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Spiritual Products & Items

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Amid the rising level of income and inner discontentment, the people, especially from the West, have turned to India to sense a touch of spirituality. When it comes to a philosophy concerning life in general, the idea of spirituality takes precedence over religion or the sectarian dogmas concerning religion.

Religion and Spirituality: The Difference

When it comes to a religion, it is mostly related to dogmas, principles and commandments that the follower (of that religion) must follow to maintain its sanctity. The idea of religion is connected with a set of moral instructions given by the Higher power (God). The follower is governed by their commitment to obeying the religious codes of conduct to be respectful toward other things, people and God. The moral instructions are generally there to stop oneself from going off the righteous path. It is believed by religious leaders that disobedience to the laws (Word of God) attracts punishment (correction) either by the community or Higher power (Supreme) after death. Fear of this punishment keeps the follower stuck to the religion.

Spirituality, on the other side, is a broader idea or concept. Spirituality has become a subject of interest for many thinkers, especially those from the West, because it solely hinges on attaining self-realization rather than preaching sectarian dogmas. Being spiritual can be said to be inquisitive about the natural functions of the Universe or curious to view things as they are. One’s spiritual strength determines their tendency to view things as they are. It is the inner path that the person follows in search of their true nature, to discover their real Self. Spirituality means different things to different people. For some, spirituality is the equivalent of spiritual power, for others, it may mean material things that help in sadhana, such as spiritual malas and puja idols, whereas for others, spiritual puja and worship are for the fulfillment of a purpose.

Everyone’s approach in this sphere is different. Some people use meditation products, malas and spiritual mantras and music. For others, it is a private affair and they deepen their sadhana through spiritual therapy, mantra or Rudraksha.

One may say that a set of religious or moral codes is required for those who find it hard to control their senses, thoughts or un-controlled behavior or who are susceptible to the tendency to go off the righteous or religious path. Spirituality may be said to be there for the inquisitive person who tends to see through all the religious philosophies a bigger picture. Liberty is central to spirituality. One who is liberal in terms of thoughts and behavior finds it easier to cultivate and practice spirituality.


  • Related to a set of moral instructions given in the holy books.
  • Related to the idea of God being the central figure (Monotheism)
  • Related to the idea of gods being the objects of sacrifice (Polytheism)
  • Related to moral discipline, periodical prayers and distribution of blessed prasadam
  • Related to faith, belief and trust
  • Related to seeing things through the prism of Higher authority
  • Related to controlling the senses, the mind and the behaviour through religious instructions
  • Related to the happiness arising out of obedience to the higher authority.


  • Related to rediscovering one’s self
  • Related to the idea of self-realization, nature and the Universe
  • Related to the idea of considering everything in relation with the Universe
  • Related to self-discovery and liberty
  • Related to seeing things as they are
  • Related to liberating one’s self which is above the material body, senses etc., through meditation
  • Related to the inner joy, peace and bliss arising out of rediscovering one’s self (self-realization)
  • Related to self-discovery and liberty


When it comes to spirituality, there are different ways to attain it. There are no fixed ways as religious instructions in case of religion to attain the goal. Freedom in the execution of a spiritual practice is as much important as the spirituality itself.

Observation: One can attain it through observation in order to situate oneself in a more blissful state of mind. It is given in the Bhagavata Purana (11.17.20)

आत्मनो गुरुर आत्मईवा पुरुषस्य विशेषतः
यत् प्रत्यक्षण अनुमान अभ्याम श्रेयो साव अनुविंदते

ātmano gurur ātmaiva puruṣasya viśeṣataḥ
yat pratyakṣānumānābhyāṁ śreyo ’sāv anuvindate

“An intelligent person, proficient in perceiving the world around him and in applying sound logic, can achieve the real benefit through his own intelligence. Thus sometimes one acts as one’s own instructing spiritual master.”

The above verse encourages the person to observe things around them as they are and should raise themselves above the tendency to think about material objects of insignificant values because spirituality soars higher than religion. The first line of the verse, ātmano gurur ātmaiva, is very important. It says the person himself (ātmano) can act as his own instructor (guru). It means being spiritual is above obedience to the set of religious instructions that are there for those who are unable to see things as they are. Therefore, to be spiritual, one must observe people, things and nature around them. One must cultivate a philosophy or a vision of seeing things as they are.


This is one of the most esoteric yet popular ways of developing a spiritual sense. There are many types of mediation. Meditation aims at calming down the fickle mind. It is one of the best ways to still your mind and increase spirituality. The strains and stress of modern life are reason enough for anyone to feel a need to be spiritual. The busier you get, and the less time you have to spare, the more you need to practice stilling your mind. This is because the pressures you are facing and the responsibilities you carry out bring fresh challenges in your life. And meditation will not only release you from tension and strain, but it will also refresh your mind and improve your ability to face whatever life throws at you. There are various types of mediation that you can choose from. Following are some of the known methods.

Sound Meditation

It is a mantra-based meditation where the sound of the mantra helps you go into deeper stages of awareness by releasing you from the clutches of your brain. There are several mantras offered by Vedic texts, and the most popular is the OM mantra. By reciting the OM mantra, one can focus on the sound of OM and feel the mind sliding into a complete state of calmness.

Zen Mediation

A gift from Buddhism, it is based on philosophy rather than religion. The practitioner gains awareness through observing the breath and the mind and communicating with the teacher. Zen meditation stresses the achievement of enlightenment and the individual expression of spiritual vision in Buddhist teachings. The Zen sutras (scriptures) are taught through communication with  proficient teacher.

Transcendental Meditation (TM)

This technique uses a mantra or Sanskrit words to help focus instead just following the breath. The guru (teacher) gives the mantra to the students depending on their age, gender and mental makeup. This meditation was founded, practised and given by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Reflective Meditation

This analytical meditation is focused on logical thinking to meditate on an object, a question, a wish or anything that impacts you emotionally. While doing this meditation, the practitioner can ask: Who am I? What is the actual purpose of my life? Why am I suffering from this? Why can I not do this? What is my role in this universe? One needs to sit in a relaxed pose and effortlessly reflect on the object or the above questions. At first, your mind may not be able to focus because of its flitting nature, but gradually it becomes used to this technique. The meditator easily finds cues to solve the problems. Studies show that self-reflection practiced in an undisturbed place can help minimise angst, stress and depression, while enhancing optimism, creativity, and liveliness.

Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction

Started by Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979, this technique uses breath awareness and body scan. Breath awareness is as simple as it sounds. You focus your attention on the inhalation and exhalation. Body scan is a process of focused attention on the physical body, starting at the toes and working your way up with heightened awareness with the potential for release or relaxation of tension. The practitioner may be seated, laying down, or walking depending on the focus of practice. This is a popular technique taught worldwide to health care professionals to create a partnership between the patient and the medical team.

Kundalini Yoga

The Kundalini Yoga tradition prescribes specific and practical tools that carefully support the mind and guide the body through the use of breath, mantra, mudra (hand positions), and focus geared towards the awakening of the Kundalini. The range and variety of meditation techniques in the Kundalini Yoga tradition is very large and includes haṭha yoga techniques (such as bandha, pranayama, asana), Patanjali’s Kriya yoga (consisting of self-discipline, self-study, and devotion to God), tantric visualisation and techniques of laya yoga.

Awareness of Chakras (Chakra Meditation)

In the world of holistic healing, you hear a lot about chakras, the subtle energy centres in your body. Chakra balancing includes knowing the importance of chakras and the method. The seven chakras are in simple words are nothing but wheels of cosmic energy that rotate discharging subtle energies used by your mind, body, heart and soul. If any of these chakras is blocked, it leads to emotional and physical disorders and that is where chakra healing is the resolve. There are Seven Chakras in the body:

  1. Root Chakra or Muladhara Chakra
  2. Sacral Chakra or Swadhisthana Chakra
  3. Solar Chakra or Manipura Chakra
  4. Heart Chakra or Anahata Chakra
  5. Throat Chakra or Vishuddha Chakra
  6. Third Eye Chakra or Ajna Chakra
  7. Crown Chakra or Sahsrara Chakra

Read more about how these chakras work, knowing which will help you cultivate spirituality.

Cosmic Union

This is a powerful pendant of 1 Mukhi and 9 Mukhi representing the Cosmic Union of Shiva and Durga. This is the most powerful combination for meditators which opens up their higher consciousness and aligns them with the Supreme atman. It is best for meditation, spiritual growth, contentment, success and peace. It represents the Divine Mother. She is the energy aspect and soul of the Lord. Without Durga, Shiva has no expression, and without Shiva and Durga has no existence. It is the beatific Union of these divine energies from which the whole manifest.

Powers of One Mukhi Rudraksha

Eka Mukhi Rudraksha bead is the rarest amongst all mukhis. Regarded as the king of all Rudraksha beads, One Mukhi Rudraksha bead is ruled by Rudra (Shiva) Himself.

  • The most powerful One Mukhi Rudraksha bead comes from Java/Indonesia.
  • It symbolizes the link between earth and heaven, individual consciousness and the ultimate consciousness, between man and God.
  • It represents shiva-tattva, the purest element of creation emanating from Shiva.

One Mukhi Rudraksha bead also re-energizes your topmost Crown Chakra which is ruled by Lord Shiva Himself. Since it is connected with the Crown Chakra, it heals all of your emotional issues.

Powers of Nine Mukhi Rudraksha

Nine Mukhi Rudraksha represents Goddess Durga , who took nine births on Earth to save and protect her followers from devils. So Nine Mukhi Rudraksha is auspicious as it has blessings of all nine Goddesses. This is the most supportive Rudraksha for women as it is a protective shield. The wearer is blessed with lots of energy, powers, dynamism and fearlessness, which are necessary to live a successful life. Nine Mukhi Rudraksha gives Bhogha (worldly comforts & desire fulfilment) and Moksha (liberation).

• It improves confidence level and gives a stress-free attitude to the wearer.
• It resolves any nervous disorder, psychiatric disorders and psychological imbalances like fear, phobia, OCD, hallucinations and worries.
• According to ancient scripture, there are nine types of powers in nine Mukhi Rudraksha. It protects the wearer from untimely death and removes the fear of time from the mind.
• Nine Mukhi helps to treat karma-related disorders, idiopathic diseases and even difficult-to-cure diseases.
• Wearing nine Mukhi Rudraksha removes blockages in the Sahasrara chakra (Crown chakra).
• This chakra stands for wisdom and being at one with the world.
• If this chakra is blocked, one may feel frustrated & irritated. It also causes problems in the central nervous system and memory.
On a materialistic level wearer attracts immense abundance while focusing on the spiritual path.

Therapeutic benefits

• Heals brain-related disorders.
• Brings relief in migraines, epilepsy, and nervous disorders.


Durga Shakti Kantha

Anyone who is seeking energy, power, protection and abundance must wear Durga Kantha made with 9 Mukhi Rudraksha ruled by Shakti, the divine feminine power. She is the manifestation of Kali (protection), Saraswati (Knowledge) and Mahalaxmi (Wealth). The wearer is blessed with energy, powers, dynamism, fearlessness, and abundance. Gives both Bhogha (fulfillment of wishes and desires ) and Moksha ( liberation). It removes the malefic effects of planet Rahu. It is regarded as a highly powerful and energized spiritual item because of its ruling deity Durga. Power of Durga is mentioned in the Rig Veda’s Devi Sukta section 10.125.3 – 10.125.8.

Durga Devi, an empowered goddess boldly declares Her energies and powers as described in the Devi Sukta. She says: “I make the man I love exceeding mighty, make him nourished, a sage, and one who knows Brahman. I bend the bow for Rudra [Shiva], that his arrow may strike, and slay the hater of devotion.” Here ‘the man’ means a human being, neutral gender because She appreciates anyone who is ‘sthira’ (sane) and gentle. She says she makes the person, who she loves, mightier and feeds him, as well as preserves his devotional strengths. Also, she appreciates the one who knows Brahman. ‘Brahman’ means the transcendence of the Lord and His divine nature. A person who has developed gentle qualities and love for all fellow beings is the highest of all that is her opinion. One may ask that it is impossible to be gentle always, especially when there are cheaters around. To answer this, Bhagavad Gita mentions that a person of a sane mind is always under divine protection. Even if there are trying circumstances, the sane mind is not disturbed. This divine protection is Durga Herself.


Om Hreem Hoom Namah.

After wearing the Kantha, chant this mantra regularly for better results.

Shiva Shakti Rudraksha Pendant

It is the most unique Rudraksha bead in the world. Gauri Shankar rudraksha is the Unified form of Shiva & Shakti represented by two naturally joined Rudraksha. It opens up the Hrit Padma chakra and attracts peace, harmony and abundance in the wearer's life. Hrit Padma chakra is the spiritual heart which is the abode of Goddess Mahalaxmi. It is variously described as a lotus with 8, 16, or 1000 petals, being golden, red, or white of colour; inside of the lotus there are circular regions of sun, moon, and fire and in the centre of the Chakra, there are a whishing-tree (kalpavriksha), a throne consisting of Matrika letters (symbolizing the spiritual heart of the aspirant) on which he/she should place his or her Ishtadevata in meditation, and an altar.

  • Gauri Shankar which is the Unison of Male (Yang) SHiva and female (Ying). Shakti, is the most powerful Rudraksha for spiritual wholeness.
    According to ancient philosophy, the entire universe is a manifestation of pure consciousness. In manifesting the universe, this pure consciousness seems to become divided into two poles or aspects, neither of which can exist without the other. One aspect retains a static quality and remains identified with unmanifest consciousness.
  • In Tantra, this quality is called Shiva, and is conceptualized as masculine the other part of this polarity is a dynamic, energetic, or creative aspect that is called Shakti, the great mother of the universe, for it is from her that all is born.
  • It is in the heart centre that the union of the female and male (Yin/Yang) energies occurs. In other words, when the two opposite and complementary energies within each one of us occur, then Cosmic Consciousness awakens in the ego of a seeker, the bud becomes a rose and unfolds the quality of unconditional love in his/her mystical heart.

Mantra: Om Shree Gaurishankaraya Namah

After wearing it, chant this mantra for positive energy.

Durga Power bracelet

If there’s anything sacred and sublimely spiritual, it is the Durga Power Bracelet. It is made of 9 Mukhi rudraksha and is ruled by Shakti, the divine feminine power. The wearer is blessed with energy, powers, dynamism, fearlessness and abundance.

Glory of Durga

Whenever demonic forces arise aiming to disrupt the functioning of the Cosmos, the Supreme Lord, through his inconceivable energies and checks such forces at once.
Goddess Durga is one of the female energies of the Supreme Absolute who is known as Devi, Shakti, being the unconquerable force. She is considered  the purest root cause of creation, maintenance and destruction.

  • The origin of this divine female energy (Durga) is mentioned in the Shiva Purana. Before the cosmic creations, Shiva invoked Her from His left Half and created Shivloka with Her help.
  • It further states the demonic son of Rambha named Mahishasura once created havoc on Bhuloka (earth) and defeated all the gods of heaven, endangering their existence. After hearing such events, Lord Vishnu discharged a huge mass of light from His mouth that merged into the similar rays emitted from the mouths of those gods.
  • This powerful light morphed into a powerful female deity called Durga, who challenged Mahishasura for a battle.
    Mahishasura's entire army, packed with evil-minded soldiers such as Chikshur, Chamar, Asiloma, Vidalaksha, Durdhara, Mahahanu and others, assaulted Durga at once. Armed with the celestial weapons, Goddess Durga took on all of them with her matchless brutality and beheaded Mahishasura, who tried to kill her in various animal forms.

Durga is honoured with devotion during the festival of Durga Puja in her ten divine forms Kushmanda, Chandrakanta, Brahmacharini, Shailaputri, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kalaratri and Mahagauri (Mahakali and Durga).

This bracelet offers both Bhogha (fulfillment of materialistic desires) and Moksha (liberation). It removes the malefics of planet Rahu.

Therapeutic properties:

  • Alleviates depression and Cures dizziness.

Shiva Yantra

This is an outstanding yantra of great values. The use and upasana of Shiva yantra is the worship of Lord Mahamritunjay Shiva and is most auspicious and bestows the person with health and happiness, good fortune and fame. Shiva is represented as destroyer only to create. He is the God of Love, music and beauty. His Grace is boundless. He is the Saviour and Guru. He is Satyam, Sivam, Subham, Sundaram, Kantam. He is the Supreme Light that shines in your heart. He is Param Yogi.
His worship opens the consciousness in you to realise God within. He is the protector and saviour. This Yantra is etched with the Mahamantra of Lord Shiva, which is Om Namah Shivaya.

Mantra: Om Namah Shivaya

How to use:

  • Yantra energizes the location where it is installed.
  • You may place it near the entrance of your home/office/shop or in your living room or reception or study room, or office cabin.
  • You may keep it on a table or use it as a wall hanging. Yantra may be placed facing North or East direction. For meditation purposes, it is best to Install the Yantra in the North East direction of your dwelling. North-East is also called Eshaan corner and is recognized as the place of God. This direction is seen as a highly charged place as it is the confluence of energies coming from the North magnetic pole and sun rays from the East.
  • The Yantra placed here gets charged with divine vibrations from the universe and provides positive transformation energy/energies to the dwelling through its mystical geometry.

Siddha Shree Yantra Meru

Magnificently designed in pure copper with a gold finish, the rare and exclusive Siddh Meru Shree Yantra comes in an elevated 3d pattern. The highly revered Yantra carries the divine energies of all Gods and Goddesses who bestow good fortune, abundance, wealth, success, popularity and Spiritual wealth.

Yantra provides a focal point for the convergence of the individual soul with the specific deity or creative energy. Siddh Meru Shree Yantra is designed as per authentic texts with accurate geometry and steps leading to the merger of the soul with Goddess Lalita, the deity of the Yantra Place the Yantra in your altar or living room or work desk for the Divine grace of divine Mother. It is worshipped by focusing on the Centre of the Yantra by chanting the Shodakshari mantra. The Yantra carrying essence of all traditions helps remove all Vastu defects, negativity and malefic planetary influences. It also ensures a continuous flow of prosperity, harmony, ordinance and well-being of the dwellers. Worship of Shree yantra leads the Sadhak to his true life purpose in life. Siddh Meru Shree Yantra is blessed and energized before sending it to you.


  • Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Kamle Kamalalaye Praseed Praseed
  • Om Hreem Shreem Namah
  • Om Shree Mahalakshmi Devyai Namah

How to use

  • Yantra energizes the location where it is installed. You may place it near the entrance of your home/office/shop or in your living room or reception or study room or office cabin.
  • You may keep it on a table or use as a wall hanging. Yantra may be placed facing North or East direction.
  • For meditation purposes, it is best to install the Yantra in the North East direction of your dwelling. North-East is also called Eshaan corner and is recognized as the place of God. This direction is seen as a highly charged place as it is the confluence of energies coming from the North magnetic pole and sun rays from the East.
  • The Yantra placed here gets charged with divine vibrations from the universe and provides positive transformation energy/energies to the dwelling through its mystical geometry.

Siddha Maha Meru Shree Yantra In silver

The Maha Meru, or Sri Meru Chakra, is a three-dimensional projection of the great yantra known as Sri Chakra, said to be the Mother of all Mandalas. The sublime geometry of the Sri Chakra is revealed wisdom. It is not of human origin. It is nothing less than the genetic code of the Cosmos.

Importance of Merus

Sri Chakra is said to contain within itself the essence of all other yantras, and thus it contains the essence of all traditions.
Certain powers, for example, are ascribed to the six-pointed Star of David, the Christian cross, the five-pointed star, the Egyptian and Meso-American pyramids, and so on.

  • The Meru's particular configuration is revered in all Eastern traditions: It integrates the essence of Indian Mother Goddess worship, Mahayana Buddhism, Chinese feng shui, the Eleusinian mysteries of the Ancient Greeks, and so much more.
  • The Maha Meru can bring unbounded happiness and every good thing in life.
  • Just keeping it in one's home will confer great blessings, because the Meru subtly connects itself to the other major yantras in the world.
  • Its mere presence is said to cleanse the home of defects under both the Vaastu and feng shui systems; to ward off and neutralize negative energies and the 'evil eye';
  • To protect against unfavourable planetary influences; and to bring about healing, prosperity and peace of mind.

Wherever it is placed, it brings order, peace, happiness, health, and wealth - in short, everything that is needed.

Various scriptures -such as the Shakti Upanishads, the Brahmanda Purana, the Sri Chakra Samhita, the Sri Chakra Yoga Sara, the Sri Chakrartha Sara and others -all state in a single voice that merely seeing the Sri Chakra washes away all sins and grants auspiciousness. A mere touch burns away sin like a wad of cotton wool consumed by a fire. There remains no desire unfulfilled; one experiences infinite enjoyment, both here and in the hereafter. There is no siddhi that cannot be attained by regular worship of a Meru.

How to use

  • Yantra energizes the location where it is installed.
  • You may place it near the entrance of your home/office/shop or in your living room or reception or study room or office cabin. You may keep it on a table or use as a wall hanging.
  • Yantra may be placed facing North or East direction.
  • For meditation purposes, it is best to Install the Yantra in the North East direction of your dwelling. North-East is also called Eshaan corner and is recognized as the place of God. This direction is seen as a highly charged place as it is the confluence of energies coming from the North magnetic pole and sun rays from the East.
  • The Yantra placed here gets charged with divine vibrations from the universe and provides positive transformation energy/energies to the dwelling through its mystical geometry.

Shree Yantra in Sphatik

Sri Yantra is one of the most auspicious, important and powerful Yantras. It is capable of bestowing totality in life. Around the Shree Chakra, three boundaries are drawn, symbolising the three energies. Under it is a sixteen-petalled lotus, inside which is an eight-petalled lotus. In it are fourteen triangles that are symbolic of fourteen energies. In it can be clearly seen ten triangles which denote ten symbols of prosperity. In it are eight triangles which are symbolic of eight goddesses. In it is a triangle denoting Lakshmi. In this triangle is a spot which symbolises Goddess Bhagwati. Shree Yantra symbolises a total of 2816 energies or Goddesses, and worshipping this Yantra means worshipping all these energies. It is the source of attaining all worldly desires & fulfilling all wishes through cosmic power.

Shree Yantra raised on the tortoise's back is especially significant as the tortoise is Kurma Avatara of Mahavishnu, manifested during the churning of the ocean from which Mahalaxmi appeared.

Quartz is a natural gemstone and has the power to retain the energy of mantra chanting. Deity idols are most popularly made using Quartz. Crystals harmonize the aura around us and removes negative energy. Read about properties & placement instructions.

How to use

  • Yantra energizes the location where it is installed. You may place it near the entrance of your home/office/shop or in your living room or reception or study room or office cabin.
  • You may keep it on a table or use it as a wall hanging. Yantra may be placed facing North or East direction.
  • For meditation purposes, it is best to install the Yantra in the North East direction of your dwelling. North-East is also called Eshaan corner and is recognized as the place of God. This direction is seen as a highly charged place as it is the confluence of energies coming from the North magnetic pole and sun rays from the East.
  • The Yantra placed here gets charged with divine vibrations from the universe and provides positive transformation energy/energies to the dwelling through its mystical geometry.

Katyayani Yantra

Katyayani yantra is for couples who already love each other but are facing difficulties in being together, such as parents' disapproval, interference by others, and interference by those trying to keep them apart, not being able to get married to be together and other obstacles. A male can use this mantra for a girl and vice versa for success in love with auspiciousness and fruitful marriage.


Om Aim Hreem Kleem Aam Kam Katyayineya Namah

How to use

  • Yantra energizes the location where it is installed.
  • You may place it near the entrance of your home/office/shop or in your living room or reception or study room, or office cabin.
  • You may keep it on a table or use it as a wall hanging. Yantra may be placed facing North or East direction.
  • For meditation purposes, it is best to install the Yantra in the North East direction of your dwelling. North-East is also called Eshaan corner and is recognized as the place of God. This direction is seen as a highly charged place as it is the confluence of energies coming from the North magnetic pole and sun rays from the East.
  • The Yantra placed here gets charged with divine vibrations from the universe and provides positive transformation energy/energies to the dwelling through its mystical geometry.

Rudram Chamakam Puja and Yagna

Rudra means Shiva; he is the destroyer of all evil. Lord Shiva is the Supreme Lord; He is the provider of worldly desires, inner peace and fulfilment. For devotees, Lord Shiva is the one who provides grace, wealth, power, health and happiness. Lord Shiva has the key to Kuber's wealth; Lord Shiva has control over all nine planets. Shri Rudram is the oldest listing of various names of Lord Shiva. Through the chanting of Sri Rudram, Lord Shiva's various attributes and aspects are invoked and worshipped. By the power of Shri Rudram sick become well, the unmarried find ideal mates, debts are removed, wealth & power are showered, and death is evaded.

Eleven recitations of the Sri Rudram and one recitation of the Chamakam are called Ekadasa Rudram. This also constitutes one unit of the Rudra Homam.

About Sri Rudram & Chamakam

The Vedic hymn that extols Lord Rudra is called the Rudra Prashna. Rudra Prashna is also called the Rudradhyaya, the Shatharudriyam or Sri Rudram. This Sri Rudram is found in the mid portion of the Taittiriya Krishna Yajur Veda. Sri Rudram depicts Lord Shivas Cosmic form. Sri Rudram is also called the Namakam. Namakam literally means the hymn, which is made of Namaha. Namaha in Sanskrit has two meanings. One is salutations, and the other is not mine. Whenever you utter the word Namaha, the patterns and karmas get detached from you and get rid of the spell of patterns and karmas. It is said that chanting of Sri Rudram is a direct way to Enlightenment.


• For divine grace and blessings of Lord Shiva
• For Removal of malefic effects of various Planets
• For health, wealth and prosperity
• For success in career, job, business and relationships
• For relief and protection against various diseases and ailments
• For Spiritual upliftment

Puja Services includes

Kalash Sthapana, Panchang Sthapana(Gauri Ganesh, Punyavachan, Shodash Matrika, Navgraha, Sarvotabhadra), 64 yogini Pujan, Shetrapal Pujan, Swasti Vachan, Sankalpa, Ganesh Pujan and Abhishek, Navgraha Pujan and 108 chants of each planetary mantra, Invocation of major Gods and Goddesses in Kalash, Shivalinga Pujan and Abhishek, Shiva Invocation Mantras, Rudram Namakam Chamakam, Homa with Rudra Ahutiya, Aarti and Pushpaanjali.

Dus Mahavidya Puja and Yagna

This is for anyone who seeks to have Bhoga (fulfillment of materialistic desires) and Moksha (spiritual liberation). The worship of Dasmahavidya provides bhoga (fulfillment of materialistic desires) and moksha (spiritual liberation). The Ten Mahavidyas are known as Wisdom Goddesses. The spectrum of these ten Goddesses covers the whole range of feminine divinity, encompassing horrific Goddess's at one end, to the ravishingly beautiful at the other. Mahavidya means (Maha - great; vidya - knowledge) Goddesses of great knowledge. These Goddesses are: Mahavidyas - The ten forms of Shakti.

• Kali - the Eternal Night
• Tara the - Compassionate Goddess
• Shodashi - the Goddess who is Sixteen Years Old
• Bhuvaneshvari - the Creator of the World
• Chinnamasta - the Goddess who cuts off her Own Head
• Bhairavi - the Goddess of Decay
• Dhumawati - the Goddess who widows Herself
• Bagalamukhi - the Goddess who seizes the Tongue
• Matangi - the Goddess who Loves Pollution
• Kamala - the Last but Not the Least

Birth of Das Mahavidyas

Once when an incensed Shiva threatened to walk out on Parvati. After no amount of coaxing or cajoling by Maa Parvati helped. Maa Parvati multiplied herself into ten different forms for each of the ten directions. Thus however hard Shiva might try to escape from his beloved Parvati, he would find her standing as a guardian, guarding all escape routes.

Each of the Devi's manifested forms made Shiva realize essential truths, made him aware of the eternal nature of their mutual love and most significantly established for always in the cannons of Indian thought the Goddess's superiority over her male counterpart. Not that Shiva in any way felt belittled by this awareness, only spiritually awakened.

This is true as much for this Great Lord as for us ordinary mortals. Befittingly thus they are referred to as the Great Goddess's of Wisdom, known in Sanskrit as the Mahavidyas. Indeed in the process of spiritual learning, the Goddess is the muse who guides and inspires us. She is the high priestess who unfolds the inner truths.


• For divine grace and blessings of Maa Parvati
• For protection and relief from diseases
• For health, wealth and prosperity
• For self-confidence and courage

Mahavidya Mantra

Om Kali Tara Mahavidyashodashi Bhuvaneshwari
Bhairavi Chinnamastika cha vidya dhumavati
Tatha bagla siddhavidya cha matangi
kamlatmaka etaa dus mahavidya siddha vidya prakitirtha

This Puja includes

Kalash Sthapana, Panchang Sthapana(Gauri Ganesh, Punyavachan, Shodash Matrika, Navgraha, Sarvotabhadra), 64 yogini Pujan, Shetrapal Pujan, Swasti Vachan, Sankalpa, Ganesh Pujan and Abhishek, Navgraha Pujan and 108 chants of each planetary mantra, Invocation of major Gods and Goddesses in Kalash, Brahman Varn, Das Mahavidya yantra Pujan, Mantra Japa of each Goddess, Kavach recitation of each Goddess, Homa with 108 Ahutis to each Goddess, Yajna, Ahutis to (Navgraha, Ganesh, 64 yogini, Shetrapal, Putusukt, Devi Sukt, Rudra Sukt), Aarti and Pushpaanjali.

Gayatri Idol

Gayatri, the mother of Vedas, is the efficient cause of the origin of all powers of this universe. She, by her divinity, makes them supernatural that is why she is called Savita. Gayatri is not an independent God or Goddess. It is a manifestation of the Omnipotent God. Brahma is invariable, incomprehensible and beyond intellect. In this Idol, Gayatri ji is exquisitely portrayed in heavy shining brass.

Shivlinga in Amethyst

The Shivalingam denotes the primaeval energy of the Creator. It is believed that at the end of all creation, during the great deluge, all of the different aspects of God find a resting place in the Lingam; Brahma is absorbed into the right, Vishnu to the left and Gayatri into the heart.A gemstone shivling is considered highly auspicious and is said to have one of the highest frequency vibration rate. Amethyst is a stone of spirituality and contentment. It has the ability to absorb negative energy while emitting positive energy. It is considered a stone of wisdom as it increases ones psychic awareness.

Crystal Shivlinga

Shiva is 'The Auspicious One'. Shiva lingam is the holy symbol of the union of Lord Shiva and Shakti. Lord Shiva, from time immemorial, has been worshipped in the form of linga or lingam. The word linga means symbol or sign. It is the visible symbol of Nirguna Brahman (the Supreme Being) and is present in all living beings. The most common use of the Shiva Lingam is for sacred bathing (abhishekam). The worship of a Shiva Lingam always includes an abhisheka, usually of milk and water, but commonly with other liquids, including yogurt, honey and clarified butter as well.

The word lingam is derived from the two Sanskrit words laya (dissolution) and agaman (recreation). Thus the lingam symbolises both the creative and destructive power of the Lord, and great sanctity is attached to it by the devotees. Shivlinga is worshipped in homes and temples. At home, it blesses with unity and harmony in the family and guides its devotees to a spiritual path.

How to use

• It is installed with Yoni facing the north direction and the west face of Lingam towards you.
• Sphatik lingam may be worshipped by everyone.
• Worshipping of Lingam blesses the devotee's family with Unity, harmony, spiritual upliftment and prosperity.

Tulsi Mala

The Rosary is made of round beads made from sacred Tulsi wood knotted with thread. Wearing tulsi rosary regularly would provide mental peace and purify the body. Tulsi holds high reverence for Lord Vishnu, Krishna and Ram devotees, as it helps them grow spiritually. Tulsi wood has the ability to destroy bacteria, and cure high fever and throat diseases.

The Tulsi wood is considered sacred by the followers of Lord Krishna. Many Hindu believers wear a Tulasi Kanthi Mala as a symbol of purity. One can also perform japa or do meditation with the help of a Tulsi bead mala. Besides its spiritual and religious significance, it also has several medicinal qualities. In the Hindu scripture Vishnu Dharmottara, Krishna said, “Without a doubt, anyone who wears Tulasi neck beads, even if he/she is unclean or of bad character, will surely attain me.”

Tulsi Mala Benefits

• Wearing a tulsi necklace is believed to have a very calming effect on your mind and temperament. It soothes the mind and fills your heart with peace.
• It is believed that the mala protects you from bad dreams, accidents, and attacks from your enemies.
• It negates all your past sins and bad deeds and cleanses you from within.
• As per the Garuda Purana, anyone who wears a Tulsi mala surely benefits from pitr or devata pujas and punya karmas.

Red Sandalwood Mala

The Rosary is made of round beads made from sacred Tulsi wood knotted with thread. Wearing tulsi rosary regularly would provide mental peace and purify the body. Tulsi holds high reverence for Lord Vishnu, Krishna and Ram devotees, as it helps them grow spiritually. Tulsi wood has the ability to destroy bacteria, and cure high fever and throat diseases.

Path of the Yoga Sutras

The book covers five sections on the central teachings of Patanjali, addressing the concerns about the mind and body. Each sutra beautifully explains the yoga philosophy of the asanas with practical examples that can be applied in the fabric of our lives.

From emotional afflictions and energy preservation to optimal focus for heart-mind balance, the book is meticulously researched to broaden our understanding of the yoga philosophy. Bachman enlightens us on the ancient knowledge of Patanjali with contemporary wisdom and depth for lay readers and yoga practitioners. The Path of the Yoga Sutras is for anyone who believes in integrating yogic philosophy with the practice for a holistic life experience.

Living with the Himalayan Masters

'I will tell you how I grew up and how I was trained, about the great sages with whom I lived and what they taught me, not through lectures and books but through experiences,' Writers Sri Swami Rama in the opening pages of this timeless saga. These stories record his personal quest for truth and enlightenment. Inspiring, Illuminating, entertaining, mystifying, and frequently droll and humorous, they bring you face-to-face with great Himalayan masters, including:

• Mataji of Assam, a ninety-six-year-old lady sage who never slept
• Gudari Baba, who taught Swami Rama the value of direct experience
• Yogi Sri Aurobindo, who integrated meditation with action
• Uria Baba, who taught that every human being has the potential for healing
• Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation

Meditation Cap

Cap made of clear quartz Sphatik beads of size 8mm, which are woven together in white cotton thread and interlaced at the top with 5 parad beads and a 9 Mukhi Rudraksha bead.

This cap channels white light into the crown chakra and is an excellent aid in meditation and alignment with Universal consciousness. Parad beads cleanse the Citta, and 9 Mukhi connect one to the divine consciousness.


• Aids in meditation
• Opens blockages in the Sahasrara chakra
• Removes bad luck and stress
• Infuses with positive energy

Usage: Wear during meditation time for a minimum period of 45 minutes.

Meditation Dress

This beautiful Rudraksha dress is developed using references from Shiv Purana, which states about wearing a certain number of Rudraksha on different body parts to attain Rudrahood. A complete dress for wearing during Meditation made with 5 Mukhi Rudraksha beads of size 9mm.

• 3 strands of 120 Rudraksha each, to be worn across the chest as Yagyopaveet.
• One strand of 108 Rudraksha for chest
• 11 Rudraksha each on both wrists and arms
• 6 beads on each ear
• 5 Rudraksha on Naval
• 32 Rudraksha on Throat
• 550 Rudraksha beads on the head
• Total - 1111 Rudraksha

Kusha Mats for Meditation

This handwoven mat of Kusha grass is used as a ritual seat and finds mentioned as far back as the Vedas and the Bhagavad Gita (ch. 6). Kusha grass is considered purifying, and rings woven of it are sometimes worn in worship to keep the hands ritually pure.

It is also a remarkable insulator, both physically and metaphysically and hence most suitable for meditation and japa. Religious texts state that by doing Japa without sitting on an Asana (a seat), one attains no fruit.

Kusha, whose name signifies sharp in the sense of acute, is the root for the Sanskrit word for 'expert,' kosala. That is because the edges of the long leaves that grow in pairs along the tall stems are very sharp, so like the sword, it is a symbol of discernment or 'discriminating wisdom'. Choice of colour: blue, black, yellow, red and orange

Gomed Gemstones

Hessonite (Gomed) is the gemstone of planet Rahu and helps the wearer attain speedy success, wealth, and happiness and helps them win over others. Hessonite gemstone is governed by the planet Rahu. Individuals with Rahu placed poorly in their Natal charts face delays in their marriages, face marital discords, face mental instability, develop harsh speech, indulge in gambling and delays in professional progress. Hessonite gemstone pacifies the malefic effects of planet Rahu, and the person attains the fulfilment of his desires and ambitions.

• It cures migraine.
• It heals skin ailments and disorders
• It cures cerebral disorders.

Planet Rahu is said to affect Sahashara Chakra aka Crown Chakra. Vedic scriptures mention that the human body works in accordance with seven energy centres called Charkas (Click here to know about the Chakras in details).

The Crown Chakra located on the top of the body is known for aligning our inner self with the Universal Being or SSupremeConsciousness, teaching us to develop gratitude for everything and everything that surrounds us. When the Crown Chakra is blocked, the person faces depression, and isolation, develops obsessive thinking and runs into a lot of confusion. Hessonite gemstone re-energizes the Crown Chakra, and the person learns to express gratitude and satisfaction and develops a positive outlook in life.

Any gemstone must be in its natural state, meaning it should not be subjected to heat treatment. Generally, stones are heated to enhance the colour quality. However, heating the stones minimises their inner value and quality. Untreated gemstones are naturally authentic and tend to generate better results. Since Hessonite gemstone goes through several hands, it may contain negative energies. It is best to detoxify by putting it in pure water overnight. DO NOT use vinegar of any sort to clean it, else it will corrode.

White Sapphire

Natural White Sapphire gemstone is associated with Planet Uranus and is ruled by Lord Shiva. Astrologically, Uranus blesses with good luck, wealth and luxury. Lord Shiva is the bestower of desire fulfilment and liberation from karmic reactions.

White Sapphire is the gem of Lord Shiva, who is the ruling deity of Sahasrara Chakra, one of the subtle energy centres located atop the head. It channels a copious amount of healing white light into the body. Once worn, the gemstone energises your Sahasrara Chakra that connects you with the universe by tuning you to the highest form of consciousness and the divine, making you abundant, grateful and contended.

How to use

As a ring on the right-hand Index finger or as a bracelet.

Parad Gutika

Siddha Parad Gutika in silver is made from a pure Parad bead capped in pure silver and strung by a silk thread to be worn close to the throat. Siddh Parad Gutika is worn for peace, prosperity, health and spiritual growth. Siddha Parad Gutika in silver is prepared by Vaidya Shree Pundit Deenanath of Jaipur.

Parad Benefits

• Parad works on the Sahasrara Chakra.
• Parad enhances the association with Lord Shiva and benefits in meditation and spiritual routine.
• Brings peace, contentment, concentration, dhyana and support in Samadhi.
• Siddh Parad, when prepared as per ancient knowledge of Parad Bandhan, contains miraculous properties of healing and protection.

Preparation of Parad

Parad Bead (Siddh Gutika) are Complete with 8 Samskaras: Complete with 8 Samskaras i.e. 8 stages of Purification are completed as per Parad Samhita, and a thorough medicated and hygienic removal of Saptakanchuki is done. The Siddha Parad (Mercury's mouth closed with Aghor Vidhya) is formed to make Murthi - Badhha/Agnibadha (heat sustaining) Parad Gutika. The Gutika gives 24 Ras and 5 Tatva, which removes all diseases from the body.

One can choose the Pure Siddha Parad Gutika either with or without silver coating. The gutika without the silver coating works faster, whereas the one with the silver coating looks more beautiful. Please specify on checkout.

Parad Shivling

Parad used in this Shivalinga is prepared by Vaidya Shree Pundit Deenanath of Jaipur, which is complete with 8 Sanskaars (8 stages of Purifications done as per Parad Samhita) and removal of Saptakanchuki(100 % medicated and hygienic); the Siddha Parad(Mercury mouth closed with Aghor Vidhya) is formed to make Murthi-Badhha/Agnibadha (sustain the heat) Shiva lingam. The Extract from this Shivling gives 24 Ras and 5 Tatva, which removes all diseases in the body. It is Parad Shivling which is capable of giving instant Luck, wealth, position, name and fame. The presence of which in the House is itself a complete life. Shiva lingam is the holy symbol of the union of Lord Shiva and Shakti. Shivalingam is worshipped in homes and temples. At home, it blesses with unity and harmony in the family and guides its devotees to the spiritual path.

We at Rudra Centre offer over fourteen auspicious combinations of Rudraksha beads and gemstones under Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy (RRCT®) for higher spiritual progress. The RRCT® is a scientific method devised by Neeta Singhal to string Rudraksha and Gems in a manner that increases your spiritual sense. These RRCT combinations are designed after extensive research, using knowledge from the Vedas and Puranas. Combinations like the Shiv Netra mala help activate the Sahasrara Chakra, while others such as the Shiva Shakti pendant help open up the Hrit Padma Chakra. The Hrit Padma chakra is the spiritual heart which is the abode of Goddess Mahalaxmi. It is variously described as a lotus with 8, 16, or 1000 petals, being golden, red, or white of colour; inside of the lotus there are circular regions of the sun, moon, and fire, and in the centre of the Chakra, there are a whishing-tree (kalpavriksha), a throne consisting of Matrika letters (symbolizing the spiritual heart of the aspirant) on which he/she should place his or her Ishtadevata in meditation, and an altar. Once opened, it attracts peace, harmony and abundance in the wearer’s life.

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