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Tuning To Life Lessons From Corona Virus

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Tuning To Life Lessons From Corona Virus


We have been witnessing heart-wrenching visuals of migrant workers and their families with children in their arms and bags on their heads, walking down hundreds of miles in the sweltering heat, with hunger and hopelessness writ on their faces and blisters on their bare feet. India has seen the largest exodus of 10 crore migrants, which makes the backbone of its economy and 20% of its workforce which is estimated to be over 50 crores. These migrants are the ones you see doing various construction work and as factory hands, delivery boys, artisans, loaders, cooks, painters, rickshaw pullers and roadside hawkers. A sudden lockdown announcement with barely four hours’ notice shocked them. Jobs went away from their hands overnight. The fear of being diseased and separated from their spouse and children in the hospital and dying alone shook up their survival instinct. Extension after extension of lockdown and sealing of their areas had depleted them of their meagre savings, and they had nothing left to pay for rent and food. With no relief in sight about work resuming any time soon, they started scrambling for their homes. With public transport shut down, most of them have walked hundreds of miles to their homes in this massive reverse migration. Several have died along the way due to accidents, exhaustion and hunger.

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We have been witnessing heart-wrenching visuals of migrant workers and their families with children in their arms and bags on their heads, walking down hundreds of miles in the sweltering heat, with hunger and hopelessness writ on their faces and blisters on their bare feet. India has seen the largest exodus of 10 crore migrants, which makes the backbone of its economy and 20% of its workforce which is estimated to be over 50 crores. These migrants are the ones you see doing various construction work and as factory hands, delivery boys, artisans, loaders, cooks, painters, rickshaw pullers and roadside hawkers. A sudden lockdown announcement with barely four hours’ notice shocked them. Jobs went away from their hands overnight. The fear of being diseased and separated from their spouse and children in the hospital and dying alone shook up their survival instinct. Extension after extension of lockdown and sealing of their areas had depleted them of their meagre savings, and they had nothing left to pay for rent and food. With no relief in sight about work resuming any time soon, they started scrambling for their homes. With public transport shut down, most of them have walked hundreds of miles to their homes in this massive reverse migration. Several have died along the way due to accidents, exhaustion and hunger.

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Now that slowly the government is easing restrictions, and people are also becoming restless about resuming operations, one thing has become totally clear, and that is
“We have to face the Virus”.
Fearing it is not going to work. So we should go into the battlefield fully armed. The armours you have to carry are
Mask, gloves and eyeglasses to protect yourself.
A strong immunity. This can be achieved by a healthy lifestyle that needs good food, exercise, timely sleeping habits and meditation.
Make work from home a way of living. This lockdown has shown us that we can do quite a bit from home also. This not only saves us from the hassles of travelling but it gives us some free time for ourselves.

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Today we are living in a state of uncertainty. It is difficult to believe that we are being shown the truth. Logic says something else. We are standing on the verge of an economic collapse due to the lockdown. The possibility of compulsory vaccination looms in front of us. We are being forced to only see the medical system as an alternative to recovery. There is a rush to buy protective gear, kits, gloves, masks, sanitisation equipment and manufacture ventilators and medicines. After this next step would be to pump this in the market for as long as possible. The media is not showing us the complete truth.

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I have some views of mine to share, which may seem quite distressing for some. But we have the right to express what comes from within.

Is the lockdown and social distancing really going to work long term? I agree that the 21-day lockdown should be followed sincerely as in this period, the chain can be broken in some places and also the administrative system can become ready to tackle the patients better. Also, people can use this time to constructively align themselves to what is going to happen emotionally, mentally and physically. However, we cannot extend this period longer than this. A country like China had to lockdown for 2 months and still they are not fully operational. Are we ready for a longer period of inactivity? It is impossible that 21 days will curb this spread totally, knowing that 100% movement cannot be stopped and with the cramped living spaces as they are in our country. How long can we prevent the Virus from coming in knowing that it is highly infectious? Now that we know that the vaccine is going to take a minimum year from coming. How long can we protect ourselves?


A country like India cannot. People will take to the streets from the second month onwards. We are already a struggling economy.


How many lives? When the mortality rate is showing out to be not more than 2%, are we really playing economics here? This mortality rate is also more for those with co-morbidity like old age, lowered immunity (cancer patients) and those with respiratory diseases. What if this rate can be reduced further in different ways rather than lockdown the rest of the healthy population? Are we ready to pay the price of bankruptcy, job losses, suicides, and mass frenzy? The social ostracism that infected people face is just inhuman. They are treated like criminals, and that makes them so anxious and isolated and that further weakens their immune systems. What happened to compassion? What happened to fearlessness? Where has faith gone? Even those who believed in God, spirituality, natural healing and positive thinking are engulfed by fear.

We cannot develop enough capacity even to handle the flattened curve, given the population of India, if we rely on medical science alone. Govt hospitals are already over 100% capacity. How many new hospitals are we constructing in 2 weeks? or 8 weeks?


80% of the infected show none or very few symptoms. Immunity is developed once you have a disease and fight it off naturally. It happens with all diseases whether we agree or not. What if many of us have already had this disease in this period and have staved it off using mother’s recipe of ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, lemon and honey. I believe in the fact that if a certain majority of the population develops immunity, the disease dies naturally.

It is the nature of people to interact and grow, and you cannot go against it. Life does not stop its natural course because of an impending disease. Its nature is to move on.

Fear of the disease is worse than the disease itself. Fear grips the mind and stops wisdom from functioning. A solution will not come till we are open to it with trust.


We are a land of healing and great wisdom. We have the power within us to heal ourselves. We need to invoke that natural healing power within which comes with spirituality. Spirituality includes a Sattvic diet, Yoga, Pranayama, Kriyas, Meditation and tuning to ancient wisdom through reading and hearing Masters. May the genuine lightworkers arise and get busy.

We need a different approach now to social distancing. Isolate the high-risk people and leave the rest of the working class to go on the field with due precautions. The precautions have to be thought of diligently and enforced.

Develop methods to treat patients at home. As such, even the doctors don’t have a cure, so why is everyone running to hospitals? Make medicines that can provide relief available freely. For ventilators, we are a country of super-intelligent people, and we can always have manual battery-operated contraptions or even gas cylinders for that.

We need to train thousands of paramedical staff for home visits. We are a land of love, compassion and charity. Several of them will come forward at this time.

I firmly believe that It is time to come out of the grip of fear crefated by this corona virus and think differently. We must think more about building immunity in various ways and fighting off this Virus. We have to rise and open our hearts through faith in God, humanity and life and fight rather than hide.


Today the world is gripped by the fear of Corona Virus whose name itself embodies the Crown Chakra of our thought process. We cannot think of anything other than running away from it and locking ourselves. Where will we escape? For how long?. Today the need of the hour is to

Calm down

  • Trust the nurturing nature of life
  • Imbibe what nature is trying to tell you through this situation
  • Align to light as that alone will engulf the darkness

Nature of Life

Life is like a mother. It can only create and not destroy its beloved creation. This situation has happened in the “absence” of life. We have to make Life Win. We have to empower our Mother. It has been somewhere lost in greed, ignorance and delusion.

In Muladhara chakra, it aligns you with your nature of hard work, bonding with your roots and protecting yourself and the environment. Here it forms your basic skeletal system that is the structure of your existence.

In Swathisthana chakra, it aligns you with honouring the role you have come to play in this world. Here it gives the muscular system that gives the form and shape.

In Manipura, it aligns you to self-power and coaxes you to internalise yourself. Here lie your organs of digestion and is the fire element running in your body.

In Anahata, it asks you to open up to trust and love. The Prana that flows in your body with your circulatory system is regulated here.

In Vishudha, it makes you surrender and align to the infinite wisdom of the Guru within. This is the ether element in your body which is the space where all creation happens.

In Ajna, it asks you to see the reality beyond definitions. Your third eye awakens here to see that you are a blind puppeteer in life whose eyes can only see the truth when it becomes a witness.

In Sahasrara chakra it makes you open up to your infinite potential with faith, compassion and understanding about the laws of life and its grandeur. Here your nervous system that controls all the organs operates.

Life today wants us to align with it. The only way we have to do it is to go inside. Life beats in your heart. It is the highest truth ever. Believe in nurturing. Believe in the laws of life and align with them.


Corona virus has been spreading at an alarming phase and creating a state of panic across the globe. Constant efforts are being made to bring awareness about the ways to prevent the spread of this unrelenting outbreak. Scientists and medical experts are striving hard to find a cure. Before understanding the causes and possible cures, let us first understand more about viruses.

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