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Why Lord Shiva Has Three Eyes

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Why Lord Shiva has Three Eyes

In many traditions or cultures across the world, the significance of Third Eye has been stressed. For instance in Taoism (one of the Chinese traditions), the master trains the students to close the eyes and focus on the point stationed between the eyebrows. This method tunes the student into flowing with the energy of the Universe. It helps them reach a higher sense of meditation. In Buddhism, there are many ascetic practices aimed at developing the Third Eye or reaching the highest level of one’s own self (self-realization).

In the Vedas, Lord Shiva is said to possess His mystic Third Eye. The Third Eye at the center of His forehead is feared by the Gods and the demons. With His two eyes, He absorbs Himself in meditation. And Third Eye remains a great mystery. In the Bhagvad Purana, it is mentioned that Shiva’s wife Sati killed Herself in the presence of father Daksha who insulted Shiva and other elevated Gods who were there to take part in the fire sacrifice (Homa). When Shiva who was not invited to the Homa heard of this event, He was hurt to the core and at once transformed into Virabhadra, a fierce warrior. Then, He killed all the companions of Daksha with His ghosts who consider Shiva as their master. After beheading Daksha, Lord Shiva withdrew Himself from these affairs and lived in seclusion. He absorbed Himself in His divine meditation. When Sati was reborn as Parvati, She wanted to marry Him but He was in absolute indifference to non-spiritual or non-divine activities, material affairs or domestic responsibilities.

The God sensed the inner desire of Parvati, asked the love God, “Kamadeva” to influence Shiva. Lord Kama shot his mystic flowery arrow into the heart of Shiva. The result was unexpected. Shiva opened His Third Eye that burnt Kamadeva to ashes, leaving everyone in shock. It symbolizes the power of rejecting material pleasures, opulence, riches and wealth resides in the Third Eye of Shiva. In Chakra Science, Third Eye sits in the Ajna Chakra (The Intuitive Chakra). It is located in the brain right behind the eyebrow centre, associated with the power of thought, imagination and abstract ideas and controls the entire personality of an individual. A well balanced Ajna Chakra displays charisma and intuitive brilliance in a person. People with a balanced chakra possess a calm mind and clarity of judgment. Since Shiva’s Ajna Chakra is highly powerful, He represents the calm mind, clarity of judgment and strength of meditation.

Hence, whenever there were wars or menaces created by the demonic forces, Lord Brahma always asks the Gods to approach Lord Shiva for help.

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    January 27, 2024

    I want to know everything about shiva's third eye 👁️.

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