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Fertility Issues And Impotence

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Infertility And Impotence Disease: Meaning, Symptoms, Causes, Cure Through Alternative Therapy – Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy® (RRCT)

What Is Fertility Issues And Impotence

Impotence is a medical problem among men and is characterized by the consistent inability to sustain an erection needed for sexual intercourse. Fertility issues refer to the inability among men to achieve ejaculation. In both Impotence and Fertility issues, causes are heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, substance abuse, sleep disorders, BPH, blood vessel disease, hormonal imbalance etc. Specifically found, men who are stressed or in depression or have relationship issues maybe at a high risk of unusually low sexual desire and gradual impotence. Sexual desires in men wary as they age, seeking medical treatment helps only to some extent as the complications of Fertility issues and Impotence are quite a few. Therefore – take a deeper view; Fertility issues and Impotence diseases come from the Imbalanced Sacral (Swadhisthana) Chakra, and thus it is very essential to add a natural therapy too – an alternative healing therapy to address the root causes, carry out the healing by balancing the Imbalanced Sacral (Swadhisthana) Chakra.

Imbalanced Sacral (swadhisthana) Chakra And Fertility Issues & Impotence

There are several theories about how male infertility (and female infertility) surfaces as a problem due to imbalanced Sacral (Swadhisthana) Chakra energy. An imbalance in this Chakra cause miscarriage, infertility and other related complications. This imbalance happens when an individual indulges in self-doubt, feels devoid of love and care and thinks he is going wrong somewhere and hence not responsible for being loved. Sacral (Swadhisthana) Chakra is rooted in childhood mental conditioning, lack of loving atmosphere, harmony and difficult upbringing reflects in adult partnerships. All types of partnerships are affected by this Chakra. Self-doubt, fear of the unknown and fear that something will happen to me imbalances or completely blocks this Chakra resulting in forming healthy emotional relationships and sexual difficulties.

Rudraksha and Gemstones combination advised to cure Infertility issues and Impotence disease:
Garbh-Shankar Rudraksha combo and Pearl gemstone.

Treating Infertility Issues And Impotence With Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy (RRCT)

Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy (RRCT) is an alternative healing therapy - a natural and unique therapy to balance Chakras. RRCT prescribes specific Rudraksha and Gemstone combinations upon deriving the state of your Aura Energy and Chakra analysis. The specific combination of Rudraksha and Gemstone therapy taps 100% properties of Rudraksha and Gemstone that removes the blocked energy, and tunes you into the right frequency.

This cleansing process and self-healing process starts the moment Rudraksha and Ratna (Gemstone) combination is worn on the body. Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy does not require any difficult efforts. If any efforts have to be really taken; just chant the beej mantras as prescribed. However, there is no compulsion to even chant (if you don’t want to chant or cannot chant for some reasons) as the therapy works automatically. Chanting however will speed up the cleansing and healing process.

Talk to our Certified therapist to identify the root causes, and limiting beliefs and prescribe you the right combination of Rudraksha and Gemstones. Within a week of wearing the prescribed combination, you will experience several positive changes within.

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