yourself in your work and business.



Vastu Direction: West

Deer symbolizes liveliness, swiftness, and agility. It is an ideal Vastu remedy for the West direction. It can be placed on the floor or over the table in the West corner of your dwelling. The Brass Deer should be facing towards the North and it is a Vastu remedy to remove laziness from the occupants of a dwelling and make them active mentally, physically, and spiritually.

It cleanses your mind from any kind of negative feelings and thoughts and gives the required boost to a slow system. It not only enhances the output/quantity of work but also improves the quality by means of proper coordination amongst team/family members. The Brass Deer idol gives effective results to government officials as well as industrialists. It brings more dedicated people to the organization and gives them the ability to fix any difficult situation.



Vastu Direction: South
Brass Elephant is to be placed in the South direction on the floor facing towards the centre of the building. This zone has the energy that gives popularity and appreciation.



Vastu Direction: South, South East
Horse symbolizes power and Brass Horse especially has to be kept in the South direction of your dwelling. If placed in the South direction, it gives strength and good health to the residents. Placing the Brass Horse statue in the South East helps get a command over the position and gain leadership skills. It gives the ability to climb up the ladder and achieve success.


Direction: South East

Brass rabbits painted in black and white are a great Vastu remedy for the South East direction. Placing Brass Rabbits on the floor in the South East part of your home helps in forming a good network in business. These rabbits are to be placed close to each other such that their face towards the North direction.

Using this remedy gives gains and profits in business and helps you to network with the right people; suppliers as well as clients to expand your business. The expenses turn into income and your hard work always pays off by placing the Brass Rabbits in the mentioned direction.

Animal - Lion
Direction - North East
Facing Towards - Centre of the building

Animal - Peacock
Direction - South, South East, North West
Facing Towards - ANY

Animal - Eagle
Direction - South West
Facing Towards - North East

Animal - Deer
Direction - West
Facing Towards - North

Animal - Elephant
Direction - South
Facing Towards - Centre of the building

Animal - Horse
Direction - South
Facing Towards - ANY

Animal - Rabbit
Direction - South East
Facing Towards - North

It is always advisable to consult a Vastu expert before using any remedy as every house is different and the direction-wise solutions differ from structure to structure.

Book Vastu Consultation with us today.

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