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Arthritis: Meaning, Symptoms, Causes, Cure Through Alternative Therapy – Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy® (RRCT)

What is Arthritis

Arthritis is a disease of joints (an area of the body where two different bones meet) caused mainly due to wear and tear of joints cartilage or inflammation of synovial membrane in the joints. Arthritis can affect one joint or multiple joints and characterized as pain in joints which worsens with passing age. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis, with different causes. It can affect people at any age however it occurs more frequently in older people. The major types and commonly known Arthritis conditions are: Degenerative (Osteoarthritis), Inflammatory (Rheumatoid), Infectious (bacteria/virus infects the joints), Metabolic (uric acid crystals deposit in joints). The symptoms of arthritis include swelling, inflammation, stiffness, and decreased range of motion. These symptoms can be found in the joints of fingers, knees, hips and spine. Rheumatoid Arthritis typically affects large joints like wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips and knees on both sides of the body. Many of the forms of arthritis, because they are rheumatic diseases, can cause symptoms affecting various organs of the body that do not directly involve the joints. Therefore, symptoms in some patients with certain forms of arthritis also include fever, gland swelling (swollen lymph nodes), weight loss, fatigue, feeling unwell, and even symptoms from abnormalities of organs such as lungs, heart or kidneys.

Treatment of Arthritis does not permanently cure the condition. However, symptoms can be treated by managing the debilitating pain by taking medication, physiotherapy or sometimes surgery which helps reduce symptoms and improve quality of life. In addition, maintaining a healthy weight so that extra burden does not fall on the joints, particularly the knee joints avoiding injury and repetitive movements is paramount. In severe cases, joint replacement surgeries are the options where the damaged joints are replaced by man-made parts. Therefore – take a deeper view; Arthritis disease come from an Imbalanced Root (Muladhara) Chakra, and thus, it is very essential to add a natural therapy too – an alternative healing therapy to address the root causes, carry out the healing by balancing the Imbalanced Root (Muladhara) Chakra.

Rudraksha and Gemstones combination advised to cure Arthritis disease:

18 Mukhi and Cat’s eye Gemstone

Imbalanced Root (muladhara) Chakra And Arthritis Disease

If an individual has limited thinking patterns and fear of facing different challenges of life or certain other fears, Root (Muladhara) Chakra gets blocked, and even Sacred Heart (Hrit Padma) Chakra and Ajna (Third Eye) Chakra gets blocked.

Treating Arthritis Disease With Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy (RRCT)

Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy (RRCT) is an alternative healing therapy - a natural and unique therapy to balance Chakras. RRCT prescribes specific Rudraksha and Gemstone combinations upon deriving the state of your Aura Energy and Chakra analysis. The specific combination of Rudraksha and Gemstone therapy taps 100% properties of Rudraksha and Gemstone that removes the blocked energy, and tunes you into the right frequency.

Talk to our Certified Therapist to identify the root causes, and limiting beliefs and prescribe you the right combination of Rudraksha and Gemstones. Within a week of wearing the prescribed combination, you will experience several positive changes within.

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