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Puja for removal of Addictions

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Puja for removal of Addictions

INR 13,901

Product Code: PY401

No of Priests: 4

Duration: 1 Day (4 hours)

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INR 13,901

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In the Puja for removal of Addictions, Lord Ganesha is invoked and worshipped by recitation of the Ganapati Atharvashirsa. Planetary influences and placements may also cause addictions. Negative addictions such as that of alcohol, tobacco and more may cause problems to not only the addict but to the whole family as well. Puja of Lord Ganesha and recitation of Ganapati Atharvashirsa is the best way to get rid of various addictions, over-indulgence and to find and maintain balance of gunas. Lord Ganesha is the Lord of wisdom, knowledge and intellect. He blesses His devotees with buddhi and siddhi. In the Ganapati Atharvashirsa, Lord Ganesha is worshipped as the Brahman, the Supreme Consciousness or the ultimate reality. The Ganapati Atharvashirsa is attached to the Atharvaveda and is also known as Ganapati Upanishad. The Ganesha Gayatri Mantra is from the Ganapati Atharvashirsa. Lord Ganesha dwells in the Muladhara Chakra and blesses one with the required support and stability in life. The Puja for removal of addictions helps one gain clarity of thoughts and develop a positive state of mind. It increases Satvik Tattva and helps in de-addiction from addictions such as alcohol, drugs, gambling and tobacco.   


  • Freedom from addictions such as alcohol addiction, gambling, drugs and more
  • Divine grace and blessings of Lord Ganesha
  • Relief from malefic Planetary influences
  • For wisdom and strength


Om Gajananam Bhoota Ganadhi Sevitam Kapittha Jambu Phala Charu Bhakshanam |  
Umasutam Shoka Vinasha Kaarakam Namami Vighneshwara Pada Pankajam || 

ॐ गजाननं भूतगणाधिसेवितं कपित्थजम्बूफलचारुभक्षणम्। 
उमासुतं शोकविनाशकारकं नमामि विघ्नेश्वरपादपङ्कजम्॥

Mantra Video Link -


I bow to Lord Gajanan (Ganesha), who is served by all celestial beings and the attendants of Lord Shiva (Bhootagana). 
He delights in offerings of Kapittha (wood apple) and Jambu (rose apple) fruits. 
He is the son of Goddess Uma (Parvati) and the remover of all sorrows. 
I humbly worship the lotus feet of Lord Vighneshwara (the remover of obstacles).  

Puja Service Include: Sthapana (Ganesh, Devi, Navgraha, Kalash, Brahma), Navagraha Mantra Japa (1 mala of each planet), Rudra Kalash Pujan, Installation of Lord Hanuman, Shodus Kalash Pujan, Sarvato Bhadra Pujan, Chetrapal Mandal Pujan, Chatukasti Yogini Pujan, Invocation of all Gods and Goddesses, Lord Ganesha Pujan and abhishek with Ganesh mantra, strotra and stutis, Ganapati Atharvashirsa recitation 108 times, aarti and Homa  

No. of Priests: 4  
Duration: 1 day  

A short Video of the Sankalpa and mantra chanting would be sent to you along with the photographs of the Puja ritual. You may connect with the priest during the puja (video or phone call) on WhatsApp or Skype and watch the rituals live. Puja Tokri having prasad, energized Rudraksha, silver tabeez and yantra would be sent along. Rudra Centre priests will perform Puja for removal of Addictions as per Vedic rituals based on birth details. Please mention your birth details (name, date, place, time), & Sankalp (your wish) at checkout. This is an individual Puja (you may do puja on individual name or include your near and dear ones in the puja).

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