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For Protection

2 Comments3 min Read

For Protection

Rudraksha are divine beads that work on the thoughts and emotions of the wearer, generating positive vibrations to overcome the persons negative vibrations of fear and depression. These combinations help balance the Swadhisthana Chakra and once this Chakra is balanced, the physical and emotional symptoms disappear and the wearer is empowered to face life with more courage and control. Rudra Centre offers 22 auspicious combinations for Protection. These RRCT combinations are designed after extensive research, using knowledge from the Vedas and Puranas. Each combination has a specific purpose and enhances the physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

Powerful combinations such as the Supreme Kavacham include Rudraksha that rejuvenate the wearer along with gemstones to remove obstacles and pacify malefic planets. The 10 mukhi Rudraksha is ruled by Lord Krishna and works like a shield on the body, protecting the wearer from malefic planets and negative energies. The 14 mukhi is ruled by Lord Hanuman who blesses with courage and wisdom and 16 mukhi Rudraksha is ruled by Mahamrityunjaya Shiva who bestows health, wealth, long life, peace, prosperity and contentment.

The Kavach pendant is made from powerful Items like Black chirmi beads, White Chirmi beads, Black Turmeric and Kamakhya Sindoor. This helps in protection, acquiring wealth and fulfilling desires. The Kavach pendant is energised ( Pran Pratishta ) by learned Natha Gurumukhi, by reciting the Vedic/Shabar mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done.

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  • Monu seth


    January 6, 2024

    Want to buy 10 mukhi rudraaksh

  • Vishal Ajit palshetkar


    December 1, 2023

    Hello my name is Vishal m 23 yrs old. I am having a strong believe that someone from my family is doing black magic on me. Because from when the property matter has been occurred I have been facing health issue and I lost my job. I need a solution so m looking for a solution as rudraksh is best option for this plzz suggest me.

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