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What Your Sun Sign Says About You

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AQUARIUS: January 21 st - February 19 th

You are very friendly and know many people, but are afraid to have close ties with anyone you feel more secure in your seclusion, you do not easily confide in others. Not that you distrust them or are suspicious, but perhaps you do not feel the need to have any close intimate ties. You are a thinker, sensitive to the suffering of others and compassionate by nature. You live in tomorrow, and what you say usually comes true.

PISCES: February 20 th - March 20 th

Anybody will be charmed by your Piscean charm of manner and lazy good nature. There is very little which excites you, Pisceans to violet action or reaction. You are quite but not an introvert and are completely dominated by emotions. You are versatile and talented but may lack direction at times. You are born with a desire to see the world through rose coloured spectacles. You can make others forget their miseries and trouble. A short conversation with you and a person instantly relaxes.

ARIES: March 21 st - April 20 th

Commonly believed to be one of the most powerful and fundamental of all signs; you like to be your own master. You are enthusiastic, exuberant, extrovert independent. Fearless and self-reliant. You like to thrive under competition, the harder the better. You have a big ego. You are sure that you are the undisputed monarch of all surveys. You are out and out a fighter. Violence and sex drive the Arian character. Yes, you have the push, pep and go.

TAURUS: April 21 st - May 21 st

Materialism and artistic tendencies wage a royal battle against you. So while some call you money-mad, others call you arty. You have a remarkable memory and often remember any insult or injury done to you. You have your own principal and you stick to them rigidly. You are an excellent host. You lay a good table, wallop food and expect your friends to complete with you. You are solid and steady and nothing disturbs your tranquillity. You like honest and frank people. You can save for a rainy day.

GEMINI: May 22 nd - June 21 st

An overplus of intellectual energy reveals the Gemini. This radiates in your remarkable versatility. You Gemini are or can be extremely charming, witty, outgoing and attractive. You are kind, generous, very creative and full of ideas and rather restless until you fulfil your aim and ambition in life. But you are not easily satisfied. Your approach to life is practical and realistic. Expression and communication are your plus factors. Communication is your lifeblood. Cut this Circuit and you are finished.

CANCER: June 22 nd - July 23 rd

Cancerians may be attached to their home and family, but they also seek limelight and publicity. If you are born under this sign, you may find yourself clannish and an ardent admirer of things and matters traditional. Sincere as a friend, you are easily involved with those who exhibit the slightest sympathy towards you. Tenacity often helps you achieve the impossible. You are also a well of secrecy. People automatically confide in you. You guard your inner feelings carefully from prying eyes.

LEO:  July 24 th - August 23 rd

Yours is the most powerful dynamic sign of the zodiac. If you are born under this sign, you may have a regal bearing. Your manner of greeting people is very friendly. You believe yourself to be a shade better than others and like to stay aloof. Highly principled, you dislike those who are superfluous or those who have no aim and direction in life. You are the natural head of any organisation. You are a good judge of character and one of your favourite pastimes is to observe others.

VIRGO: August 24 th - September 23 rd

You are a happy-go-lucky type. You take life as it comes and accepts others as they are. Though quite finicky, you are very understanding and sympathetic towards others. You are a practical person with definite goals in life. The remarkable power of analysis and a fine sense of discrimination characterised you. You generally have a large circle of friends but you occasionally take their advice when annoyed by vulgarity, stupidity or carelessness, you suddenly become cranky, irritable and nervous.

LIBRA:  September 24 th - October 23 rd

Librans show their aggression on the intellectual plane and areas of public affairs, marriage and foreign affairs. You are intelligent and have great intellectual brilliance; you have refined tastes and artistic bent of mind. Your voice is soft and gentle and there is always a simile on your face. Skilful in discussion and quite tactful, make a perfect diplomat.

SCORPIO: October 24 th - November 22 nd

Essentially adventurous, you are a born leader; it is absolutely certain that you will carve out a distinct path for yourself. You are dignified in your bearing and reserved by nature, Single-mindedness, thoroughness, self-discipline and courage are your strong point, you are a keen observer, extremely introspective, analytical and highly intuitive and well-determined in pursuit of your goals, Hindrance and obstacles bring out the best in you. It is beneath you to flatter, but when it comes to jealousy, you could burn and erupt violently. Women find you irresistibly attractive.

SAGITTARIUS: November23 rd - December 21 st

You are optimistic, friendly, kind, jovial and versatile. You have bright, frank ways. You are tremendously curious and, therefore, always ask the why of things. You are bold and optimistic and always aim for the highest place in any career or profession you choose. You have plenty of self-confidence to attain your goal in life. Your progressive and enterprising attitude makes you extremely successful. You have a good sense of humour and are a good conversationalist.

CAPRICORN: December 22 nd - January 20 th

You have tremendous drive, organising ability andovervaulting ambition. You are known for a single-minded and realistic approach to life. There is always a faint aura of melancholy and seriousness surrounding your personality. You are sensitive to a beautiful environment. Sordid, crude or ugly things repel you. You make a perfect diplomat. You believe in goodwill to all and malice to none.

Article Submitted by:
Aacharya Raghavkirti
Astrology-Vastu-Tantra expert

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