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Das Mahavidya Puja and Yagna

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Das Mahavidya Puja and Yagna

INR 33,501 - 44,501

Product Code: PY99

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The Dus Mahavidyas offer both bhoga (fulfillment of material desires) and moksha (spiritual liberation), aligning the devotee’s life with both worldly success and inner awakening. The Ten Mahavidyas, also known as the Wisdom Goddesses, embody profound spiritual truths that illuminate the path to self-realization.

According to the Brihat Dharma Purana, the Ten Mahavidyas emerged from Goddess Sati when her anger transformed her into a fearsome presence after Lord Shiva tried to prevent her from attending the yajna organized by her father, Daksha Prajapati. Her fury expanded in ten directions, manifesting as the ten divine forms known as the Mahavidyas. Together, these Goddesses overpowered Shiva’s resistance, allowing Sati to proceed to the sacrificial ritual.

The word Mahavidya means ‘Great Knowledge’ (Maha - great; Vidya - knowledge), referring to these Goddesses as the embodiments of supreme wisdom and mystical power. They are:

  1. Kali – The Primordial Goddess of Eternal Night, Time, and Transformation.
  2. Tara – The Compassionate Goddess who Guides through Turmoil and Bestows Wisdom.
  3. Shodashi (Tripura Sundari) – The Goddess of Divine Beauty, Desire, and Complete Fulfillment.
  4. Bhuvaneshwari – The Supreme Goddess who Encompasses and Creates the Entire Universe.
  5. Chinnamasta – The Fearless Goddess who Cuts Off Her Own Head to Feed Creation.
  6. Bhairavi – The Fierce Goddess of Decay, Time, and Inner Fire Leading to Liberation.
  7. Dhumavati – The Goddess of Smoke and the Widow Form who Embodies Detachment and the Void.
  8. Bagalamukhi – The Goddess who Paralyzes and Silences Enemies and Negative Forces.
  9. Matangi – The Outcaste Goddess who Rules Over Pollution, Rebellion, and Forbidden Wisdom.
  10. Kamala – The Goddess of Wealth, Fertility, and Spiritual and Material Prosperity.

Importance of Puja Timing

The timing of the puja plays a crucial role in shaping its energy and blessings:

  • Daytime Puja amplifies sattvic energies, invoking prosperity, health, family harmony, and success, as the Sun’s radiance enhances divine grace and positive manifestations.
  • Nighttime Puja taps into the cosmic stillness, when the veil between the seen and unseen worlds is thinnest, allowing access to the deeper, mystical aspects of the Mahavidyas. These aspects help dissolve karmic burdens, awaken hidden spiritual powers, and unlock profound inner transformation.

Both timings are equally powerful but serve different dimensions of life:

  • Daytime pujas focus on material well-being, stability, and protection.
  • Nighttime pujas unlock spiritual potential, inner alchemy, and karmic liberation.

Benefits of Dus Mahavidya Puja

  • To receive the grace and blessings of the Dus Mahavidyas
  • For protection from negative forces and relief from diseases
  • To gain health, wealth, and prosperity
  • To develop self-confidence and courage
  • For spiritual growth, inner clarity, and profound transformation

Das Mahavidya Mantra:

  1. Kali – Om Krim Kalikaye Namah
  2. Tara – Om Hreem Streem Hum Phat
  3. Shodashi (Tripura Sundari) – Om Aim Kleem Sauh Tripura Sundari Namah
  4. Bhuvaneshwari – Om Hreem Bhuvaneshwariyai Namah
  5. Chinnamasta – Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Aim Vajra Vairochaniye Hum Hum Phat Swaha
  6. Bhairavi – Om Hreem Bhairavyai Namah
  7. Dhumavati – Om Dhum Dhum Dhumavatiye Namah
  8. Bagalamukhi – Om Hlreem Bagalamukhi Sarva Dushtanam Vacham Mukham Padam Stambhaya Jihvam Kilaya Buddhim Vinashaya Hlreem Om Swaha
  9. Matangi – Om Hreem Aim Shreem Matangyai Namah
  10. Kamala – Om Shreem Kamalaye Namah

Das Mahavidya Puja service includes:

Kalash Sthapana, Panchang Sthapana(Gauri Ganesh, Punyavachan, Shodash Matrika, Navgraha, Sarvotabhadra), 64 yogini Pujan, Shetrapal Pujan, Swasti Vachan, Sankalpa, Ganesh Pujan and Abhishek, Navgraha Pujan and 108 chants of each planetary mantra, Invocation of major Gods and Goddesses in Kalash, Das Mahavidya abhishek and Pujan, Mantra Japa of each Goddess, Kavach recitation of each Goddess, Dus Mahavidya mantra japa 1100 times for each Mahavidya, Homa, Arti and Pushanjali.

A short Video of the Sankalpa and mantra chanting would be sent to you along with the photographs of the Puja ritual. You may connect with the priest during the puja (video or phone call) on WhatsApp or Skype and watch the rituals live. Puja Tokri having prasad, energized Rudraksha, silver tabeez and Durga yantra would be sent along. Rudra Centre priests will perform Puja as per Vedic rituals based on birth details. Please mention your Full name, Current Location, Gotra/Birth details (date, place, time)/Parent’s Name, & Sankalpa (your wish) in the instructions box. This is an individual Puja (you may do puja on individual name or include your near and dear ones in the puja).

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