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Heart Diseases

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Heart Diseases: Meaning, Symptoms, Causes, Cure Through Alternative Therapy – Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy® (RRCT)

Chest Pain Home Remedies


Heart diseases are serious heart defects. While cardiovascular diseases cover some Heart Diseases, there are many different types of Heart Diseases that affect different parts of the organ and manifest in various ways. Congenital heart disease refers to heart defects that have existed since birth, as well as other defects such as a hole between the two chambers of the heart. Other heart ailments include irregular heartbeat, coronary artery disease caused by excess cholesterol or thickening and stiffening of blood vessels (due to poor dietary habits and stress) that constrict and inhibit blood flow to the heart and other organs, heart muscle, valves, or rhythm are affected, artery disease, valvular heart disease, weak heart muscles, and heart stroke or heart attack caused by a blood clot in the arteries and if the artery suddenly narrows or spasms.

Squatness of breath, chest pain or pain down the arms, palpitations, fatigue, frequent perspiration, cold hands and feet, and constant emotional turmoil are all common symptoms of heart disease. Heart disease can result in potentially fatal emergencies such as a heart attack, heart failure, sudden cardiac arrest, or stroke. High emotional turmoil and stress (which damage the arteries), high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high uric acid level, diabetes, obesity, smoking, and lack of physical activity are risk factors that contribute to the majority of heart diseases. Even poor hygiene can put you at risk for heart infections, especially if you have a heart condition. Worry-tension or stress worsens the risk factors because worrying produces adrenaline and cortisol, which constrict the arteries and place a strain on the heart.

The mainstream treatment of heart diseases includes medication, different types of surgery options depending on the heart damage, and preventive measures to improve heart health.

The root cause of heart diseases (other than one presence since birth) is deep-rooted, at the level of energy or the specific Chakra in your body that manifests this disease. Therefore, understanding the root cause of heart disease and adding a natural healing solution will help in the treatment without interfering with the current treatment. Heart disease actually comes from an Imbalanced Heart (Anahata) Chakra due to an emotional state, psychological reactions and certain life experiences. An energy imbalance in the heart (Anahata) Chakra is the cause of not just heart disease but several other diseases. Thus it is essential to add a natural therapy – an alternative healing therapy. There are several therapies under Alternative Healing, among the many therapies, Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy (RRCT) is a unique therapy that cleans the aura, gives a good amount of relief from suffering and helps in balancing the energy of an Imbalanced Heart ( Anahata ) Chakra.


Many persons who have heart difficulties are thought to be heartless or selfless. Avoiding dealing with one's difficulties in favour of concentrating on issues over which one has no control may result in heart disease. Furthermore, if you have heart problems, you may tend to take everything to heart or take things too seriously. You are not permitting adequate flow in your life, whether it be the flow of love, ideas, or even your own lifeblood. Focusing on material things while doing nothing else might result in a heart attack. An erratic heartbeat might indicate that a person is reluctant or unable to adhere to a pattern or schedule.


Heart  (Anahata) Chakra is located at the heart area. An imbalanced Heart (Anahata) Chakra indicates an individual with unforgiveness, mistrust in relationships leading to emotional and turmoil, over expectations and obsessive tendencies, tries to control things which cannot be controlled and does not trust the natural flow of life.

Rudraksha and Gemstone combination advised to give relief from the suffering of Heart Diseases:

15 Mukhi Rudraksha , 19 Mukhi Rudraksha , 7 Mukhi Rudraksha , Gauri Shankar Rudraksha


To balance the Heart (Anahata) Chakra and get relief from Heart Diseases and any other disease, Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy (RRCT) pioneered by Sakhashree Neeta is an alternative healing therapy - a natural and unique therapy to balance the 8 Chakras (subtle energy centers) in the body. RRCT is an outcome of the deep study of Puranas, Upanishads on the miraculous properties different Rudraksha beads have, and real-time testing of Rudraksha with Ratna (Gemstones) on the body has proven to clean the aura, heal and balance the Chakras. RRCT prescribes specific Rudraksha and Gemstone combinations upon deriving the state of your aura Energy and Chakra analysis.

Essentially, the specific combination of Rudraksha and Gemstone therapy taps 100% properties of Rudraksha and Gemstone that removes the blocked energy, and tunes you into the right frequency. This cleansing process and self-healing process starts giving relief the moment Rudraksha and Ratna (Gemstone) combination is worn. Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy does not require any difficult efforts. If any efforts have to be really taken; just chant the beej mantras as prescribed. However, there is no compulsion to even chant (if you don’t want to chant or cannot chant for some reasons) as the therapy works automatically. Chanting, however, will speed up the cleansing and healing process.

Talk to our Certified Therapist to identify the exact triggers, work with us to remove limiting beliefs and allow us to prescribe you the right combination of Rudraksha and Gemstones suiting you. Within a week of wearing the prescribed combination, you will experience several positive changes within.

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