The Root Chakra, or Muladhara Chakra, is the foundation of our energy system. It keeps us connected to the physical world and promotes the stability we need for our overall well-being. This chakra or energy center is located at the base of the spine and is essential for our sense of security, survival instincts, and connection to the Earth. The Root Chakra plays a vital role in maintaining overall security, affecting physical health, emotional stability, and financial security. A strong Root Chakra fosters a solid foundation for personal growth and spiritual evolution, creating a sense of grounding, resilience, and trust. In order to live a fulfilling life, it's important to truly comprehend and nurture this chakra.
This article provides a clear description of the basics, symbolism, and significance of the Muladhara (Root) Chakra, as well as the signs of an imbalanced Muladhara chakra and the proven ways to restore its balance.
What is the Chakra System?

Ancient Vedic knowledge emphasizes the connection between physical, mental, and spiritual health, with energy centers in the body enabling these connections. These energy centers are known as chakras. In Sanskrit, the word 'chakra' means 'wheel' or 'disc’. Every chakra is like an energy spiral or an energy rhythm, which forms a fundamental role in the balance of the individual's entire energetic system. It is represented as beautiful flowers in circular motion.
The Chakra System, an ageless spiritual tradition, recognizes seven primary energy centers in the human body, situated along the spine. These chakras serve as pathways for the life force, or 'prana.' Each chakra connects its vibrational frequencies, colors, elements, and functions with specific energetic patterns that shape our life experiences, acting as an energetic compass guiding our path. Constant energy flows between the inner and outer worlds, influencing our energetic system through our chakras' condition and function. The extent to which these chakras are balanced impacts our overall quality of life.
Our mental state influences the flow of energy through the chakras. Struggles, worries, and incorrect beliefs can disrupt this flow of energy and lead to imbalanced chakras and their related organs in the body. Recognizing mental and emotional obstacles is crucial for balancing our chakras, healing related physical ailments, and improving our lives.
About Muladhara Chakra

Muladhara Chakra is the first chakra and is also known as the ‘Base Chakra’ or the ‘Root Chakra’. The word Muladhara originates from the terms 'mula' and 'adhara', where mula signifies 'root, main, or basis', and adhara refers to 'foundation or existence.' Therefore, this chakra is the basis of existence, the root of existence, or the primary foundation of our life on this earth. It explains why you were born and serves as the foundation of your earthly existence in the form of your body.
The Root Chakra is the foundation of your very existence on this earth and helps you feel grounded and secure and able to withstand challenges. This chakra is the seat of body consciousness and regulates your physical body structure, stores information about your life experiences and belief systems and denotes connection with your parents and support system around you.
The Root (Muladhara) Chakra's energy is responsible for your material success. This chakra represents each person's inherent potential, which can only be realized through action and karma. Its ultimate goal is to achieve self-realization, which is the true meaning of human existence. It encourages one to stand on one’s own feet while also fostering a sense of belonging and mutual support. It supports you in understanding the unity of all things in the physical world. The life lesson this chakra teaches us is to stand up for ourselves.
Location : Base of your spine near your tailbone
Color: Red
Beej Mantra: LAM
Primary Focus: Survival
Right: To Exist
Organs: Base of Spine, Bones, Feet, Skeletal System, Excretory System, Prostrate.
Endocrine Gland: Adrenal
Sense : Smell
Element: Earth
Planet: Mars
Deity: Ganesh
Muladhara Chakra Meaning
The meaning of Muladhara is 'root' or 'support' and governs our primal survival instincts and provides a sense of security and connection to the physical world. This chakra is the energy center that connects with the earth, which represents the physical world and provides nourishment, support, and stability. The root chakra supports a child like a mother, especially in the early stages. A mother's role is to care for and meet the needs of her child, starting from conception until they are independent. Mother Earth provides the stability and support needed to survive life's challenges. Our foundation, the base chakra, helps us ascend to higher chakras and develop self-awareness and self-realization. Muladhara links us to the body, earth, and our higher selves, forming the basis of our existence.
Therefore, the Muladhara Chakra, associated with the earth element, acts as our anchor, influencing our fundamental needs for sustenance, shelter, and security. A well-balanced Muladhara (Root) Chakra promotes a strong sense of safety, trust, and belonging, enabling us to confront life's obstacles with resilience and strength. This energy center is vital for establishing a strong base in the physical, mental, and spiritual realms to promote well-being and personal development.
Muladhara Chakra Symbol

The Muladhara Chakra is symbolized by a square lotus, surrounded by eight shining spears on the sides and corners and four red petals. Each petal of the Muladhara symbol contains a gold inscription of the Sanskrit syllables va, scha, sha, and sa. These consonants represent the four vrittis (utmost joy, intrinsic satisfaction, delight in subduing passion, and contentment in concentration) and the four purusarthas, which are dharma (a virtuous life), artha (a meaningful life with purpose), kama (a desire fulfilled life), and moksha (a life devoted to enlightenment), hence denoting the four directions to follow in life. The square represents the earth, which manifests all the elements of life and death required for our existence. The symbol of the triangle pointing southwards suggests that the circulation of the energy is in the downward direction.
Also known as the Red Chakra because of its deep red hue symbol, this is an energizing color that has the ability to excite our emotions and make us start working towards the tasks at hand. The red chakra color also symbolizes warmth and is related to most of the survival needs of human beings in this world. It discharges a very powerful masculine energy. Red chakra color also denotes ‘kama’ or lust that resides in the root chakra, and it gives the necessary energy for procreation. It is a striking color that denotes support and stability.
Muladhara Chakra Benefits

The Muladhara Chakra offers a strong foundation, ensuring individuals stay rooted in the present and experience a sense of security and balance in their daily lives. This chakra plays a vital role in maintaining physical vitality by energizing the body, especially the lower regions and adrenal glands, which improves overall physical health and endurance.
A balanced Muladhara Chakra fosters trust and confidence, decreasing fears and anxieties while establishing a stable and lasting emotional foundation. As the Muladhara Chakra strengthens the bond between individuals and the Earth, it leads to gaining insight into this connection, which enhances our understanding of the physical world and builds a sense of steadiness.
If you have a healthy Root (Muladhara) Chakra, then you will be practical and well-grounded, with 'common sense.' The support system will make you feel like you belong. You will have a sense of having sufficient material resources to meet your needs. You will have a relatively healthy physical body, with healthy bones, teeth, feet, legs, and adrenal glands. Your pelvic floor will be supportive, too.
The balanced Muladhara Chakra offers numerous benefits that go beyond the individual. It provides a stable foundation for spiritual growth, peace of mind, and physical vitality, leading to a fulfilled and satisfied life.
A balanced Muladhara Chakra benefits include:
Grounding: It provides a strong base for individuals to feel secure and stable in their lives, both physically and emotionally.
Vitality : A balanced Root Chakra is essential for maintaining physical health and vitality. It plays a crucial role in supporting the adrenal glands and lower body, serving as the foundation of the body's energy system.
Emotional Safety: It enhances individuals' sense of safety, trust, and confidence, reducing fear and anxiety and promoting a greater sense of security in their environment and relationships.
Financial Stability: A healthy Muladhara Chakra is associated with financial security and effective resource management, creating a sense of abundance and prosperity.
Endurance: It supports resilience and the capacity to overcome life's challenges, fostering a strong will and the ability to bounce back from setbacks.
Earth Bond: It fosters a deeper connection with the Earth and nature, encouraging a profound sense of belonging with the natural world.
The Root Chakra also provides the foundation for spiritual growth by supporting the Crown Chakra. The Muladhara Chakra establishes a solid foundation for fearless higher consciousness exploration. A balanced Root Chakra promotes smooth energy flow throughout the chakra system, paving the way for the Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra which represents our spiritual connection to the divine and the universe to awaken and expand. Therefore, just as one cannot construct a house from the roof, but from the root, one should always start from the foundation and work upwards. Realizing the higher self requires delving into life's depths, confronting challenges, realizing one's identity and sense of belonging, leveraging personal power, and fostering positive connections. Consequently, a strong Root Chakra is required for mental stability, crown chakra awareness and expansion, and ultimate spiritual realization.
Core Lessons of Muladhara Chakra

The Muladhara Chakra is all about your physical presence in the world. Materialism is shown in Muladhara, and how you use this energy will determine whether you become dependent on material goods or move towards spirituality. The full root of your potential resides here as the seed of a plant. Once it matures, it materializes, leading you to your highest potential. This process begins at the root chakra, which is why it is important to balance it before any other chakra and learn its lessons.
Honor your Parents

The family unit provides us with logic, order, and structure and orients us in time and space and to our five senses. Family identity, bonding, support and loyalty gives one a sense of safety and connection to the physical world. Unless you feel that, you do not realize support and till the time that is not there you do not feel the energy, willpower and strength to face challenges in life. Without this bonding you are like a dry leaf tossed here and there in fair weather. So, to grow your roots, you need to build good family bonding. Also, recognizing the importance of your nation and community is crucial for the Muladhara Chakra, as they contribute to a greater sense of belonging and identity. Our nation is a reflection of our collective heritage, culture, religion, and collective past, which in turn shape our values and worldview. Embracing your nation's legacy grounds you in shared traditions and experiences. Just like your community, your social environment nurtures and supports you. Recognizing the value of social bonds and stability, honoring your community is essential and strengthens the Muladhara Chakra, providing a strong foundation of collective identity and support.
Honor your Work

Right from the instant you are born, you are trained to think what work you are going to do in life. But we get overwhelmed with challenges. A time comes in everyone's life when several things come together; this is the time Universe tests you. Do you rise up to the occasion or fall? Children get overwhelmed with the demand of school and tuitions and give up. In career people cannot handle when at one time the boss is on their head as there are too many expectation from work, mother or father not well, travelling time is too much, loans are on head and they succumb and stay at home to take care of the mother or father. All work that is coming to you, you have to do it. Make systems, prioritize your work, delegate, remove all distractions and just focus on the task at hand. When several challenges are coming together understand life is testing you. Like a trampoline, you fall down to learn lessons only to go higher than you reached before.
Honor your Body

We all recognize the importance of taking care of the body. But equally important is to prepare your body for work. Keep fit. The more you pamper it with senses, the more it will pull you down. But the more you test its endurance, the more it would work for you. You need to train it and not associate with it. Your body is fit for the work you are meant to do. Memories and beliefs and fears of childhood illness, diseases and family history, makes one lethargic and fearful of facing challenges in life. Science has proven every 7 years you have a totally new body. Not just your cells are replaced. It's been shown you don't have a single atom from your original body. So, it's obvious that if you are carrying a disease, it is because of cell memories. Healing this chakra allows a person to move onto other areas of life, such as creativity, learning (education) and healthy relationships.
Honor Mother Earth
Mother Earth is our energetic foundation that connects us to the physical world and provides stability. Engaging in practices such as spending time in nature, gardening, and reflecting on the earth's sustaining role strengthens this vital connection, fostering a deep sense of rootedness and security. The Muladhara Chakra anchors us by extending luminous filaments down our legs into the earth, nourishing our basic survival needs and grounding us in the present moment. Understanding that the earth under us provides all of our abundance and support helps the Root Chakra to be more balanced and allows our general well-being to be firmly anchored in the nurturing embrace of Mother Earth.
Balanced & Imbalanced Muladhara Chakra

When this chakra is in balance, individuals experience a profound sense of stability and grounding, as well as a strong sense of connection to the Earth. This individual's robust physical constitution is the result of their stability, which is marked by increased vitality and energy, particularly in the lower body and adrenal glands. A Root Chakra that is well-balanced fosters a strong sense of safety, trust, and confidence, thereby alleviating fears and anxieties. It provides a vigorous foundation for emotional resilience, enabling individuals to confront life's obstacles with resoluteness and resolve.
A balanced Root Chakra supports efficient resource management and financial stability, fostering a sense of prosperity and abundance. Furthermore, it fosters a deeper bond with nature, leading to a greater sense of harmony and belonging to the environment, ultimately boosting overall well-being and satisfaction.
Physical symptoms of root chakra opening include increased leg strength and a more robust, healthy body. A fit physique, resembling that of a gym-goer, or lack of weight excess or loss, denotes a balanced Muladhara chakra.
Imbalanced Muladhara Chakra

An imbalanced Root Chakra can significantly disrupt one’s life, which can result in a variety of physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges. It can result in fatigue, lower back pain, and a weakened immune system, particularly in the legs, feet, and lower spine. Chronic anxiety, fear, and insecurity can result from an imbalanced Root Chakra, which can create a persistent sense of instability and unease. This results in deep fears around money and financial security. When this chakra is imbalanced, it causes deep-seated concern about whether basic needs can be satisfied and finances properly handled. It also reduces emotional resilience, making stress and challenging life events more difficult to overcome.
When blocked or overactive, the Muladhara Chakra can hinder energy flow to the higher chakras, preventing spiritual progress and greater consciousness. The experience of being disconnected from the Earth and feeling as though one does not belong can exacerbate feelings of isolation and disorientation, thereby affecting one's overall happiness and fulfillment.
Overactive Muladhara Chakra

An overactive Root Chakra disperses energy faster and out of balance around this energy vortex. If the Muladhara Chakra is overactive, a person may overemphasize survival needs to assert control and ground themselves during stress and fear. Fear causes them to plant too many psychological roots, making them rigid and superstitious. One might experience a fear of straying from societal norms, jeopardizing relationships or careers for the sake of stability, accumulating possessions or money excessively, or resorting to overeating as a means of finding security from perceived instability. When the Muladhara chakra is overactive can cause nervousness, aggression, bold or rash behavior, materialism, and hoarding. A person like this would resist change because it would upset his stability.
Underactive Muladhara Chakra

When the Muladhara chakra is underactive, the person may feel constantly threatened, fearful, and tense. Every minor or major task assumes a daunting proportion, and he adopts a fight or flight response. As a result, he does not develop the required skills and ability to deal with life successfully. The slightest wind could uproot him like a plant without roots. These individuals consistently switch jobs, believing that a better opportunity is out there and that their current position poses a threat to them. Such people will have perpetual anxiety and fears regarding resources and survival. They will perform poorly at work and feel easily overwhelmed by daily tasks. They would encounter challenges, hardships, and setbacks at every step, yet they lack the knowledge to surmount them.
Signs that your Muladhara Chakra is Imbalanced
If the Root (Muladhara) chakra is blocked, you may feel overly fearful about Security and Survival. You might find yourself frequently changing jobs, relocating, or experiencing instability in your marital life. You may fear illness or feel your body is not healthy, will be feeling lonely, not supported, losing money in unwanted expenses, and generally dealing and struggling with survival issues.

Panic attacks
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Bone Cancer and diseases
Sore Knees
Hip Issues
Diseases of anus
Lower back pain
Prostate problem
Problem in the reproductive organs

Underactive Muladhara Chakra:
Lack of initiative and motivation.
Lethargy and the feeling of being ungrounded.
Procrastinating /delaying simple day-to-day activities.
Avoiding facing critical issues in life.
Inability to concentrate and focus.
Lack of appetite (anorexic).
Overactive Muladhara Chakra:
Workaholic attitude.
Physical exhaustion.
Emotional eating (overweight).
Obsessive thinking and confusion.
Lack of stillness and isolated behavior.
Career & Social

Underactive Muladhara Chakra:
Lack of motivation for work.
Financial fears and insecurity.
Withdrawal from social interactions.
Chronic insecurity and low self-esteem.
Fear-Based Decisions.
Overactive Muladhara Chakra:
Career Anxiety.
Workplace Conflict.
Difficulty trusting others.
Problems in maintaining stable relationships.
Over-reliance on others for emotional support.
Fear-Based Decisions.

Underactive Muladhara Chakra:
Lack of Grounding.
Constant Fear and Anxiety.
Sense of instability and insecurity in life.
Feelings of loneliness and disconnection from others.
Struggles with bringing intentions and desires into reality.
Fear of change in adapting to new situations, leading to stagnation.
Overactive Muladhara Chakra:
Restlessness and inability to settle or relax.
An overwhelming focus on basic survival needs.
Past traumas frequently resurface, hindering spiritual progress.
An overwhelming focus on basic survival needs.
Inability to make spiritual progress.
How to balance Muladhara Chakra?

Chakra balance is best achieved when we align to the lessons of the chakra and start to actively apply these lessons in our daily lives. Other methods include breathing exercises, mantra chanting, meditation and visualization techniques, aromatherapy and sound therapy, energy healing techniques like reiki, yoga practice, diet (foods and drinks) adjustment, and the use of Rudraksha and gemstones.
Align to the Lessons of Muladhara Chakra
The Muladhara Chakra fosters security, stability, and grounding. It underlines the importance of a solid physical and emotional foundation for well-being and personal growth. Trust and resilience can be built by prioritizing safety, shelter, food and work. This chakra fortifies connection to Earth and nature, enhancing mindfulness and presence in daily life. For root chakra balance, honor and respect your parents and origins. Prepare traditional meals, celebrate cultural holidays, and tell family stories. Imagine your ancestors supporting you. Release any negative emotions from your upbringing and focus on love and acceptance. Honor your body by grounding yourself to the earth. This can include walking barefoot on the soil and exercising regularly to build strength and stability. Eat healthy foods to support your body. Practice physical awareness and sleep quality. These practices promote safety, stability and a renewed sense of belonging, as well as material and spiritual growth.
Personal One-on-One Counseling
One-on-one Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy (RRCT) counseling sessions combine the ancient knowledge of rudraksha beads and gemstones with a deep understanding of energy science and human psychology. This is done by carefully identifying and reflecting on the root cause of the chakra imbalance, rather than the external symptoms. RRCT counseling identifies subconscious patterns deeply ingrained in our behavior, such as fears, old habits, experiences, beliefs, and other factors that are restricting our energy centers and limiting our lives by causing these vital energy centers to malfunction. The counselor then tailors specific rudraksha combinations and gemstones to your unique needs, which you wear on your body to facilitate continuous energy alignment. This comprehensive method not only promotes physical and emotional well-being but also supports spiritual growth, leading to a more balanced, fulfilled, and empowered life.
Wear Rudraksha & Gems as per RRCT

According to Rudraksha Ratna Science Therapy (RRCT), you wear specific combinations of sacred Rudrakshas and Vedic gemstones that give your root (Muladhara) chakra the necessary frequency and color to balance it. Rudraksha beads and gemstones help balance the chakras by emitting resonance frequencies that align with the energy centers. Each rudraksha bead and gemstone is connected to specific chakras, seamlessly balancing the energy flow in these centers. When worn, they positively impact imbalanced chakras, gradually clearing disruptions and restoring harmony. RRCT is highly effective because it carefully matches rudraksha and gemstone combinations to each individual's specific energetic needs. This ensures a focused approach to chakra healing and personal growth.
Yoga, Mantra & Mudra Meditation

Yoga poses like Tadasana, Vrikshasana, Malasana, and Savasana provide a sense of grounding and connection to the Earth. Regular practice of these yoga asanas help to activate and balance the root chakra.
Mantras are effective tools for enhancing mental focus and promoting chakra balance. Here are various mantras associated to the Muladhara Chakra:
Beej Mantra
Lam (लं): Chanting 'Lam' helps to balance the Root Chakra.
Vedic Mantra
'Om Prithvi Tattvaya Vidmahe, Shuddha Vidyaya Dhimahi, Tanno Dharah Prachodayat' (ॐ पृथ्वी तत्वाय विद्महे, शुद्ध विद्याय धीमहि, तन्नो धरः प्रचोदयात्)
Brahman Mantra
'Om Param Brahmane Namah' (ॐ परम ब्रह्मणे नमः)
Ganesha Mantra
'Om Gam Ganapataye Namah' (ॐ गं गणपतये नमः)
Kuber Mantra
'Om Yakshaya Kuberaya Vaishravanaya Dhanadhanyadi Pataye Dhanadhanyasamriddhim Me Dehi Dapaya Svaha' (ॐ यक्षाय कुबेराय वैश्रवणाय धनधान्याधिपतये धनधान्यसमृद्धिं मे देहि दापय स्वाहा)
Hanuman Mantra
'Om Hanumate Namah' (ॐ हनुमते नमः)
Kartikeya Mantra
'Om Saravanabhavaya Namah' (ॐ सारवणभवाय नमः)
Bhumi Devi Mantra
'Om Bhumi Deviye Namah' (ॐ भूमिदेविय नमः)
Mars (Mangala) Mantra
'Om Angarakaya Namah' (ॐ अङ्गारकाय नमः)
Ketu Mantra
'Om Ketave Namah' (ॐ केतवे नमः)
Mudras (hand gestures) assist in channeling energy flow within the body. The Prithvi Mudra is highly effective in grounding and stabilizing energy, especially for the Muladhara Chakra. Here is how to perform Prithvi Mudra Meditation:
Find a comfortable seated position with a straight spine.
Press the tips of your ring finger and thumb together gently.
Extend the other fingers straight.
Rest your hands on your knees, with your palms facing upward.
Chant the Beej (seed) mantra ' Lam ' either out loud or in your mind.
Hold this mudra while meditating or breathing deeply.
Other mudras for the root chakra are
Adi Mudra
Apana Mudra
Ganesh Mudra
Yoni Mudra
Chakra Vedic Mantra Playlist:
Muladhara Chakra Yantra

Muladhara Chakra Yantra is a diagram that represents the energy of the Earth element and the roots of existence. It fosters connection with body and mind, good physical health, and a more resilient nature, either mentally and emotionally. It brings stability, removing insecurities, fears, and feelings of inadequacy or a lack of belonging while reassuring the individual of their own worth and the present moment. It creates the conditions for abundance and prosperity in all endeavors. By focusing on the center of a Muladhara Chakra Yantra, your mind taps into the creative force of the element Earth allowing its energy to release outwards. Expanding your focus all the way through the yantra results in manifestation in the material world.
Muladhara Chakra Puja

Muladhara Chakra Puja is performed by worshiping Bhagwan Hanuman and the ruling planet of the chakra which is Mangal or planet Mar. Bhagwan Hanuman, a devout devotee of Bhagwan Ram, is worshipped all over the world for protection from all evil energies, diseases, enemies. Muladhara Chakra or Root Chakra, is very important as it’s the base Chakra and the Muladhara Chakra Balancing Puja is done to balance the Muladhara Chakra for support, stability, money and success.
Color Therapy
For Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra) balance, color therapy employs red, which is connected with this energy center. Using red in your environment, clothes, or meditation may strengthen and balance the Root Chakra. Add red jasper or garnet stones, wear red, or envision a vivid red sparkle at the base of your spine while meditating to boost stability, security, and grounding. Eat red fruits and vegetables like strawberries and beets to boost this chakra. Color therapy energizes the Muladhara Chakra, strengthening the physical and emotional base and improving a healthy lifestyle.
Belief Clearing, Reiki & Positive Affirmations
Belief clearing, Reiki, and positive affirmations can balance the Root Chakra (Muladhara). Release restrictive safety and security beliefs through belief clearing. Replace these beliefs with empowering, stable ideas. Reiki purifies and balances the Root Chakra. It channels life force energy to boost physical and emotional health. Regular positive affirmations can help you feel secure and connected to Earth. These practices remove blockages, boost energy, and establish a healthy and spiritual foundation.
I feel supported by everyone.
I am safe and secure at all times.
I am divinely protected and guided, and my way is made smooth and easy.
I love my feet. They show me the way.
I love my legs. They give me support.
I am open to expanding my awareness of life.
I am willing to release all my old patterns of fear and insecurity to live with joy and well-being now.
I know that I belong. I know that I am safe.
I am willing to be my own ideal mother and look after myself properly at all times.
I am responsible for the quality of my life. I am open to new ideas, new thoughts, and new people in my life.
I am willing to consider the possibility that there are new approaches to enjoying life, which will enhance my sense of being alive and give me pleasure.
I trust that life will help me fulfill my purpose.
I have a right to be myself, just as I am.
I have a right to express myself and manifest my dreams.
I can have pleasure.
I trust that my life's process will unfold for my highest good and greatest joy.
I am free to make whatever changes are necessary for my future.
I can risk doing what I feel is right.
I am a life enhancer.
Crystal Therapy
The best gems for root chakra are usually those with the same color hue as Muladhara - imagine deep reds, earthy brown hues, and blacks.
Red coral removes obstacles and instills impetus and fortitude in the face of adversity.
Red carnelian cleanses and activates the root (Muladhara) chakra.
Red Jasper is a earthy gemstone that balances Muladhara chakra.
Bloodstone dispels negative energies, helping in grounding our root chakra.
Black Tourmaline is known for its exceptional grounding properties and balancing of Muladhara chakra.
Obsidian is a less known black gemstone that is also used for cleansing and balancing Muladhara.

A balanced Root (Muladhara) Chakra enables free-flowing of prana (energy) in all aspects of your life. You will have a very strong sense of stability and a support system working for you in your life without interruptions. You will be well-grounded with 'common sense' and will live practically. You will easily get sufficient material resources to meet your own needs and your loved ones. You will be at ease with your body, have a healthy body and have a good quality lifestyle. Your connection with earth (mother earth) will continue to strengthen and improve your overall inner strength and ability to solve all challenges. You will be connected to the foundation of your very birth which is facing challenges of life to evolve to your higher self.
Madhusmita behera
|January 3, 2024
Unblock rootchakra